Marketing and Psychology


Good day dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new contribution and hope you had a day that brought some interesting experiences into your life! In this article I would like to agree on psychology and hope you are able to expand your knowledge.

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In the field of marketing the human psyche plays a major role and it is about increasing people's willingness to buy, and for this it is of course important to put yourself in the customer's shoes on a psychological level and to analyze how best to proceed in order to inspire them for a certain product. In recent decades, one can see a significant growth in this area and in the course of the change of the market economy due to globalization as well as the growing influence of technology such as social media, psychology in the marketing sector have also growth and due to the growing competition among retailers, it is important to make products look even more appealing in order to increase the willingness to buy. A separate area has developed which is also known as marketing psychology and it is about analyzing the behavior of consumers and determining what a certain target group wants and accordingly the marketing methods are also adapted and the analysis of the target groups are usually very extensive and contains all possible points that are important for marketing. If someone know what the customer wants, he can also apply this into marketing in order to motivate people even more and to increase attention and usually from the advertiser's point of view, it is important to work as subliminal as possible and it is about arousing emotions from consumers with different methods and creating a positive feeling when they think of a certain product and often it is worked here with certain stimuli that are appealing to the customer.

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The use of different colors, tones, smells or other sensory perceptions are often of great importance in order to bind the customer to a certain product in the long term and to ensure that he builds a relationship with a product and this sensory perceptions are often stored deep in the subconscious and there it comes to a number of interesting effects such as triggers that are created which are connected with certain perceptions and every time a customer perceives a certain stimulus, he automatically thinks of the product. Often it is worked specifically with subliminal messages and especially in advertisements, you see that in a fraction of seconds images flash up which should motivate the customer to buy a product and it is also typical to work with subliminal frequencies that are imperceptible to the human ear. Music is also an important factor that can influence the psyche of humans and you notice when you are in stores that soothing music is played which should bind the customer to the shop so that he spends more time there and also in offers, you can see that the psychology of numbers is shown and the communication channels are always important from a psychological point of view in the field of marketing. There are numerous psychological phenomena in the field of marketing which are regularly used, but one of the most important preparatory measures is to first analyze the target group exactly and in subsequent work one can apply specific strategies.


Many thanks for stopping and I hope you could learn something new about psychology! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.
