[Esp//Eng] Alegria // Joy

ser personas alegres lograrà en nosotros un aura amena que permitira el libre transito de todo tipo de comunicación de manera eficaz, una sonrisa dice mas que mil palabras cuando viene del corazon, la alegria es un color, una nota musical capaz de hacer con una sonrisa los cambios mas drasticos en los entornos sociales donde lo que se perciba sea todo lo contrario, tristeza y nostalgia, la alegria es un estado que se consigue al conectar con lo maravilloso del día a día, permitiendonos relacionarnos con el todo de manera natural.

tenemos que poner nuestro enfoque en los futuros cientificamente posibles de mayor evolución de la mano de una Fé en lo que aun no se ha visto para poder sentirnos realizados y en consonancia con nosotros mismos, un ejercicio fundamental para desarrollar este enfoque es saber nuestra mision, vision y valores, con el tiempo estos tres conceptos haran metamorfosis y la idea es que lo hagan, aunque no tengamos idea de ello siempre estamos escogiendo algo, lo mejor es hacer consciente lo que se esta escogiendo al día de hoy.

Celebremos la alegría como la pintura o la tela mas hermosa para ver y vestir.

Los martes son dias de dar clases, hoy con mis alumnos estudiamos El paralelismo entre notas musicales y colores, nos faltaba El indigo, que representa la nota "La" sin embargo continuamos con la actividad con nuestros otros seis colores.

Aunque son classes de musica me enfoco de manera integral, a traves de una actividad dónde podamos usar los Cinco sentidos y poder comprender en Todo su esplendor El arte y la expresion.

Un ambiente alegre permite la receptividad del mensaje dentro del area en cuestion, si este espacio es un salon de clases la alegria fomentara a sacarle mejor provecho a cada momento de la clase.




Being happy people will achieve in us a pleasant aura that will allow the free transit of all types of communication effectively, a smile says more than a thousand words when it comes from the heart, joy is a color, a musical note capable of making with a smile the most drastic changes in social environments where what is perceived is the opposite, sadness and nostalgia, joy is a state that is achieved by connecting with the wonderful of everyday life, allowing us to relate to the whole in a natural way.

we have to put our focus on the scientifically possible future of greater evolution of the hand of a Faith in what has not yet been seen in order to feel fulfilled and in line with ourselves, a fundamental exercise to develop this approach is to know our mission, vision and values, over time these three concepts will metamorphosis and the idea is that they do it, although we have no idea about it we are always choosing something, it is best to make aware what is being chosen today.

Let's celebrate joy as the most beautiful painting or fabric to see and dress.

Tuesdays are days of teaching, today with my students we study The parallelism between musical notes and colors, we were missing The indigo, which represents the note "The" however we continue with the activity with our other six colors.

Although they are music classes I focus in an integral way, through an activity where we can use the Five senses and be able to understand in all its splendor Art and expression.

A cheerful atmosphere allows the receptivity of the message within the area in question, if this space is a classroom, joy will encourage you to take better advantage of each moment of the class.
