RE: The Hive Blockchain: A Foundation For Global Community
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Much respect reading your comment.
You've come a long way from a while back when you were a blinded die hard defener of Hive claiming it would take off.
Well, years past now and the opposite is reality. So well done for no longer giving a fuck and expressing truth.
Hive needs more like you.
As for @ura-soul (he/she?) is still very much delusional. Putting Hive and 'humanity future' in the same sentence is a damn comical statement.
Reality is that the recent report by @dalz shows the embarrassingly STAGNANT STATE of Hive. Transfers and claiming rewards overpower actual SOCIAL ACTIVITY on chain and you Ura are claiming Hive will save humanity. Seriously??
2023 was the worst year and the coming years will continue in that downstairs spiral.
Because devs first secure pay from DHF then they sit on their hands for years.
Just ask @jarvie and their failed "open projects" bullshit.
What Hive needs is community to band together and stand up to the shit cunt devs of this chain.
Without community singing in everyday they have nothing to suck money from so you all have greater power than you think.
But silly folks like Ura putting posts like these out are not helping your future. (Maybe it's paid shilling).
FREE FACT: Delusional beliefs DO NOT MANIFEST positive futures.
Anyway HIVE (as I said at it's inception) was two things....
@blocktrades and friends securing the money scheme for themselves..
And poor people continuing to be the worker bees.
2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 nothing has changed.
Why the fuck would 2024 and beyond be and different?
As I attempted to lay out in this post, I am starting here to spell out some fixes to the systemic problems that Hive faces - I am under no illusion that there are major problems, which is precisely why I am working to solve them.
Well this:
That there is putting together two very non intertwined futures and for what reason would you make that statement other than to attempt to have the reader believe the two are somehow on a destined path.
'Humanity future' is once thing, and your post didn't elaborate on that further but you continued on the Hive evangelist route like somehow fixing Hive is destined to save humanity.
That's as delusional as @starkerz claiming SPK.Network is going to save humanity, which is essentially dead in the water now that @vaultec wants VSC to be the white knight against crypto/corporate overlords.
Either way the likelihood of crypto or any fringe basic tech becoming something which will save "free speech" is only a discussion that means anything within their respective discord servers.
Outside of that it is a ridiculous endeavor.. which is only used to sell bullshit... Or VAPORWARE.
Crypto and BLOCKCHAIN was always about taking money from folks who believe spin.
Ideas only need to be presented in glossy marketing to achieve that goal.
Coincidentally that's not something both SPK or VSC or hardly any project on Hive has successfully achieved anyway..
Because as I said...
Talking money from poor people was always the goal and that's best done in OBSCURITY and silence.
Ask @blocktrades and @smooth and @acidyo among others how easy that has been.
So the only issue that really exists is:
Or don't..
But it must be a difficult grind year after year knowing that those promised greener pastures continue to illude this blockchain.
Maybe acid boy's "hold-my-G-string" game will change the trajectory....
I mean... crypto turn based games are the pinnacle of this tech right?
In other...
THE WORLD is broken because RAGNAROK GAME by top Hive clown @theycallmedan hasn't yet released.
Ps: Go pay to watch FREECHAIN and VOTE. @lordbutterfly can't get into the Hollywood elite pedo clubs like he wants to without your votes.
Ok at this point I'm taking the piss for fun but this is how Hive development is seen outside of this bubble. It's just not impressing anyone after all these years.
Most users bailed and it's just Africa on the rise around these parts really.
I envision LATINO community eventually forking the fuck out of here in the future. Either on their own chain or if DeSo 'FOCUS' project takes off.. it will be a very easy transition for them.
I'll be contributing to that migration once the time and tech is ready because seen that I'm Latino also, I've always felt that the devs here never catered to the dominant community accordingly so the devs at DeSo agree that such a migration would be a win win.
It's a funny parallel between Hive and DeSo. They are on the same mission... but one is dying a slow death and the other has successfully generated hype AND PRICE ACTION recently.
The funny thing is FOCUS is quickly raising funds for future roadmap goals.
Whereas Hive already has funds sitting in DHF which could fast pace development to attract talent, users and potentially investors.
But you know why they don't..
the real Hive project.
Every fine, no problem here
Fuck freechain and that great suckup of a clout chase.
You aren't wrong ...
I only just saw your reply here because you are auto muted in peakd and I don't get notifications when you reply.
The only way that Hive is not part of humanity's future is if Hive either already doesn't exist or is soon to die. In my view, neither of those are true - yet you think differently and that's fine. I find it a bit odd that you are here wasting your own time to comment on something that you think is going to die soon anyway, but each to their own.
There can never be any technology that can save humanity because the roots of our problems are internal imbalances within each individual. I have written multiple essays on this topic in the past. However, since I am unaware of any established project that actually protects free speech online better than Hive, I include it as a useful tool to help us communicate as we evolve.
Which technology do you think will 'save free speech'? Or do you take the view that we can never have free speech?
Why is the argument "why do you waste time here if you don't blindly believe" always used by people like you that don't like the criticism.
That's an idiotic assertion.
Reading and writing is hardly something that takes a lot of time. Well it does if you're part of the WORKER BEES here on Hive and you have to keep doing it every day in order to get your few dollars... (while the smart users aka: PARASITES just feed from the autovotes.)
A person whether invested or not is free to input their view onto something...
It is after all what YOU'RE proclaiming to champion... FREE SPEECH... so it's odd that you seem to only want to encounter a certain viewpoint and me not expressing that view bothers you to the point you would rather I wasn't here at all.
So you're a borderline hypocrite.
But on free speech then, since that was why I read your post and commented.. thinking you would provide insight into it and how it affects humanity...
Spoiler: YOU DIDN'T.
Anyway I've made this point on the SPK.NETWORK discord before the clown @starkerz started to cry and banned me...
FREE SPEECH IS A LIVING ENTITY.. and it matters not so much what you say but WHO YOU ARE and then who you influence and or expose.
Case in point: JULIAN ASSANGE.
In my discord comment I said that had ASSANGE released information on Hive, there would be no chance the blockchain would still be active.
Also SPK.N clowns think they're going to save free speech with their backyard node networks..
Again.. it's likely no one significant will ever use that basic crap so then technically no one will shut down their "speech".
Anyway all those projects weren't ever meant to be finished or be relevant. They're just there to suck money out from DHF.
On a serious note though..
Just look at the state of the world.
Elites themselves are shutting each other down breaking the rules essentially in open warfare. Whereas before when society was less fucked up... that all happened behind closed doors. Because power elite fix their issues discretely.
So for the masses: humanity... There's no hope of free anything really. It's a fool of a man who think that those that ARE NOT IN CONTROL OR IN POWER have a chance in hell at calling the shots.
The world (humanity) was actually meant to be in the business end of a global revolution by now.. but again... the POWER PLAYERS cut that shit at the knees with COVID (RESET).
Go watch this talk/interview if you want to understand this better..
Take care man.
And take some time away from Hive. Seriously your time is worth more than this bubble of depression. By now it should be clear that this tech is nowhere near what they claim and the community will always be poor people needing a few dollars.
I'm not insulting poor people because I come from a poor country but the devs and project teams here are nothing but parasites sucking you all dry making you all work producing obscured blogs for their automated voting.
That's a quality comment. Yes hive runs off more than it onboards. Exactly. The lack of retention and actual support?
Then you got Leo going bankrupt and screwing over customers with the Leo premium scam.
Got that holozing based openly off a trademarked product. Really? Hahahahahaha. Then they backstab a known p2e hive game company with 3 Working games, 3 HE tokens. And holozing isn't even out!
Thsts going to be a huge loss.
If hive don't shape up and trim the fat?
All the people getting paid for nothing needs to end. The milking and scamming of hive needs to be dealt with.
Instead these projects need to have milestones for funding to be released.
And the toxic groups? The centralized power of these groups? Needs to be broken down. Or hive is going to be the corrupt communist blockchain.
Isn't hive seeming like a 90s web 1.0 than emerging groundbreaking technology and community? Handle on let me record and post a small snip of video... Oh wait... You can't do that here!
Changes need to happen... Yes!
lol I like reading your comments man I've seen you speaking openly on other posts and say well done.
420 brother!
But do you see how blind people are here. You are out there telling them honestly that @khaleelkazi is just robbing users but they all turn on you instead and call you "a hater"
And so you're also muted by the frontends... like me. Lol blaze another one for these damn sheep!
Anyway the NONEXISTENT video (because 3speak is a joke) is something I pointed out long ago and 5 years on they still don't have it right.
Fuck that this hive thing was never about developing technology... It was always about taking money.
INLIMBO actually think they are "cutting edge WEB3 success story"
Holy crap I couldn't stop laughing. That khal guy.. MACDONALDS DRIVE THROUGH SERVANT CLOWN doesn't see the real world much.
He even said recently on an AMA that X devs and even Elon Musk is watching INLIMBO and is copying what they do with that buggy InLimbo crap.
Fuck man what crack laced weed they smoking.
@anomadsoul is an alcoholic I know that much. His wife messages me late at night after he passes out. I blocked her now because she doesn't shave.
Take care ganjamam.
There have been plenty of red flags rolling in. The failures are staggering and it is hard to imagine this coin to be around next year from my point of view. I feel massively betrayed by the impotence of most of the larger stakeholder. They want to see Rome burn and it makes sense from their perspective.
Why expose yourself to the risk of actually decentralizing, if you can just sit in discord and wait for the bullmarket to carry your coin to sellable levels. Little do they know that if the community size and volume becomes too little for too long, well Bitshares happens, everything to nearly 0 overnight.
So you see the trend now.
Hive and even back in days as steem... the devs never wanted success. Because for one the system couldn't scale but the main reason was that they achieved just enough success to have money coming in to give them a constant exit ramp.
There's so much shady shit that happened and is still happening so many of the heads here don't want that attention.
@blocktrades and @smooth among others are laundering their takings through upbit via affiliates.
@acidyo is a registered sex offender in Europe and has tried to sex traffic a few females he invited into Hive. He got too overweight though so now he lives relatively happy with his Japanese sex doll collection. That's where he got the idea for his game Hold-myGstring.
@roelandp is also registered and almost got arrested in Mexico because he touched a donkey. No wait he accidentally put his hands on @theycallmedan's lap that's what it was.
@starkerz tried to get a hair regrowth procedure done on his forehead in Mexico but they said "sorry señor we can't treat movie theatre IMAX foreheads. Can I sell you this sombrero instead.."
The list goes on man...
@taskmaster4450 is really a woman that escaped South Africa and had a sex change in Thailand then got smuggled into USA in a shipping container carrying bullshit.
@khaleelkazi and @anomadsoul secretly got married in Mexico at hivefest23. They wanted it to be a triple union with theycallmedan too but Dan was going all in on a poker tour pro champion mad skills invite only bigballnaires toyboy party.
Anyway I'm off, just finished downloading RAGNAROK game on my PC com puta. So impressed. Wow. Hive join the time machine and experience cutting edge trick-nology that was only intended to convince folks into parting with small money.
Bottom line: crypto is crypto and the money is like air, it's always there for consumption.. but those that exploit people for years on end without delivering their own promises.... those people are a certain breed.
But lke your said...
The host is almost dead.
But wait no.
VSC has just passed go.
The next obscured Hive idea that will change everything bro.
Yeah sure I trust you lot with a lot of money.
Said no one outside of this bubble.