Graphene Oxide Democide: How can We Protect Ourselves from Poisoning and 5g? - ArtLoft Blog - Part 3


Continued from Part 2


And then, in the same period, humanity was unobtrusively poisoned with toxic graphene oxide/iron oxide nanoparticles in anti-flu syringes, as well as in masks, PCR tests, meat, presumably also in carbon hygiene articles and God knows what else, as well as with radiation in the microwave range. And there you have it, the viral pandemic – “solved” with further Graphene Oxide poisoning by multiple syringes. The particularly diabolical thing is that they manipulated us into poisoning ourselves. Otherwise, of course, this democide would not have been logistically feasible and would never have gone so well for so long. The doctor who administers the injection to his patients is actually in the belief that he is protecting the person, because he has no idea that there is something else in it than what is conveyed by the pharmaceutical company and the scientific literature. Namely, in the carrier fluid of the lipid particle itself, which most medical professionals are not even interested in. The patient believes that he is doing the only right thing for himself and others, because that is exactly what he is told by the authorities and his fellow human beings. In reality, he is committing slow suicide. The guy in the test centre is also convinced that he is making the world a little better and has no idea that he is helping to keep things going. The person wearing a mask has no idea what is inside and that he is harming himself with it. He simply assumes that everything will be alright and he does not want to be disapproved of by his fellow human beings – so he simply puts it on. Until after a while a conditioning sets in and he doesn’t even think about it – one just does it automatically. After all, one has “better things to do” than to seriously deal with these issues. Most employees of Vodafone, T-Mobile and co. assume that the technologies they sell are safe and their financial survival depends on not questioning that too much. The builders of the 5G towers don’t know they’re setting up weapons… until they themselves get sick and their mouths are shut. The veterinarian who vaccinates farm animals assumes that the vaccines are clean, he is just doing his job and he has no idea that he is poisoning millions of people. How much work would he save if he could convince some cows to give the other cows the shot? Like the cabal conditioned their sheep to inject other sheep?

The needle-less spray guns for the human farm are already in the starting blocks
The average citizen does not know that Pfizer, Biontech, Moderna and Astrazeneca all get their (contaminated) PEG solutions for vaccine development from the same two manufacturers. The US company Merckmillipore and the Chinese company Sinopeg (Johnsson & Johnsson I could not find out, but probably also Merck). Read here. And here.

You only have to control the production chain of these two companies and you manage to poison billions of people without anyone suspecting anything. And presumably both buy their graphene oxide from Nanografi. Neither the vaccine manufacturers themselves (although the top management of these companies are certainly part of the conspiracy), nor the doctors who administer these injections, nor the journalist of the public media, nor your favourite politician or the Robert Koch Institute can find out anything about it. And certainly not the average citizen. How could they? Everyone is just doing their job, their expertise, and assumes that the others are also doing their best. What is actually in the solution itself is of no interest to anyone.

“But something like that would come out, wouldn’t it?” It did! Thanks to two brave scientists from Spain who, unlike their colleagues, took the videos of magnetised people seriously, therefore started targeted investigations and published them on their site “La Quinta Columna”. Thanks to them, the cat is now out of the bag. It got the ball rolling and more doctors and whistleblowers came forward. There is now also a small Luxembourg study that investigated and confirmed the phenomenon of magnetised people. Read here.

Thirty out of thirty randomly selected vaccinated people (Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Moderna and Johnsson & Johnsson) showed varying degrees of changes in the physical magnetic field. In contrast, zero out of thirty unvaccinated people showed these effects. Originally, 100 per group were planned, but the study had to be stopped prematurely because the leaders of the study could no longer bear the extremely shocked and panic-stricken reactions of the vaccinated (shock, trembling, pallor, anger). Only the mass media cannot report on this, because they are only allowed to quote the RKI, John Hopkins and the corrupt WHO. And it would also be an extremely unpleasant and legally incriminating admission on their part. After all, without WHO, RKI and the public media, no one would have allowed themselves to be given these toxic injections! What must not be, simply cannot be. And that is why it is not reported.

And that’s why it can go on, because the masses don’t notice anything and they continue to run blindly into their doom. After all, they were told to run there and everyone else did too, so it’ll be fine. And even if they look death in the eye, they will not understand (want) what happened to them. The few who know and turn around won’t be enough to make a difference. And made them second-class citizens for their decision.


And of course one tries to limit the access to means that actually help to counteract this poisoning or at least to recognize it (stricter regulation of NAC by the FDA and required ban of neodyum magnets by the NHS). And at the same time, the global physical stress caused by electromagnetic radiation was expanded by a further frequency range in the same period. Something that has often correlated with pandemics in the past.

Learn from their past Pandemics

There was a major pandemic exactly 100 years before this one. As the saying goes, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it definitely rhymes.” The Spanish flu was the deadliest pandemic in modern history. Between 1918 and 1919, it killed about 50 million people worldwide in three waves. From today’s perspective, the cause was supposedly a particularly aggressive and highly contagious mutation of the influenza virus, which also “inexplicably” killed mainly young adults to this day, but there is a great deal about the whole story that is not true at all. This flu had nothing to do with Spanish people, nor has the virus that caused it ever been detected. Let’s take a closer look at the story.

Shortly after the pandemic, an experiment was conducted with 62 healthy NAVY volunteers at a Boston-Harvard prison on Gallops Island. The goal was to better understand how influenza viruses spread in order to better respond to pandemics in the future. But the scientists were shocked. According to author Arthor Firstenberg (“The Invisible Rainbow”), the outbreak actually began in the US at the Naval Radio School of Cambridge Massachusetts with the first 400 cases. These young men had very large exposures to radio waves. A fact we will come back to later.


This infection study was conducted by the US Navy and the US Pulic Health Service and consisted of Dr G.Mckoy, Dr Joseph Goldburger, Dr Leak, Dr Lake and the US Navy came with Dr Jay Keagon, Dr Dwayne Richie and the author of the study Dr Milton J. Rosenau. Read here.

Most of the volunteers were men aged 18 -25, only a small number were 30, and all were in good physical condition. A few of them were given a culture of Haemophilius Influenzae in their nostrils (the term influenza virus did not catch on at the time). But the results were negative and no one got sick. The study authors became bolder and more determined and injected another 13 influenza strains into another 19 volunteers. No one got sick. The idea then was to infect healthy sailors directly with the excretions of men who had severe cases of influenza and came from different severely affected areas. Muccus was removed from the nostrils and throats of the sick and placed in the noses of the healthy with a swab. A nasal and throat spray was also used and eye drops to put the pathogens directly into the eye was also used. The men were kept on the island for a whole week and closely examined for symptoms that could indicate influenza. But none could be detected. This procedure was carried out twice or three times on most of the sailors – always with the same result. After that, the doctors moved on to direct blood transfusions. About 10cc from sick patients were injected into the healthy volunteers. Infection trials certainly can’t get any more invasive than that and yet, to quote Rosenau, “None of them got sick in any way”. They tried 3.5cc in 10 other volunteers, but again no one got sick. Just to be on the safe side, ten of the sailors were taken to the US Navy hospital in Chelsea in a room full of people who were dying of flu symptoms. They had to get close to them, inhale their exhalations directly, talk at close range for five minutes, and then the sick people also had to cough five times in a row directly into the volunteer’s face. Rosenau described the protocol as follows:

“The volunteer was placed at the bedside of the patient and was introduced. They shook hands and, as instructed, the volunteer moved as close to the patient as he could comfortably get and they talked for five minutes. At the end of the conversation, the patient exhaled as hard as he could and the volunteer, snout to snout, so about four centimetres apart as instructed, inhaled the patient’s exhalation. They repeated this five times and were quite faithful in all cases. After doing this five times, the patient coughed five different times into the volunteer’s face. I should mention that the volunteers were perfectly splashed after performing the technique of the experiment. After our volunteer had this kind of contact, shaking hands, talking, inhaling his breath five times and getting his cough directly into his face five times, we moved him to the next patient and repeated the whole thing. We repeated this with ten different cases of patients with influenza virus at different stages of the disease. Most of them were in an early stage, so they hadn’t been sick for more than three days. We recall that each of the ten volunteers had this contact with all ten patients. They were followed closely for seven days and none became ill in any way.”

Dr. Milton J. Rosenau
If one were ever looking for a way to get the flu, this experiment would certainly be suitable. If this were really a contagious disease, then one would expect that all or at least most of the test persons would develop at least mild symptoms. I mean, you can’t provoke an infection more clearly and directly than in this experiment. The only problem was that all 62 volunteers remained completely healthy, not a single one had an effect. So the doctors had to think hard about what it means to have the flu. So Drs. Richie and McKoy repeated the experiment on Goat Island (Alkatratz) in the San Francisco Bay Area with 50 prisoners. Again they could not infect anyone, although they did their best to do so. The doctors were now at a loss. How did people get these viruses into their bodies and how did their bodies get this disease if it wasn’t through the exchange of bodily fluids through physical contact? Rosenau had this to say about it:

“In fact, we started the outbreak with the idea that we knew what caused the disease, and we were pretty sure that it was transmitted from person to person. If we’ve learned anything, it may be that we’re not entirely sure what we know about the disease.”

So could it be environmental sources of toxicity and stress that destroyed the health of these men? We now know that the number of cases thought to be caused by contagion are actually the result of poisoning. Often symptoms are not caused by what we think is causing them. For example, as the authors of Virus Mania tell us, in 1878 the neurologist Albert Vulpian discovered that dogs poisoned with lead showed the same symptoms as people suffering from polio. Read here.

Five years later, in 1883, the Russian researcher Miezeyeski Popov discovered that the same paralysis could be produced by gradual arsenic poisoning. In 1894, a sharp increase in polio cases was noted in Massachusetts, due to the introduction of lead and arsenic pesticides two years earlier in the area. This lead hydrogen arsenate naturally contains heavy metals. Read here.


Dr Charles Caverly, who was in charge of the tests, claimed that a toxin was more likely than a virus and stated emphatically that “we are certainly not dealing with a contagious disease”. To illustrate the point, in 1951 Irwin Eskwith successfully cured a child suffering from cranial nerve damage – bulbar paralysis, a particularly severe form of polio – with dimercaprol, a detoxifying substance that binds heavy metals such as arsenic and lead.

Dr. Charles Caverly
To get back to the flu experiments of Rosenau et al: As soon as we remove from our minds the misconceptions of contagious viruses, everything becomes clearer and clearer. Influenza is not the result of microbes being exchanged between people. Once we understand that stress and toxicity are almost always at the root of disease, what caused the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918/1919? Well historical context is usually important: in 1918, the First World War had already been raging for four years. The stress and hardship it caused during this time was unbearable. The conditions in the trenches for the soldiers were nothing but deplorable. Often forgotten is the fact that it was mainly soldiers who were affected by the flu. Over a million US soldiers were affected, over 26% of their troops; German troops suffered over 700,000 cases. But the war was only one aspect of the stress on millions of people at the time. Another factor was the mass poisoning of soldiers through mass vaccination. No one was vaccinated as often as the US soldiers. All soldiers received a series of vaccinations against various diseases they thought they were likely to get, including rabies, typhoid, diphtheria and smallpox. Another contributing factor was the medicine used to treat the sick and wounded. As medical doctor and vaccine researcher Elenor McBean wrote in Swine Flu Expose in 1977, it was a common expression during the war that more people died from “vaccine shots” than from enemy gunfire. Read here.

That, combined with the toxic treatment in hospital, made recovery almost impossible in too many cases. Had it not been for young strong men, they would all have died from the mass poisoning of the army. Killed troops had to be replaced and so they lowered the entry requirements into the army. What co-authors Dawin Lester and David Parker make clear in “What really makes you ill” is that the lower standards meant that newer recruits were less healthy and robust and therefore more susceptible to the toxicity of medicine, vaccines and, on top of that, the draining conditions of combat. One factor is rarely mentioned in the historical discussion of so-called pandemics. And that is the crucial role of stress and psychological trauma in weakening the harmonious functioning of the human mind-body complex.

In addition to the well-known physical condition of the “shell shock” that was triggered by trauma in World War I, the “pandemic” that started towards the end could even have been triggered by trauma
World wars have a power to cause emotional stress and raw fear of survival that is unsurpassed. Then there were bio-chemical diseases and sewage. Today it is undeniable that the psyche has a massive influence on the body and manages to create physical symptoms out of seemingly nothing. The Austrian psychotherapist Alfred Adler was probably the first to grasp this fact, even when Freud was only halfway there. And this fact is no clearer than in the science of the “German New Medicine” which understands well this connection between the psyche and physical illness. Read here.

Now the invocation of the Haemophilius Influenzea Baccilus and later the influenza virus under the ever mutating dogma of the germ theory was of course a convenient way for the quacks to divert attention from their very significant role of their iatrogenesis. Read here.


People seem to forget that it has long been well established that every time doctors go on strike (no matter when or where in the world) and stop working, the death toll in hospitals goes down, not up! Read here. Many think this is a paradoxical result, but when you consider that in modern orthodox medicine they often over-prescribe operations, which always carry a risk, and usually only administer highly toxic chemicals for treatment, which often do not optimally support the physical healing process, but rather hinder it, one is not surprised.

Well, there were many cases of thypus fever in soldiers, which was of course embarrassing for the medical profession, because all these soldiers had received the thypus vaccine. It is likely that many of these cases were labelled as flu, just as many vaccine-induced cases of polio fell under less condemning medical terms such as AFP disease, Gullian-Barre syndrome etc. Then, of course, there was the bizzare episode of “European sleeping sickness”, or encephalitis lethargica, which occurred in epidemic proportions at the same time as the Spanish flu between 1915 and 1927. Read here.

A singular event of a disease that never occurred before and never again? Was it a coincidence that it began during the influenza outbreak that occurred during the war? Sleeping sickness affected about a million people, mainly in Europe and North America, and killed about a third of them. Sufferers suddenly fell asleep in the most uncomfortable positions, and when they regained consciousness they had to struggle with headaches, nausea and fever. Paralysis of the eye muscles and eyelids was common, and in severe cases rapid death followed.

In the 1950s, when chlorpromazine was developed and marketed as the first neuroleptic drug under the name “Thorazine”, it was found by French psychiatrists, as Doctor Peter Breggin tells us, that even small doses produced a neurological disease similar to abnormal encephalitis lethargia, the cause of which was thought by germ theorists to be a microbe.


As Annie Riley Hale makes clear in her book “The Medical Voodoo” (1935): Read here.

“In the British Journal of experimental phalogy of August 1926, two well-known London professors, Dr Turnbils and Dr Macintosh, reported several cases of sleeping sickness after vaccination which they had observed. This led to the establishment of two commissions: To investigate the extent of such occurrences in England and Wales. Their reports, published in 1928, revealed 231 cases of this sleeping sickness after vaccination and 39 deaths. Similar investigations yielded more or less similar results in all war-torn countries. The Dutch government, which recorded 139 cases with 41 deaths, repealed its vaccination law, which it had relied on for almost a century. Even the US Department of Health and Human Services, which is extremely reticent on such matters, admits to “85 cases of probable or proven encephalitis following vaccination” for the period 1922 to 1931. It is worth noting, by the way, that most, if not all, of the reported post-vaccination encephalitis cases followed the typhoid vaccination for which such claims were made, and there are, of course, countless cases that were never reported.”

Annie Riley Hale
But the typhoid shot was not the only problem. The smallpox vaccine has also been linked to cases of ecephalitis, as have many of today’s “safe and effective” vaccines. As we are told in the book “Virus Mania” by Thorsten Egelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein internal bleeding of the lungs was a commonly seen symptom of Spanish flu. A phenomenon that was also frequently seen after chickenpox vaccinations. Read here.

A frequently observed symptom of the Spanish flu was internal bleeding in the lungs (typical, for example, of tuberculosis patients) – a phenomenon that has also been described as a consequence of smallpox vaccination. 153 to be exact." In fact, numerous sources report that mass vaccinations (up to 24 vaccinations per person) contributed decisively to the pandemic. American author Eleanora McBean recounts her own experience: “All the doctors and people who were alive at the time of the Spanish flu in 1918 say that it was the most terrible disease the world ever had. Strong men, hale and hearty, were well up and healthy one day and dead the next. The disease had the hallmarks of the Black Death, plus typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox, paralysis and all the diseases that people had been vaccinated against immediately after the post-World War 1." Virtually the entire population was vaccinated with a dozen or more diseases – or toxic serums. When all these doctor-generated diseases broke out at once, it was tragic. “This pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive by the addition of more toxic drugs, administered by doctors trying to suppress the symptoms. And as far as I could find out, the flu only affected those who were vaccinated. Those who had refused the vaccinations were spared the flu. My family had refused all vaccinations, and so we remained healthy all the time. We knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden and others that you cannot contaminate the body with poisons without causing disease.

When the flu was at its peak, all the shops, schools, businesses and even the hospital were closed because the doctors and nurses had also been vaccinated and were suffering from the flu. No one was on the streets. It was like a ghost town. We seemed to be the only family that didn’t come down with the flu, so my parents went from house to house doing what they could to take care of the sick, because it was impossible to get a doctor at that time. If it was possible for germs, bacteria, viruses or bacilli to cause illness, they had plenty of opportunity to attack my parents when they spent many hours a day in the sickrooms. But they didn’t get flu, and they didn’t bring home germs that could attack us children and cause anything. No one in our family had the flu – not even a cold – and that was in winter when the snow was deep. When I see people wince when someone near them sneezes or coughs, I wonder how long it will take them to figure out that they can’t catch it – whatever it is. The only way they can get a disease is to develop it themselves by eating wrong, drinking wrong, smoking wrong or doing other things that cause internal poisoning and reduced vitality."


All diseases are preventable and most of them are curable with the right methods, which are not known to doctors, and not all drugless doctors know them either.

It is said that the 1918 flu epidemic killed 20 million people worldwide. But in reality it was the doctors who killed them with their crude and deadly treatments and medicines. This is a harsh accusation, but it is nevertheless true when you compare the success of the drug-free doctors compared to those of these doctors. While the medics and the medical hospitals lost 33% of their flu cases, the non-medical hospitals like Battle Creek, Kellogg and MacFadden’s HealthRestorium with their water cures, baths, enemas etc., fasting and certain other simple cures, followed by carefully devised diets of natural foods. One medical practitioner did not lose a single patient in eight years.

If doctors had been as progressive as the drug-free doctors, there would not have been those 20 million deaths from medical flu treatment.

There were seven times more diseases among the vaccinated soldiers than among the unvaccinated civilians, and they were the diseases they were vaccinated against. A soldier who had returned from overseas in 1912 told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases of polio [infantile paralysis] and he wondered why grown men should have a childhood disease. Today we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of vaccine poisoning. Those who stayed at home didn’t get the paralysis until after the worldwide vaccination campaign of 1918.

The vaccination cult blinds itself to the fact that today’s would be significantly safer. Annie Riley Hale continues in Medical Voodoo:

The astonishing number of illnesses and deaths among them occurred among the ‘chosen men of the nation’ – supposedly the most robust, hardy class of all, all of whom presumably brought with them a good pair of lungs, since they must have passed a rigorous physical examination by competent medical men.” And yet these very supermen with superlungs were the ones who died like flies from pulmonary tuberculosis.

When you then consider that most of the deaths from tuberculosis in American Army troops were at home in camps that never crossed the border, and whose damage was therefore not due to gas bombs and wartime use of graves. Then the case against immunising hyperdermics as the author of their ills is pretty complete.” (in other words it was vaccine poisoning)


So why have the germ-technologists kept our eyes fixed on a virus, when an honest look at what happened leads to a completely different conclusion? The 1918 pandemic had a number of causes and none had anything to do with supposedly contagious viruses. These factors included stress and trauma, massive use of toxins, massive use of vaccines and toxic drugs, terrible living conditions including malnutrition in the combat zones, plus many soldiers smoked and their food was of notoriously poor quality, despite the fact that the first food safety laws were passed in the years just before the First World War after a long struggle between chemists, government and the food industry. Until then, the industry’s food was pure poison and hardly edible. Here is a fascinating documentary on the subject.

Damage to the windpipes from rubbing antiseptic preparations down the throats or inhaling antibacterial solutions. Chemical exposure to chlorine or chlorine-containing substances, e.g. gases such as phosgene or mustard gas. Nitroglycerine was also used during the First World War and caused respiratory problems, headaches, weakness, nausea and vomiting as Nicholas Ashford also tells us in the excellent “Chemical Exposures: Low Level High Stakes”. See here.

The increased need for weapons of war also caused more metal welding, welding galvanised metal caused zinc oxide fumes to be inhaled, causing flu-like symptoms such as fever, coughing, breathing difficulties and weakness.

And then, of course, we must not forget the main cause: Radio waves and EMF exposure!


I quote Arthur Firstenberg’s “The invisible Rainbow”:

This epidemic spread over England and then over the western world and then gradually began to stabilise until the end of the First World War in 1918 when the armies equipped themselves with very powerful radio transmitters and thus triggered, as we have seen, the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Which actually started in the US at the Naval Radio School of Cambridge Massachusetts with the first 400 cases." And that epidemic quickly spread to 1127 soldiers at Camp Funston in Kansas where these transmitters were also installed. Read here.

What amazed the doctors was that while only 15% of the civilian population had nosebleeds, 40% of the Navy had nosebleeds. Other bleeding also happened and one third of the deaths there died of haemorrhage (internal bleeding) of the lungs or brain. In fact, the composition of the blood was altered because the measured clotting time was more than twice as long as normal. These symptoms are incompatible with the so-called effects of influenza virus respiratory disease, but entirely consistent with the destructive effects of electricity. Another unusual feature was that two-thirds of the victims were healthy young people. Another atypical flu symptom was that the pulse rate slowed to between 36 and 48. This is a common result of exposure to electromagnetic fields. In addition, it was possible to successfully treat some sufferers by administering high doses of calcium. Military physician Dr. George A. Soper testified that “the virus spread faster than the speed of human movement.” In other words, this is physically impossible, so it clearly has nothing to do with a virus.

George Soper

Various experiments have been conducted to infect subjects, either through direct contact with the sick or through administration with mucus or blood, but the experiments have not been able to prove transmission of any kind (as shown at the beginning of this section). Read here.

We can thus observe that each new influenza pandemic correlates with a new advance in electronic technology, such as the Asian flu pandemic of 1957/1958 (1-4 million deaths) which followed the installation of a powerful RADAR surveillance system and killed mainly pregnant women, children and the elderly. Read here.

Or the outbreak of the Hong Kong flu pandemic of 1968/1969 (also 1-4 million deaths); which followed the deployment of 28 military satellites for surveillance. Read here.

Similar connections can be made to pretty much every new electromagnetic frequency, from radio to 5G, that has been used to pollute our environment. Whether this becomes a new major pandemic, or just a “stronger flu wave”, will ultimately be determined by the focus of media coverage, in addition to frequency. Is that why people like Gates, Schwab and Co. are constantly announcing that more pandemics will come in the future, because 6G and 7G are already in the starting blocks? By 2030 at the latest, 6G will have been implemented worldwide. Read here. And the Center for Global Development, a think tank that develops vaccines in cooperation with the Gates Foundation, has already calculated that there is a 22-28% probability of another pandemic of this magnitude in 10 years and a 47-57% probability in the next 25 years. Read here.

Medical neglect, ignorance and arrogance were much more likely to be the culprits of the Spanish flu pandemic than any contagious viruses. Viruses are not infectious pathogens. They are misunderstood, endogenously produced, sub-cellular entities that are useful to YOUR body and completely inactive and useless outside it. They HEAL your body from this toxic stress, absorb this toxicity and then are excreted by the body (through coughing and runny nose). That’s all it is! You cannot get the flu from someone else, you can only create it yourself through toxins, stress and internal psycho-biological conflict in the body. Think back: how many times was there a stressful or emotionally upsetting period before you got sick? The cellular components of some protein and RNA that have been called “viruses” are nothing more than the “clean-up crew” of the cellular urinary signalling system (exosomes) that respond to such stressors. They are symptoms and reactions, not causes.

Just as firefighters do not start fires, although they are encountered at every major fire. However, prospective medical students are taught that this outpouring of helpers is the real cause of cellular stress (and subsequent death). And at first glance, this looks very logical. Since the actual cause is invisible and can stress any human being, and for that matter any animal, on a cellular level from anywhere, the germ theory was borrowed from bacteria in order to have a plausible explanation for the disease patterns. It was extended by the assertion that the invisible viruses can also spread through the air, just like the electromagnetic frequencies. These viruses do not jump from animal to human, because these animals are simply in the same electromagnetic smog as we are and react to it in exactly the same way. As soon as body reactions to the same frequencies develop similar to those observed in an animal, they have been “transmitted”. We are electromagnetic beings, through and through. The true cause was never allowed to come to light, because these electromagnetic technologies were and are today more than ever such an incredibly important tool for our enslavement. Furthermore, of course, they have always served population control. And any weapon is most effective when the target being attacked does not understand what weapon it is actually being attacked by.

When did science become dogma? Why don’t we start taking personal responsibility over our health instead of putting our health in the hands of scientific communities and corporations? It is a deliberately disempowering mindset that is being pushed on people. A mask protects you from flu just as well as a bicycle helmet protects you from cancer – there is no correlation. Disease and health are internal processes. They are the result of your relationship with the environment, starting with your psyche, lifestyle and habits.

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.” (Corinthians 3:19)


Then I found this video. It is a recording of a small 8mm cartoon film “How to take over the World” from 1920 and it shows the truth about the Spanish flu pandemic. As I said, they always have to tell the truth. The devil spread propaganda and closed shops and churches to “sterilise the work-shy and euthanise the old” through vaccination. Nothing new under the sun. Some say it’s from today and fake, because many of the animations were stolen from other cartoons of the time and put together. It’s possible, and I don’t rule it out completely, but this was a common practice among cartoonists at the time (reusing animation templates) to save time, and Disney did it that way in all their films until the 1970s. There were no computers back then and creating animation was time consuming and expensive. This is not definitive proof that it was not actually created in this period.


The AI-Nanotechnology-Body Connection

So you see they are just continuing what they have been doing for the last century: weakening our minds and bodies through stress, trauma, toxins and electro-magnetic radiation, making us infertile and fatally ill. The small but crucial difference is how elaborate and advanced their modern weapons are today. All their more or less successful aims of previous population control measures of decimation and mind control are now becoming accomplished and final facts through nanoparticles, genetic technologies, microwaves and artificial intelligence. All these technologies have not existed on this deployable scale for long. And every time I see this advertisement from the computer chip manufacturer Intel and Lady Gaga, I get the feeling that here Lucifer is speaking to us through his black witch Gaga, announcing that he is now ready and has all the technologies he needs for the transformation process. The black cube/hexagon symbolism is obvious, but pay close attention to what she is saying.

I have the potential to imagine the unimaginable, to think the unthinkable, to say the unsayable.

A clear message to God to undermine his rules and limitations in this earth’s costume.

With the arsenal of the world’s leading technologies at my fingertips, I now have the ability to invent the unfathomable. […] and remind the world of the seeds of innovation. The wizard behind the curtain, the mind behind the machine.

He now has all the technology he needs to break what must never be broken: free will (Hive Mind) and the dimensional barriers of our reality (CERN). At the same time, Gaga reminds us that Lucifer (the angel of light) is meant here by panning the camera to the opening of a (light) portal. He is the wizard behind the curtain (Wizard of Oz allusion), he is the seed of innovation that provided mankind with all these technological developments of the last 50 years and he will also be the spirit behind the machine. The artificial intelligence to which all brains will be connected. As the camera moves towards the gate, a cloud of nanoparticles floats along. The second commercial is similar: black cube symbolism and clearly ambiguous communication.

I want to do something new. Something unimagined. And touch the world in a way I couldn’t have touched it before.

It goes through the light and leaves the cube construct into another dimesion.

On a journey to new possibilities. And it all starts here. On the biggest stage in music.

As she does so, you see an explosion in her eye and a tear runs down her face. I think that represents the collapse of our world (music’s biggest stage).

With Intel’s technology at my fingertips, EVERYTHING will change.

She touches the cube and it turns into a portal with her. Through all this technology he now has the ability to change all the laws of this reality and open a portal to collapse this construct.

And nanotechnology is the most important of all these, because it has a hugely supportive effect on the other technologies.

“This more radical form of nanotechnology originated in the mind of an M.I.T. graduate in the mid-1970s. Kim Eric Drexler was specialising in theories of space travel and space colonisation in college when he first came up with the idea of using DNA to make computers. But why stop there? He soon realised that the biological “machinery” already responsible for all the diversity of life on Earth could be adapted to make non-living products on command. Molecule-sized machines, originally derived from those found in nature, could be used to produce just about anything man could desire. All.

Drexler, who began developing these theories before hearing about Feynman’s lecture, first published his ideas in a journal article in 1981. Five years later, he made the idea of molecular manufacturing known to a broad public with his book Engines of Creation. This stunningly original futuristic work presented Drexler’s nanotech theories and showed how nanotechnology would revolutionise other areas of science and technology – leading to breakthroughs in medicine, artificial intelligence and the conquest of space.” (The New Atlantis)

But what about the superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles(Fe3O4), the so-called SPIONs, that I described in the article before last. Not those after all? Or maybe both? Well, if you search for graphene oxide and SPION together, you will indeed find what you are looking for and it makes clear that both could indeed be in the syringes. The combination of these two nano-substances has already been studied often and in detail.


For example, in this study called “Multifunctional graphene oxide/iron oxide nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery using dual magnetic resonance/fluorescence imaging and cancer detection”. These things are always about targeted delivery and placement. But this study is about something else: Read here.

Graphene oxide (GO) has recently attracted a lot of attention in biomedicine as an effective platform for biological sensing, tissue scaffolds and in vitro fluorescence imaging. However, the modality of targeting and the ability of in vivo detection have not yet been explored. To improve the functionality of GO, we combine it with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs), which serve as biocompatible magnetic drug additives and magnetic resonance contrast agents for MRI. The synthesised GO-Fe3O4 conjugates have an average size of 260 nm and show low cytotoxicity comparable to that of GO. Fe3O4 nanoparticles offer superparamagnetic properties for targeted drug delivery, allowing easy manipulation by magnetic field and magnetic resonance imaging with high r2/r1 relaxivity ratios of ~10.7. GO-Fe3O4 retains the pH sensing capability of GO used in this work to detect cancer compared to healthy environments in vitro and exhibits visible range fluorescence for bioimaging. As a drug delivery platform, GO-Fe3O4 shows successful fluorescence-tracked transport of hydrophobic doxorubicin non-covalently conjugated to GO, with substantial loading and 2.5-fold improved efficacy. As a result, we propose GO-Fe3O4 nanoparticles as a novel multifunctional magnetic targeting platform for highly effective drug delivery that can be tracked in vitro by GO fluorescence and in vivo by MRI for optical cancer detection.

So the graphene oxide is more of a platform with which other nanoparticles can be combined and it can visualise the delivery by fluorescence. I have found several studies describing a similar combination of graphene oxide and superparamagent iron oxide particles. For example here, here, here or here.

It is also only possible to control the neurons of the brain with the graphene itself. The company INBRAIN Neuroelectronics secured $17 million in investor funding in 2019 to develop the Graphene-based neuron Ki interface.

INBRAIN’s less invasive graphene electrodes take advantage of some of these properties, enabling ultra-high signal resolution at unprecedented levels. The INBRAIN system’s machine learning software detects therapy-specific biomarkers to deliver highly focused, adaptive neuromodulation therapy that is personalised for each patient.

This, of course, is intended to help epilepsy and Parkinson’s patients….

The company, which incidentally is also funded by the Graphene Flagship, of course has Hive-Mind and Great Reset symbolism in its logo.


To clarify once again: I am not suggesting that INBRAIN Neuroelectronics has any nefarious intentions or that they are involved in vaccines. Like any technology, graphene-based biocircuits can be used for both good and evil, depending on the ethics and motivations of those who control the technology. There are undoubtedly very positive applications for this technology, but as with most technologies once touted as humanity’s achievement – television, vaccines, the internet, nuclear power, robotics, etc. – they all end up in the hands of crazed, genocidal globalists who use them as weapons against humanity. In other words, there is no technology that madmen will not exploit to enslave humanity and increase their own power and control. Graphene biocircuits give power-hungry maniacs direct access to your brain, and according to many analysts, vaccines provide the pretext for injecting human victims with graphene-based substances that self-assemble into biocircuits in the human brain.

This detailed scientific paper clearly demonstrates how far the development of integrating the very conductive and highly ingrative graphene into neurons has already progressed. It also describes how the external heating of the nanoparticles and thus the activation of the neurons is possible from a distance by magnetism or microwave radiation, just like with SPIONs. In other words: remote mind control via the transmitting antennas in the microwave spectrum (5G). Read here.

Full Original article here


The average person alive today has little idea of how far the development of self-assembling nanotech biocircuits has progressed. So-called “factcheckers” (professional propagandists and liars) deliberately mislead people into thinking that there is no such thing as a graphene-based, self-assembling biocircuit system that injects people and could be called a “vaccine”, but the published scientific literature contains an extensive, well-documented body of research showing that this technology is quite real and has been tested in biological systems for at least two decades.

A “self-organising” system means that a person is injected with instructions that initiate a process whereby a structure is built in the body using the resources available in the blood (such as iron and oxygen atoms). In effect, nanotech self-assembly means that a microchip does not need to be ‘injected’ into a person, as the circuits can be assembled in vivo after injection.

Incidentally, every biological creature on Earth is a living example of self-assembly, since DNA is a self-assembled nanostructure. Genetic replication is of course also a process based on self-organisation. So anyone who doesn’t know that self-organisation is a real phenomenon is pretty ignorant, even about the mechanisms that go on in their own body. The replication of viruses is, of course, also a self-organisation process.

“A variety of magnetic nanosystems can be created by using self-assembly as a synthetic tool,” says the abstract of a study published in January this year. It was published in the journal Aggregate Open Access and is titled: Self-assembled magnetic nanomaterials: versatile theranostic nanoplatforms for cancer. Read here.

The paper is about “Self-assembled magnetic nanomaterials (MNMs)” and describes their use in biomedicine:

[M]agnetic fields have been widely used for nanomaterials composed of one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) aggregates.


The study relates to the self-assembly of iron oxide nanoparticles that can exhibit magnetic properties in certain configurations. These are called SPIONs (Super Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles).

The paper explains:

This approach could be used to assemble other MNPs such as Ni NPs, Co NPs and Fe3O4 NPs. Such a strategy of self-assembly could play an important role in the construction of DDS. (Drug Delivery Systems)

In addition, the article refers to self-assembled cubic nanoparticles (functional 3D nanostructures) in solution:

Wang et al. reported the growth of Fe3O4 nanowires induced by a magnetic field.[38] Subsequently, Taheri et al. reported the discovery of an interesting magnetic field-induced phenomenon of self-assembly of cubic nanoparticles (NPs) in solution (Figures 1(A)-1(E)).

…Moreover, the magnetic field also shows its great ability to assemble the NPs. The self-assembly induced by the magnetic field simplifies the steps but requires accurate magnetic field control, which increases the dependence on the equipment.

From this analysis, it is clear that external magnetic fields can control the self-assembly of nanostructures that can function as cybernetic biocirculatory interface systems in the human body.

Another study, published in 2004 in the journal Advanced Materials, shows some of the early research on self-assembly of iron oxide nanowires using external magnetic fields.

Single-crystalline nanowires of Fe3O4 synthesised hydrothermally under a magnetic field are reported. It is shown that the square and hexagonal crystals that form at an applied zero field change into nanowires when the magnetic field is increased.

And that was 17 years ago.

Since then, researchers have found that the energy required to set self-organisation in motion is astonishingly low. From the first publication, see above:

The interaction between the induced magnetic dipole and the external field was very weak and of the order of the Van der Waals force. In recent decades, progress has been made in the self-assembly of MNMs under magnetic fields.

This essentially means that relatively weak transmitter energies can induce the growth of nanowires in the human body if the right substances are injected into the body. The Van der Waals force describes a very weak intermolecular bonding phenomenon that is well known in mainstream science.

Here is an electron micrograph of some of the nanoparticle lattices created by external magnetic fields:


The same study also talks about “DNA hydrogels” and states that they are “magnetically controllable”. From the study:

DNA is considered the central genetic molecule in living systems. Although DNA molecules are composed of simple units, different deoxynucleotide chains and flexible conformations can be achieved through precise design and organisation, which can be programmed. In other words, this is the essence of DNA self-organisation. For example, Ma et al. introduced DNA-modified MNPs, Y-scaffolds and DNA linkers into the scaffold of DNA hydrogels to construct magnetically controllable DNA hydrogels.

If you’re wondering what “DNA hydrogels” are all about, another paper published in 2019 gives some clues: DNA hydrogel-assisted biosensing. Read here.

This explains how “smart hydrogels” modify themselves in response to the organism:

DNA hydrogels, as special members of DNA nanotechnology, have created crucial conditions for the creation of innovative gels due to their sufficient stability, biocompatibility, biodegradability and tunable multifunctionality. These properties make DNA hydrogels suitable for various applications in drug delivery, tissue engineering, sensors and cancer therapy.

Recently, DNA-based materials have attracted a lot of attention in the research of smart hydrogels, whose properties can change in response to chemical or physical stimuli. In other words, these gels can undergo switchable gel-to-sol or sol-to-gel transitions when different triggers are applied. In addition, various functional motifs such as i-motif structures, antisense DNAs, DNA enzymes and aptamers can be inserted into the polymer network to provide molecular recognition capability to the complex. In this manuscript, the recognition ability of different types of DNA hydrogels and the change in physicochemical behaviour when the target is introduced is discussed comprehensively.

Are you starting to get the picture?

Once these nanostructures are built in the body, they are controlled by external magnetic fields or electromagnetic radiation, which requires very little energy.


Remember the HTC Droid smartphone advert from 2014?

It’s all real.

This research shows that:

-The self-assembling nanotechnology is real.
-The nanotechnology with bio-cycle interfaces is real.
-The nanowires and nanocircuits can be controlled by external electromagnetic fields.
-This technology has been researched and developed for at least two decades and is supported by a large body of published research.
-It is therefore conceivable that today’s “vaccines” contain self-assembling nanotechnology that interfaces with human biology and is controlled by external transmissions. This does not prove that such a scenario is certain to occur, but it does show that the technology exists and is feasible.

It goes much deeper and is much more advanced than the straw man argument of the injected microchip that the media always likes to make to show how “moronic and impossible” such a thing is. And even that’s not even a straw man, because the mainstream media is now openly reporting on grain of salt sized injectable microchips… remember how that was considered impossible and a conspiracy theory just 12 months ago? Is there any way to claim compensation for the gaslighting you’ve been subjected to, even though you’ve been right all along?!
