The History of Electricity Generation


Good day dear Hive Community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you are all well and have relaxed holidays! In this post, I would like to address an interesting historical topic and hope you can expand your knowledge a little.


Here are pictures of a small mill that is powered by the help of solar energy and is intended as a decorative article and I think this is a good example to go into the history of electricity generation and the mills have recognized early on that it is possible to use the power of the wind or water. Already in the Stone Age, people knew how important energy was for everyday life and used various possibilities to ignite fire with the help of sparks and the ancient Greeks already knew electricity and noticed at that time that an electric charge is created by rubbing ambers, which was also known under the Greek name electron, but they did not know much to do with it and regarded it rather as a kind of phenomenon and also well-known Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus, who is also considered one of the inventors of science, was already researching amber. He made some experiments and found out at that time that when you bring amber into contact with other materials and rub small particles stick to it and the next big milestone was made in 1672 by the German physicist Otto von Guericke (1602 - 1686) which managed to build a machine with which it was possible to generate electrical charges and in addition he was considered one of the inventors of the vacuum. At that time he used a ball of sulfur which he rubbed in his hands and he found out that it was created by an electric charge and it even began to shine and with his experiments he managed to prove the attraction of electricity and quickly his invention spread and more people began to build similar machines and this time can also be seen as the starting signal for more research in this area.


In 1752, one of the founding fathers of the USA Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) managed to find out in an experiment that electricity can also be found in nature in the form of lightnings and he used to find that out a dragon which he ascended to the sky and thus created sparks which proved his theory and he is also considered the inventor of the lightning rod. One of the next important milestones was probably the invention of the battery, which was invented a few years later by the Italian physicist Allessandro Volta (1745 - 1827), who developed it on the basis of the research of the Italian doctor Luigi Galvani (1737 - 1798), who had already made a few experiments in the field of electricity generation. In 1820, the French physicist André Marie Ampère (1775 - 1836) made a great milestone and he found out that there must be a connection between magnetism and electricity and the well-known unit of measurement ampere can also be traced back on the basis of his research. The invention of the dynamo machine, which was invented in the middle of the 19th century, also plays an important role and was invented by the German scientist Werner von Siemens (1816 - 1892) and between 1878 and 1880 inventions of the first light bulbs appear which first make electricity possible for commercial purposes and reached the population and the inventors were then Joseph Wilson Swan (1828 - 1914) and some time late the inventor Thomas Edison (1847 - 1931) developed the light bulb. Edison was also in connection with Nikola Tesla, who at that time made many attempts on the topic of free energy and if you want to learn more about it, you will find some contributions here. In next years, the developed went hand in hand with the industrial revolution and there were more and more innovations in this field and last but not least, I would like to link this article here matching to the pictures, which addresses the importance of the mills when it comes to the production of electricity.



Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about history and technology! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.


I guess even till now, electricity generator is still in place


Of course, the area has been much further developed.


Obviously it can be seen


Solar panels are now introducing worldwide. In my country too, solar panels are widely used.


So many history attached to this generator
