Mariposa tara // Ascalapha odorata #30

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Continuing with the work of investigation and photographic papers of the small natural world and of other spaces, this work of photographic papers, in this opportunity I had the honor in having in my hands a big butterfly of the species that calls butterfly tare, Ascalapha odorata which following reading friend belongs to: I reign: Animalia, Knife-edge: Arthropoda, Class: Unsect, Order: Lepidopterous, the particular of these animals is that the females can overcome the 12 17 cm long, where in the top part of his wings it is a coffee with small tracks of purple and pink, in case of the males they are smaller and dark, for this occasion of my investigation he is males for his dimensions. A very important point in which head office to know on this species, that also that possesses scale, wing, it is for it for which they are an order of insects holometábolos, almost always flying, known commonly as butterflies, is for it for which it makes it fascinating.


This is a very singular animal because from his young cycle it is a species and then it experiences a process of metamorphosis on the other hand it takes root to evolve to the state of butterfly, since his larva’s go unnoticed much they are known as caterpillars and feed typically of vegetable matter. Additional to it it has following pickpocket as part of his physiognomy in the one that has two pairs of membranous covered wings of colored scales, which they use in the termorregulación, the courtship and the signalling separates also it has his mouth device, it is of type a proboscis having the form of provided with a long horn that chatters in spiral, thanks for possessing this structure, they feed normally of the nectar of flowers, it does not have sense that jaws or teeth have.

Bracket (crochete): series of hooks esclerosados, in different arrangements (tiers, circles, etc), found in the pseudopaws of the larvas of the lepidopterous ones. Information consulted in immature States of insects of the orders Ocoleoptera, Dipteral by Daniel Coto Alfaro, 1998.


Other characteristics that this species possesses it possesses a thorax it is the segment behind the head of the body of the butterfly, thanks to this this structure it can lodge the muscles of the wings, since it are where there join the wings and three pairs of paws, in reference to his eyes it does that this species is very singular, that grace to which his eyes omatidios are formed by thousands of small called eyes, where every ommatidio has his optical nerve and crystalline sound.


Also the structure of this species demonstrates the following thing inside, where the head, thorax and abdomen is included, it serves him principally for the reproduction, but it contains also the intestine and the heart, for the case of the females this account with the following thing: the abdomen is provided with an ovipositor that serves for the putting of the eggs, After the matching the males can prevent the female from having a new coitus stopping up his genitalia with a sticky secretion, studies verified that the development is holometábolo, that is because of the egg there goes out a larva or caterpillar that will transform in cold sore and this one will lead to the adult and The larva they are fitófagas.

This work of investigation and papers photographic was realized by the camera of my J4 of models of cellular Samsung, in the way of HD, for @newton666.


[1] - lepidopterous: in annual and perennial farmings: manual of recognition for Daniel Coto Alfaro, 1997.

[2] - immature States of insects of the orders Ocoleoptera, Dipteral by Daniel Coto Alfaro, 1998.

