The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

Outer Space 10 serie 30 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Today you move away from me (poem)

Today you move away from me

my life enters a labyrinth

unbearable labyrinth between ties and chains

it's like entering parallel worlds
because by my side you are not

Today you move away from me

in my life there are no colors anymore everything is black, blue, green and gray

Today only remains to cry and suffer.


These daily creations are a reflection of your great creativity, it would be curious to see this inspiration in a work done with metal tubes, Good work @xpilar!


Very original creation, it seems the photograph of a ship that flies in space.


In the Dark University.

Daniel left the university later than usual, he was upset because the philosophy professor today implemented a surprise exam and his friends did not show up but he did not want to go to summer so he sacrificed his Friday night, for the good of his university career.
The university at that time was lonely and somber, think about it well those corridors gave some fear, rather they gave much much fear road as fast as he could looking for the bus stop, because he had no vehicle of his own. I felt that someone was chasing him, so much so that in a moment I turn around and ask: Who is there? when he was about to follow his path in front of the green men, with small heads, big, totally black eyes appeared.
Daniel's heart beat very fast, I try to run but it was useless these men took him as a prisoner, they took him to a spaceship, they threw him inside this ship without any kind of ties. I was running from one place to another, looking for an exit, a door ...
Daniel could not help but be impressed with the spaceship, it is so beautiful, a galactic style with tubes and transparencies full of modernity and mystery.

He entered a room and his friends from the university were there, and when he told them what happened to him, they realized that the same thing had happened to everyone.
These UFOs were in the dark corridors of the university hunting victims.
Now Daniel knew that it was up to them to wait for these strange beings from another planet to do their complete hunting, they could spend hours until they knew the purpose of being there ...
While I had to wait, wait to suffer, wait to run or wait to die.


Wow!!! Such a nice colour combination!!
Imagination is about protein structure!!!
Proteins are arrange like same as your picture!!
Thanks @xpilar


Hello @xpilar, nice to meet you again. today you are displaying a different digital image like before. and this picture is very good to describe. Your digital image looks like a tunnel that has a hole at the end. and this tunnel shows that every problem faced by someone must have a solution to solve it.

every problem that comes, there must be a cause. also to solve the problem there must be a solution. this is life that is always a problem and happiness. whatever it must face. don't just accept the happiness that comes, when the problem comes, you refuse to accept it. therefore do not just be silent and sad. immediately solve the problem, stay optimistic, and keep up the spirit.

and most of all, submit and obey the commands of God. ask God to give a solution to the problem at hand. I am sure God will certainly grant the request of his troubled servant. and God gives peace to the heart. this is just my description of this digital image that you are displaying.

Posted using Partiko Android


Good night, sir. this is my description tonight for your digital image. the journey of love to reach marriage is certainly very difficult. like a winding road. of course many problems come. this is what often makes couples not get to the wedding stage. Therefore, to have a relationship with a girlfriend, it takes mutual trust, love, and love each other. if this has been done, I'm sure a relationship will definitely get married.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hello @xpilar
Beautiful digital art my friend..
looks like this place is somewhere in space.
Dark sky with stars make this art beautiful.. nice digital art my friend..
thanks for share with us..


The Capsules of Xpilvikiam

A great galactic fortress protects the walls of the galaxy Xpilvikiam, a strong security system is in place for every movement of its crew. There is only one entrance and it is through tubular transporters that emit a complete scan of who is inside, the crew member is only transferred if the scan does not pose a threat. The transporter travels at the speed of light and is automatically directed by means of a psychic analysis of the central processor of the system.

Las Capsulas de Xpilvikiam

Una gran fortaleza galáctica protege los muros de la galaxia Xpilvikiam, un fuerte sistema de seguridad está establecimiento para cada movimiento de su tripulación. Solo existe una entrada y es través de transportadores tubulares que emiten un escaneo completo de quien se encuentre dentro, el tripulante solo es trasladado si el escaneo no arroja peligro de amenaza. El transportador viaja a la velocidad de la luz y es dirigida automaticamente por medio de un analisis psiquico del procesador central del sistema.

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Hi @xpilar


El soldado Manuel Méndez tenía frente a él el remolino del portal que lo conduciría a su próxima misión, su equipo fue desplegado en medio de uno de los bosques de Heracles, donde se ocultaba un grupo terrorista que intentaba tomar las instalaciones del Parlamento en Orfeo.

A su llegada, él y sus otros compañeros fueron recibidos por un ATV que fue debidamente dejado en el lugar para que se transportaran, se desplazaron por el bosque por unos diez kilómetros hasta llegar a las proximidades de la zona donde se suponía que se ocultaban sus objetivos, resguardados en algunas antiguas construcciones, dejadas por los equipos que trabajaron en despejar la zona donde se encontraba la ciudad.

Se trataba de tres edificios, que lucían abandonados desde hace varias décadas, la maleza y arbustos dificultaban ver con claridad la zona. Usaron los visores térmicos de sus trajes para tratar de encontrar las huellas de calor de los insurgentes. Además, como su equipo, otros tres atacaban desde diferentes flancos, así que debían mantenerse alerta al fuego cruzado.

—En el edificio del fondo puedo ver tres cuerpos calientes —dijo el sargento Michael.

—A veinte metros a la derecha, cerca de la entrada hay otros dos —dijo el soldado Ortega.

—Bien creo que esos son todos los que se pueden ver —dijo Michael —. Ortega y Méndez diríjanse al frente y encárguense de los dos que están en la entrada, Morgan y yo iremos rodeando la cerca y entraremos por detrás al edificio del fondo, quiero que lleven los deflectores al máximo, alerta con posibles drones automáticos y de enemigos con camuflaje térmico, también estén pendiente de donde pisan puede haber minas de plasma. Nos encontraremos en la parte de atrás en diez minutos.

—Entendido —respondieron Méndez, Ortega y Morgan al unísono.

Méndez y Ortega avanzaron entre los arbustos, tratado de no hacer ruido para evitar ser detectados, el camuflaje activo y los disipadores de calor de sus exoesqueletos los mantendrían ocultos a la vista de los enemigos y de posibles drones, pero si eran escuchados podrían ser detectados fácilmente.

Cuando estuvieron a unos diez metros de los dos guardias de la entrada corrieron hacia ellos abalanzándose sobre ellos con los escudos al máximo, el golpe que le dio Méndez a uno de los guardias lo dejó lo suficientemente aturdido, como para poder rematarlo, con su cuchillo, el cual podía vibrar a una frecuencia capaz de atravesar los escudos menos avanzados, Méndez golpeó la cabeza del guardia con la base de la empuñadura la cual tenia una púa que se encajó en su cráneo, para luego clavar la hoja en su cuello atravesándolo de un lado a otro.

Por su parte Ortega tuvo que pelear un poco más para terminar apuñalando al otro guardia, varias veces en el pecho. Dejaron ahí los cuerpos y siguieron avanzando en medio de la maleza en el terreno abierto que había entre la entrada y el primer edificio, esperaban no haber alertado a ninguna persona o dron de su presencia durante el breve combate que habían tenido.

A casi diez metros de la entrada Méndez pudo escuchar un leve pitido a los pies de Ortega y se lanzo a un costado, tras esto escucho un estruendo y sentió el intenso calor de una explosión a su espalda, se trataba de una mina de plasma, el sonido alertó a tres drones aéreos que estaban estacionados ocultos por la maleza y levantaron vuelo buscando el rastro de los intrusos.

Méndez aun aturdido por la explosión se puso de pie y pudo ver la mitad derecha del cuerpo de Ortega, tirada a pocos metros de donde él se encontraba, la explosión del plasma había calcinado por completo todo el lado izquierdo de su compañero, matándolo en el acto. Corrió hacia el primer edificio, tratando de escapar de los drones que disparaban pequeñas cargas de plasma a sus espaldas, cuando estaba próximo a entrar una de las cargas impacto en su pierna derecha calcinándola y amputándola de la rodilla para abajo, cayo al piso de bruces y empezó a arrastrarse tratando de entrar al edificio fuera de la vista de los drones, cuando logro acerarse lo suficiente como para quedar oculto bajo el techo que resguardaba la entrada, la puerta del edificó se abrió dejando ver a un terrorista que se encontraba oculto gracias a una armadura con camuflaje térmico, antes de que Méndez pudiera hacer algo una carga de plasma arrancó la mitad de su cabeza.

Un intenso destello lo cegó y luego volvió a ver el remolino del portal, que esta vez lo llevaba de regreso a la estación de salida

—¡El juego ha terminado! —dijo una chillona y chocante voz. A su lado se encontró a Ortega y al cabo de dos minutos Morgan y Michael fueron expulsados también por el portal.

—Maldición Ortega, siempre nos delatas —dijo Michael —. ¿Jugamos otra ronda?


The soldier Manuel Méndez had in front of him the whirlpool of the portal that would lead him to his next mission, his team was deployed in the middle of one of the Heracles forests, where a terrorist group was hiding trying to take over the Parliament facilities in Orfeo.

Upon his arrival, he and his other companions were received by an ATV that was duly left in place to be transported, they moved through the forest for about ten kilometers until they reached the vicinity of the area where their objectives were supposed to be hidden, sheltered in some old buildings, left by the teams that worked to clear the area where the city was located.

They were three buildings, which had been abandoned for several decades, the weeds and bushes made it difficult to see the area clearly. They used the thermal visors of their suits to try to find the heat traces of the insurgents. In addition, like his team, three others were attacking from different flanks, so they had to stay alert for crossfire.

-In the back building I can see three hot bodies, -said Sergeant Michael.

-Twenty meters to the right, near the entrance there are two others, -said soldier Ortega.

-Well I think those are all you can see, -said Michael -. Ortega and Mendez go to the front and take care of the two who are at the entrance, Morgan and I will go around the fence and we will enter behind the building in the background, I want you to take the deflectors to the maximum, alert with possible automatic drones and enemies with thermal camouflage, also be aware of where you step there may be plasma mines. We will meet in the back in ten minutes.

-Understood, -replied Méndez, Ortega and Morgan in unison.

The active camouflage and the heat dissipaters of their exoskeletons would keep them hidden from enemies and possible drones, but if they were heard they could be easily detected.

When they were about ten meters away from the two guards at the entrance, they ran towards them, rushing at them with their shields to the maximum, the blow Mendez gave to one of the guards left him stunned enough to finish him off with his knife, which could vibrate at a frequency capable of piercing the less advanced shields, Mendez struck the guard's head with the base of the handle which had a plectrum that fit into his skull, and then nailed the blade to his neck through it from side to side.

Ortega had to fight a little more to end up stabbing the other guard, several times in the chest. They left the bodies there and continued advancing in the middle of the undergrowth in the open terrain between the entrance and the first building, hoping not to have alerted any person or drone of their presence during the brief combat they had had.

Almost ten meters from the entrance Méndez could hear a slight whistle at Ortega's feet and threw himself to one side, after this he heard a roar and felt the intense heat of an explosion on his back, it was a plasma mine, the sound alerted three aerial drones that were parked hidden by the undergrowth and took flight looking for the trace of the intruders.

Méndez, still stunned by the explosion, stood up and could see the right half of Ortega's body, lying a few meters away from where he was, the plasma explosion had completely calcined the entire left side of his companion, killing him in the act. He ran towards the first building, trying to escape from the drones firing small charges of plasma at his back, when he was about to enter one of the impact charges on his right leg by calcining it and amputating it from the knee down, he fell to the floor on his face and began to crawl trying to enter the building out of sight of the drones, when he managed to get close enough to be hidden under the roof that guarded the entrance, the door of the building was opened letting see a terrorist who was hidden thanks to a thermally camouflaged armor, before Mendez could do anything a load of plasma ripped off half of his head.

An intense flash blinded him and then he saw again the whirlpool of the portal, which this time took him back to the departure station.

-The game is over! -said a screaming and shocking voice. Ortega was found next to him and after two minutes Morgan and Michael were also expelled by the portal.

-Damn it, Ortega, you always give us away -said Michael -. Shall we play another round?

Thank you @xpilar, I hope the story was to your liking.


I like the mosaic of dark colors, something tenebrous you see that tunnel, good image.


Flexart in the battle portal

Commander of cross-continent guard forces are heavily guarding the security of cross galactic portals. They are tasked with guarding the portal connecting the Cartwheel and Andromeda galaxies. This aircraft is capable of forging speeds of 36,000 km / hour. The shape that resembles a ladybug with a very aerodynamic side makes this type of aircraft very safe from friction in the air. The small amount of friction makes the movement very agile and can maneuver well.
Right at this point 20.12 this Flexart type cross-guards plane saw an unknown plane crossing in their surveillance area. Seeing the speed, the crew at the Flexart plane suspected this foreign plane. They immediately confronted this foreign plane. From inside the cabin the commander of the forces asked foreign aircraft to stop the plane. Repeated warnings are given but not heeded. These peaks keep on going with high speed.
At the same time the Andromeda galaxy link portal and chartwheel portal were open. Then there is no choice for the flexart flight crew. They chase planes that keep on going. In fact, this foreign aircraft tried to shoot a flexart plane with a laser weapon. Flexart aircraft immediately retaliated while chasing the foreign plane that had entered the portal. Considering the enormous potential that arises when eating a flexart plane spurs the speed of the aircraft at maximum speed. Realizing that the pursuers were getting closer to the foreign plane, it added to the attack while in a portal that had this very large magnetic field. Knowing that the opponent was attacking intensively, the flexart plane immediately responded with a super gamma ray, a shot that was right about the middle of the foreign plane so that it was destroyed. They saw powder and smoke flying through the intergalactic liaison portal. However, this attack caused a shock on the flexart plane until it was out of the portal to the Andromeda track.


thanks for your great story @rokhani


You are welcome sir @xpilar

I just wrote what crossed my mind. It might be the same as what other people do when you see your artwork. when I see the details of your artwork I feel I'm walking down the aisle
Yes, it is true. I really can enjoy the artworks that are made with my own perspective.
the aisle that continues to spin
all sides twist and spin
extends wide and narrows
bring the story of joy and sorrow

everything can start to the last
escort yourself to the past
or towards the future
combing time in nature

or even to other dimensions
who don't even know the direction
all keep on going
follow the flow of time
Warm regard from indonesia


This is a vortex at the space.
It can go to the back of world
Suppose our the world is sun,
that the back is yin,
Through this vortex,
Can go to the back of the world.



Different times, where every age must be different. Hopefully we can adjust to face it.
