The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

svevende fjell A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Te lo diré en poema.

Una belleza imponente,-ambiente espectacular-
recrean a quienes te seguimos de manera singular
porque captas maravillas con tu arte digital
en creación tan hermosa esplendida y natural
por ello te felicito en este post xpilar


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I imagine myself to be part of the wind that sweeps very low above the ground, disturbing trees that very beautifully wave branches after


Those trees at the cliff always associated for me with my childhood and fairy tales, there one of them where it was a golden egg that was hidden in a crystal chest and that one was hanging on a an evergreen tree that was growing over the cliff. Of course as a child I dreamed to find out such treasure.

Beautiful landscape digital Art @xpilar, calling for adventure and outdoor :)


Inside of me

Within me inhabit several beings

I know yes, sometimes I feel happy sometimes sad

Sometimes I feel fire hugging other snow

Sometimes I feel touching the cloudy blue sky sometimes I feel as dark as the black night

I know that they live spirits that drive me crazy, that make me laugh and cry enormously

There are times that I feel summer and at the same time winter and autumn

Within me there is peace and there is hell.


Hello sir @xpilar. Your digital image is great for making a story. I will make a short story from your digital image.

there was a young man who loved the beautiful natural scenery. he often visited locations that have beautiful natural scenery. according to him the beautiful natural scenery depends on the situation and condition of that nature. and the conditions that he likes most to see the natural scenery, namely from above the height. because seeing the natural scenery from a height, then the natural scenery can be seen widely.

he has a strong mentality, and likes challenges. one day he decided to visit a very high mountain. all equipment has been prepared. from food, camping, and clothing has been prepared. he left in the morning. the first place to miss is the jungle. many things happened when he was here in the forest. he met many wild beasts, and he had also been briefly lost in the forest. but because he brought a compass, he managed to get out of the forest. and after being out of the jungle, mountain climbing begins. he climbed the mountain for 2 days. Because the mountain has a height of 2 kilometers.

when in the middle of the mountain, he decided to camp. the next day he started climbing again. which makes him difficult because there is a lot of water he brings. he brought as much as 5 liters of water. when climbing a mountain, the water is left 3 liters. even though so, he still had difficulty carrying it. on the third day at noon, he made it to the top of the mountain. he was moved by being able to climb a mountain with a height of 2 kilometers. when he looks down, the natural scenery below is very amazing. Looks very beautiful. he took many photos and videos when he was on the top of a mountain. he will make that moment the most memorable history of his life.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi @xpilar

Caída Libre

Augusto estaba parado al borde de la caída de agua, bajo él, un precipicio de poco más de dos kilómetros de alto en el que la caída de agua se perdía entre una densa niebla. Era la primera vez que lo intentaría desde un punto tan alto, la atmósfera del planeta era tan delgada que a esta altura ningún paracaídas u otro medio que dependiese de la fricción del aire funcionaría para frenar el descenso.

Ajustó su visor y en él pudo ver la proyección de la ruta de caída esperada y la ubicación del rio en el fondo del precipicio. Tomó una larga inhalación de su tanque de oxígeno, retrocedió unos cinco metros del borde, volvió a inhalar y corrió hacia el borde para en el salto tomar la mayor distancia posible de la pared de roca.

No había manera de frenar la velocidad de su caída, por más que extendiera sus brazos y piernas, para desplegar la membrana que entre ellos había, la resistencia del aire era muy poca, sólo le quedaba ver como la capa de niebla se aproximaba rápidamente a él.

Entró en la nube y perdió todo de vista, por algunas escasas fracciones de segundo, sólo pudo ver el blanco de la capa de finas gotas de agua que permanecían precariamente suspendidas en la delgadez del aire, luego la aterradora visión del rio al fondo del precipicio acercándose a toda velocidad lo impactó, su visor le advirtió que sólo doscientos metros lo separaban del suelo, ahora el ligero aire empezaba a frenarlo un poco, pero no sería suficiente para reducir su velocidad que seguía en aumento.

Entonces a cien metros acercó piernas y brazos a su cuerpo para hacerse una bola en medio de su caída, en ese momento apremió los pulsadores que llevaban sus guantes en los nudillos de sus dedos índices, el estallido de cientos de boquillas expulsando nitrógeno en el interior de su traje sonó estruendosamente, mientras llenaban las cámaras que formaban toda su superficie.

Rápidamente su traje se convirtió en una bola amorfa que además de frenar aun más su descenso, amortiguó el impacto sobre la agitada superficie del agua y finalmente le dio flotabilidad para poder quedar boca arriba, recostado sobre el agua, impulsándose con los brazos para llegar a la orilla.

Free Fall

Augustus was standing at the edge of the waterfall, under it, a precipice a little more than two kilometers high in which the waterfall was lost in a dense fog. It was the first time he would try it from such a high point, the atmosphere of the planet was so thin that at this altitude no parachute or other means that depended on the friction of the air would work to stop the descent.

He adjusted his viewfinder and could see in it the projection of the expected fall route and the location of the river at the bottom of the precipice. He took a long inhalation of his oxygen tank, drew back about five meters from the edge, inhaled again and ran towards the edge so that in the jump he could take as much distance as possible from the rock wall.

There was no way to slow down the speed of his fall, no matter how much he extended his arms and legs, to unfold the membrane between them, the resistance of the air was very little, he only had to see how the layer of fog was rapidly approaching him.

He entered the cloud and lost all sight, for a few fractions of a second, he could only see the white of the layer of fine drops of water which remained precariously suspended in the thinness of the air, then the terrifying vision of the river at the bottom of the precipice approaching at full speed impacted him, his visor warned him that only two hundred meters separated him from the ground, now the light air began to slow him down a little, but it would not be enough to reduce his speed which continued to increase.

Then, a hundred meters away, he brought his legs and arms closer to his body to make a ball in the middle of his fall, at that moment he pressed the pushers that carried his gloves on the knuckles of his index fingers, the burst of hundreds of nozzles expelling nitrogen inside his suit sounded thunderously, while they filled the chambers that formed all his surface.

Quickly his suit became an amorphous ball that besides slowing his descent, cushioned the impact on the agitated surface of the water and finally gave him buoyancy to be able to remain face up, lying on the water, pushing himself with his arms to reach the shore.

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking.
