The image is made of own imagination and thoughts


Digital art made by @xpilar

ounder water 3 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


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Blue (poem)

Your eyes blue as the sea
they make me tremble

Your sky blue eyes are my delirium and my longing

Your eyes fall in love with me and make me sigh

Blue my favorite color, blue like the immense sea

This love that unites us is as big as the ocean

A blue love full of follies and dreams.

Hi @xpilar, this is truly a very beautiful and extraordinary work. Let me tell you a little about your aesthetic work with fiction.



Let me swim and dive in this ocean, friend. This is truly a beautiful underwater scenery that depicts a million likes in my diving goggles.


Diving glasses and frog legs are ready to be installed. I jumped in the supine position and when I was at sea level, I immediately turned around. Now, my body is in a position ready for snorkeling.
My view was initially just blue like sea water, but when I began to open my eyes clearly it looked like a paradise of underwater beauty.
I saw hundreds of table-shaped coral reefs as if welcoming me in these deep waters. Even seaweed plants in some beautiful colors dance to the flow of water and liven up the excitement of underwater life.
I swam with the current that took me between various fish and corals and everything was very beautiful.
Suddenly, something pushed my calf several times and when I saw it they were a group of small fish that swam past my position. From a distance, I also saw some fish looking for food among coral reefs.
My excessive image is not without foundation, but the underwater scenery that I witnessed is a very special sight and not found anywhere.
"Do you not believe what I say?"
At first, I also had difficulty believing what I saw at the time and my mind thought that I was dreaming.

I have not come to the steemit for a long time. I see you continue to invent fantastic images.
Marine theme is good. When I look at your picture, I wanted to dive into the depths of the sea to see the beauty of the underwater kingdom.
However... I have not seen fish swimming with such a crazy speed (fish is to the left), but it's a fantastic world ;-)


On the bottom of the lake

Daniel was a shy and dreamer boy, who loved playing in the lake that was near his house.
On summer days he used to swim among the blue waters of the lake
In the days of spring I enjoyed seeing so many flowers on the shore of the lake
On winter days he skated very carefully on the fragile ice behind his parents' backs
That they always forbade him to spend the day there.
One day in winter he escaped from his home to skate while being very far from the shore it started to rain very hard.
The ice broke and Daniel fell into the water, he moved desperately creating many bubbles.


But he relaxed when he saw that at the bottom of the lake there was a lot of marine life, seaweed dancing, talking submarines, fish with onion rings and blue letters written on the bottom.
Daniel was shocked to see that he could breathe and walk normally.
For hours he was playing inside the lake, when he left he saw his parents who were waiting for him in anguish.
they embraced and clothed him while Daniel recounted his extraordinary experience.


Percibo algo como las profundidades del mar, peces, y otras especies en su hábitat .Me trae a la memoria el hecho de que el ser humano con su grado de inconsciencia continua contaminando los océanos, donde mueren cantidades, por las referidas consecuencias, pero, con la esperanza que nos da el Creador, quien dice en su palabra, en el capitulo 11:18 entre otras cosas, que el va a causar ruina a quienes estan arruinando la tierra.Bendiciones xpilar.


we continue with the images underwater, my brain says that I'm standing on a coral at the bottom of the sea you can see its colors and black and gray stones, above the surface you see how the tide moves the waves, in front of me you see some spirals a little strange no, my brain does not know if it is the same way or a reflection of something, also in the middle to the right seems as if a boat sailed underwater towards the horizon, but well all this is a figment of my imagination.


Hello @xpilar, your digital image is very good to make a story. allow me to make a short story from your digital image. there was a young man, whose life was very poor. he doesn't have a job. the reason is because there are very few jobs in the area where they live. and he only graduated from elementary school. so it's very difficult to get a good job for him.

he works only as a laborer. and the job is not permanent. even though he has to fulfill his family's needs every day. because he is the oldest child among the others. while his younger siblings are still in school age. while his parents were sick. every night he always thinks how to make money tomorrow. he was confused, he always prayed to God so that he was always given sustenance. sometimes tears fall accidentally. he felt life was very hard to live with. indeed he sometimes complains with himself. but somehow he must be passionate about making money to meet family needs.

one day he wanted to find fish in the sea to make a side dish to eat at home. he already brought all the equipment for diving. when he dived at the bottom of the sea, he found a very sparkling object. he approached the sparkling object. it turns out that these sparkling objects are pearls. he is very happy. he did not expect to find a large number of pearls on the seabed.

he took the pearl and sold it. now he has a lot of money. and part of the money he made to make a house to make his parents happy. some of it he made for business capital. now his life is happy.

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi @xpilar


Elías, quien había nacido en medio de una comunidad de agricultores de Dionisio, bajo condiciones que llegó a creer poco afortunadas y con limitadas oportunidades de llevar una vida normal. Hoy, treinta años después, estaba aquí en Pandora, la mayor de las ciudades subacuáticas de Tritón, encabezando el podio de ganadores del Derbi Subacuático por sexta vez consecutiva. No solo era el primero en lograr tal número de victorias consecutivas, era el primer no nacido en Tritón que lograba ganar la contienda.

Su vida había sido diferente a la de un niño normal, desde su nacimiento había sido diagnosticado con una extraña condición; producto de una mutación en sus genes, los alveolos pulmonares de Elías se habían desarrollado de manera anómala, permitiéndole respirar sólo en un entorno líquido como el existente en el vientre de su madre.

El sistema respiratorio de Elías no le permitía lidiar con la escaza presión de cualquier atmosfera y asimilar del aire el oxigeno necesario para mantenerlo con vida, sin embargo, ante la presión generada por el líquido llenando sus pulmones, era capaz de filtrar de éste el preciado gas.

Obviamente esta condición lo privó de una vida normal, viéndose primero confinado a vivir en lo que el mismo describiría como una pecera, mientras era un bebe y luego a portar en su rostro, una especie de máscara, por la que le era bombeado perfluorocarbono y un par de tanques llenos de éste en su espalda. Obviamente, Elías aprendería casi de inmediato a nadar, mientras que debió esperar a cumplir los tres años, para empezar, aprender a caminar.

Una de las más afortunadas y extrañas consecuencias de su condición, la cual fue descubierta después de que cumpliera los quince años, era que, a diferencia de todos los humanos que podían absorber con facilidad el oxigeno disuelto en el perfluorocarbono y respirar en un medio líquido; gracias a la alta solubilidad de este gas y del dióxido de carbono en este hidrocarburo; Elías podía también lidiar con líquidos en los que estos gases eran menos solubles, entre ellos el agua, así que siempre que se mantuviera una adecuada oxigenación de este fluido, Elías era capaz de respirar agua.

Fue a los veintidós años, cuando mientras practicaba un circuito de acondicionamiento físico diseñado por él y construido con la ayuda de su padre, fue observado por Edgar Rivera, un conocido entrenador de circuitos de trial subacuáticos de Tritón, quién fue invitado a la casa de la familia de Elías, por intermedio de uno de sus familiares.

Edgar observó las grandes capacidades físicas de Elías, quien al no tener una vida social tan activa como la del resto de los jóvenes de su edad, había dedicado buena parte de su adolescencia y juventud a entrenar, primero como una forma de mantenerse ocupado en casa y luego por la pasión que el plantearse retos físicos y superarlos, generó en él.

Hoy a casi diez años de aquel momento, en él que le propusieron entrenar profesionalmente para este tipo de competencias, lograba nuevamente conseguir el triunfo en esté el más completo y afamado circuito de trial subacuático, donde, antes que él, sólo los oriundos de este planeta habían conseguido la victoria.


Elias, who had been born in the middle of a farming community in Dionysus, under conditions he came to believe unlucky and with limited opportunities to lead a normal life. Today, thirty years later, he was here in Pandora, the largest underwater city in Triton, leading the podium of winners of the Underwater Derby for the sixth consecutive time. Not only was he the first to achieve such a number of consecutive victories, he was the first unborn Triton to win the contest.

His life had been different from that of a normal child, since his birth he had been diagnosed with a strange condition; product of a mutation in his genes, Elijah's pulmonary alveoli had developed abnormally, allowing him to breathe only in a liquid environment such as that existing in his mother's womb.

Elias' respiratory system did not allow him to deal with the scarce pressure of any atmosphere and assimilate from the air the oxygen necessary to keep him alive, however, before the pressure generated by the liquid filling his lungs, he was able to filter from it the precious gas.

Obviously this condition deprived him of a normal life, being confined first to live in what he would describe as a fishbowl, while he was a baby and then to carry on his face, a kind of mask, by which he was pumped perfluorocarbon and a couple of tanks full of it in his back. Obviously, Elijah would almost immediately learn to swim, while he had to wait until he was three years old to start learning to walk.

One of the most fortunate and strange consequences of his condition, which was discovered after he turned fifteen, was that, unlike all humans who could easily absorb the oxygen dissolved in perfluorocarbon and breathe in a liquid medium; thanks to the high solubility of this gas and the carbon dioxide in this hydrocarbon; Elias could also deal with liquids in which these gases were less soluble, including water, so as long as adequate oxygenation of this fluid was maintained, Elias was able to breathe water.

It was at the age of twenty-two, when while practicing a physical conditioning circuit designed by him and built with the help of his father, he was observed by Edgar Rivera, a well-known trainer of Triton underwater trial circuits, who was invited to the home of Elias' family, through one of his relatives.

Edgar observed the great physical capacities of Elias, who, not having a social life as active as the rest of the young people of his age, had dedicated a good part of his adolescence and youth to training, first as a way of keeping busy at home and then by the passion he generated in him for posing physical challenges and overcoming them.

Today, almost ten years after that moment, in which he was proposed to train professionally for this type of competitions, he was once again able to achieve victory in the most complete and famous underwater trial circuit, where, before him, only the natives of this planet had achieved victory.

Thank you @xpilar I hope the story has been to your liking
