Flying saucers, truth is fact.



I have been made aware that a scientist from Harvard speculated recently that our known universe was created in a laboratory by an advanced Alien civilization. This type of dreaming appeals immediately to those of a philosophic mind. Imagination finds a fresh field in which to run free, untrammelled by physical reality. A person with scientific credentials has once again encouraged people to pay no attention to physical reality and even to call reality an illusion. I don’t think this is fruitful. I don’t think this is a good time for humanity to throw away the senses that God, or Nature if you prefer, gave to us over so many eons of our evolutionary development. Call it common sense if you like, but this is the sense that forms the real ground of that way of understanding we call science and without it we are no longer in the realm of science at all.

It is a fascinating and worthy stream of philosophical speculation to imagine what could be. But, looking back on my life, I realize more clearly how I have always preferred an evidence based approach to understanding the world. Verum Factum, Truth is Fact. That’s my motto.

I had been informed by two or three personal friends over the years that they had witnessed flying saucers close up. I remember discussing the issue with some friends even 40 years ago. I don't remember exactly when or why I found and studied Paul R. Hill's book, "Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Analysis" but in the late Paul R Hill I found a hero and a mentor who still inspires me anew every time I open this book.

Paul R Hill was an engineer and a physicist skilled in all branches of physics. He worked for NASA and its predecessor through the 1940s, '50s and 60's, retiring in 1975. He was in a position to examine the flood of UFO sightings in this period which came into the purview of NASA even as NASA officially denied all of this data. He examined these reports and came to the conclusion that they were so well supported that an honest scientist has no right to make excuses for it. The evidence is real, so our Alien Visitors are real, so now what can we deduce from their activities and capabilities about the nature of our Visitors and their technology? He found that the flight characteristics of flying saucers as observed by credible witnesses and recorded in real films (Notably the Tremendon Film taken in 1952 by a US military photographer.) does not defy the laws of physics as we understand them.

Paul R Hill finished his book in 1975 but was unable to interest a publisher. His manuscript lay unexamined until his daughter Julie Hill found it among his papers after he passed away. She realized how important this book is and by mighty and persistent campaigning finally got it published in 1995.

Paul’s last words in the final Appendix are these:

"At least I don’t discuss ‘other planes of existence’ and like concepts which have an ample background in the thinking of the Middle Ages but none whatsoever in science. The world of UFO students has literally and openly been crying for scientific assistance and explanations. This book is my answer.”

That’s my man!

The last paragraph on page 95 struck sparks for me:

"... we have almost eliminated all other possibilities by virtue of their being inconsistent with observed facts. In contrast, force field propulsion will be found to be consistent with all UFO reported observations that fit a general UFO pattern no matter what type of UFO. What we are doing is paying strict attention to the observed evidence, and not prejudging by our current knowledge as to how difficult it might be, or even how possible or impossible it might seem by our standards. We strictly proscribe to fit observation.”

After thinking and even calculating on the basis of the reports he was reading Paul witnessed UFO performance first hand in the early 1950s and found his knowledge of physics was fit to make sense out of it. Thus it was that Paul R Hill was, and in his book still is, the hero who stands for The Human Mind in communication with the Alien Mind of our Visitors in friendly and fruitful and confident dialogue, a dialogue of gesture as it were.

This approach to encountering our Visitors is almost completely neglected by our scientists, to the shame and disgrace of the scientific establishments of astrophysics and even applied engineering. This has resulted in corrupting and impoverishing our science.

I was privileged to witness UFOs close up on two separate occasions (in 2015 and in 2020) and Paul R Hill's book enabled me to understand what I was seeing. You can speculate endlessly and come to no conclusions but when reality happens to you it's a whole different world you find yourself in!

The US Navy pilots from the USS Nimitz who personally witnessed the "TicTac" shaped UFOs in 2004 are still baffled by what they saw and would have dismissed it except that the radar readings made it impossible to deny. They have been left in the dark because standard science has turned away from reality.

How can I respect people like Carl Sagan who spin endless speculations about possible Alien Advanced Civilizations with any characteristics and capabilities one could dream up? Our Visitors are here. By cruising our skies and near space and the surface of the Moon, as observed now and recorded by people with cell phone cameras and telescopes proliferating amongst the general public, our Visitors are calling to us. "Here we are," they wordlessly say, "Look at us. You can understand us if you try!" The evidence is right in our faces. Look at it! Reality will tell us the truth.

And there is something even more important than this, as explosive as it is. In 75 years since the first modern day UFO sightings and the recovery of crashed UFOs in 1947, our Visitors have demonstrated capabilities that could easily conquer and even destroy us but they have not harmed us. People still imagine invaders from outer space harming and destroying humanity. Meanwhile here our Visitors are and they demonstrate more compassion and, dare I say, more humanity towards us than we show towards each other. Far from rendering our faith in God obsolete our Visitors confirm it.
