RE: Let's Do Some Coronavirus Math! (That Nobody's Talking About)


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the entire population would have already been infected by this thing.

Yes. Plus Im pretty sure that firstly these nurses/doctors would want to keep a 1.5 - 2m distance from a dreadlocked guy who looks like he lives on the street (thats me) who was stood with them in MADRID General Country Hopstital on tbe 3rd April and secondly as you can * very clearly * see that both these hospitals are the oppersite of overrun..
(aslo on the 20th March I was inside also but at that time I wasnt relaxed enough or thought about filming- it was empty then aswell)

  • [Madrd General De Paz]


  • [Hopital De Vot] (

I can be keep in prison against my will pretty much indefinatly, because people are so brainwashed.

I really do hope that all the conformists, also people who are believing these lies, yes YOU who thinks your right and the TV is right, and that these two videos that I recorded myself is wrong - please, dont ever bother talking to me ever again, go tame that vaccine and then just FUCK OFF haha.

I hope you keep forever social distancing from me.
