Restauración de edificación de patrimonio cultural 💕 Heritage building restoration
Saludos a mis queridos hivers y a la hermosa comunidad ArhitectureDesign.
En mi ciudad existen obras de patrimonio cultural que se encuentran deterioradas desde hace años y recientemente el gobierno local se ha dado la tarea de restaurar algunas, lo cual alegra a los barquisimetanos en pro de rescatar nuestros espacios culturales que aparte de mostrar belleza sirven para realizar actividades de disfrute colectivo cultural.
En el camino a mi trabajo paso por el casco histórico y he observado que se están realizando trabajos de restauración en el Museo de Barquisimeto.
Para conocer la historia sobre la infraestructura del Museo de Barquisimeto consulta mi artículo
Greetings to my dear hivers and to the beautiful ArhitectureDesign community.
In my city there are cultural heritage buildings that have been deteriorated for years and recently the local government has taken on the task of restoring some of them, which pleases the people of Barquisimeto in favor of rescuing our cultural spaces that apart from showing beauty serve to carry out activities of collective cultural enjoyment.
On my way to work I pass through the historic center and I have observed that restoration work is being carried out in the Museum of Barquisimeto.
For a history of the infrastructure of the Museo de Barquisimeto see my article
¿Cómo es la arquitectura del Museo de Barquisimeto?
Con respecto a su arquitectura es de estilo neoclásico. Esto se debe a que su diseño fue realizado por un arquitecto alemán que introdujo su cultura europea al recinto venezolano. Las principales características son sus arcos, columnas, cúpulas y grandes tamaños.
How is the architecture of the Museum of Barquisimeto?
With respect to its architecture it is of neoclassical style. This is because its design was made by a German architect who introduced his European culture to the Venezuelan precinct. The main features are its arches, columns, domes and large sizes.
¿Por qué se ha deteriorado el Museo?
La falta de mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo han ocasionado serios problemas de humedad en techos y paredes que hacen necesario restaurar el sistema de aguas de lluvias, sanear los frisos, las puertas y ventanas de madera, corregir el sistema eléctrico, entre otras actividades que se derivan de las mencionadas.
Why has the Museum deteriorated?
The lack of preventive and corrective maintenance has caused serious moisture problems in ceilings and walls that make it necessary to restore the rainwater system, restore the friezes, wooden doors and windows, correct the electrical system, among other activities derived from the aforementioned.
Este edificio cultural fue intervenido anteriormente en el año 2012; es por ello que dolientes del patrimonio cultural del estado llevan años solicitando ante las instancias gubernamentales su restauración. Es una forma de rescatar este espacio que antes era tan utilizado para diversas actividades culturales de los barquisimetanos.
Podemos preguntarnos ¿por qué si el museo fue restaurado en el año 2012 se deterioró tan rápidamente?
La respuesta tiene que ver con los materiales de construcción utilizados, es algo más de lógica que lo que podemos pensar.
Los edificios antiguos fueron construidos con muros de tierra, en aquel momento no existía el cemento; sin embargo en la actualidad han cometido el error de restaurar los frisos con mezclas de cemento siendo estas incompatibles con el material tierra, produciendo ante la presencia de humedades separación entre la capa del friso y el sustrato.
This cultural building was previously intervened in 2012; that is why mourners of the state's cultural heritage have been requesting its restoration before government agencies for years. It is a way to rescue this space that was once so used for various cultural activities of the people of Barquisimeto.
We can ask ourselves why if the museum was restored in 2012 it deteriorated so quickly?
The answer has to do with the construction materials used, it is something more of logic than we may think.
The old buildings were built with earthen walls, at that time there was no cement; however at present they have made the mistake of restoring the friezes with cement mixtures being these incompatible with the earthen material, producing in the presence of humidity separation between the frieze layer and the substrate.
¿Qué trabajos de restauración se está realizando en el Museo de Barquisimeto?
- En exteriores se están rehabilitando los frisos y colocando revestimiento de pintura.
What restoration work is being carried out at the Barquisimeto Museum?
- In exteriors, the friezes are being rehabilitated and paint coating is being placed.
- Se están restaurando puertas y ventanas de madera. Adicionalmente el carpintero está introduciendo mejoras en el diseño del arte.
- Wood doors and windows are being restored. Additionally the carpenter is introducing improvements in the art design.
- En el techo se sustituyeron tejas y previamente se colocó manto asfáltico. Se conservó el sustrato de madera original.
- Shingles were replaced on the roof and an asphalt mantle was previously laid. The original wooden substrate was preserved.
- En las paredes que no se encuentran deterioradas de manera profunda se le está colocando un acabado de pasta profesional para finalmente pintar.
- In the walls that are not deteriorated in a deep way, a professional paste finish is being applied before painting.
- En los casos que se encuentra descubierto el barro se está colocando una mezcla con arcilla y un aditivo que ayuda a repeler el agua. Con esta mezcla se espera que exista adherencia entre el muro de barro y el friso protector.
- In cases where the mud is uncovered, a mixture of clay and an additive that helps to repel water is being applied. With this mixture it is expected that there will be adherence between the mud wall and the protective frieze.
Es importante acotar que las obras asociadas a patrimonios culturales son mas costosas que las que se erigen por primera vez y la razón es principalmente porque son trabajos más detallados, con materiales y equipos especiales, además de mano de obra más meticulosa por el cuidado que se debe tener en no dañar la estructura preexistente.
Por otro lado, estas obras deben ser supervisadas por la Comisión de Patrimonio Cultural, la cual garantiza que se conserven las características esenciales arquitectónicas de la infraestructura.
Y así va quedando la obra
It is important to note that the works associated with cultural heritage are more expensive than those erected for the first time and the reason is mainly because they are more detailed works, with special materials and equipment, as well as more meticulous labor due to the care that must be taken not to damage the pre-existing structure.
On the other hand, these works must be supervised by the Cultural Heritage Commission, which guarantees that the essential architectural characteristics of the infrastructure are preserved.
And this is how the work is coming along
Les presento el durante y despues
I present the during and after
Deseo que la información haya sido de tu agrado. ¿Has participado en alguna restauración de obras de patrimonio cultural? Espero tus comentarios.
Contenido original y fotografias de @xandra79
I hope this information has been to your liking. Have you participated in any restoration of cultural heritage buildings? I look forward to your comments.
Original content and photos by @xandra79
I am Venezuela (2019). [Artículo online]. Museo de Barquisimeto, pilar de la cultura guara. Recuperado de. Consulta: Octubre, 2021.
Otras consultas/Other
Todas las imágenes son propias del autor @xandra79
All images are author's own @xandra79
Hello @xandra79. We would like to promote your post on Twitter however, it is currently limited to only those you allow access to. Please advise. Thank you.
Hello @aplusd I think I solved the problem. According to my twitter account settings, only people who follow me could tag me, so I unchecked that option. Try it and if it persists I will look for help.
I was unaware of this situation. I apologize!
No worries. The situation is now fixed, I've followed your Twitter account as well. Thanks so much for updating your settings.
Thanks to you! 😄
Hello @xandra79 I greet you from Guarenas, Miranda State Plaza Municipio - Venezuela. Excellent work you show us, I congratulate you. I liked the writing and each photograph where the details are evidenced with quality. Receive a strong virtual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light and may our Divine Shepherd take care of you and protect you always.
Buenas tardes @marcosmilano71. Muy honrada por tu comentario. La publicación la realicé con mucho cariño para ustedes con la intención de dejar algo bueno que aprender o compartir. Un gran abrazo desde Barquisimeto, la ciudad crepuscular de Venezuela
Buenas, Su post ha sido propuesto para ser votado a lo largo del día por el witness @cervantes. Un saludo.
Buenas tardes. Muchas gracias por el apoyo @cervantes y @ramonycajal
Hello, dear friend @xandra79. First and foremost, my sincere congratulations to the people of Barquisimeto for the collective interest in resurrecting your beloved cultural museum. I believe it's high time your neighborhood would, once again, fully enjoy the rich historical, artistic, and cultural wealth your esteemed location is blessed with. I'm sorry to hear about the museum's deterioration after its initial revival in 2012. As both of us belong to the related fields of architecture and civil engineering, we can simply understand the reasons behind its rapid decay and inevitable downfall.
Heritage buildings are special breeds of spatial environments, different from the typical types of architecture we have today. And they absolutely require professional specialists with knowledge, training, and experience when dealing with their proper restoration. Since this is a time-consuming, meticulous, and expensive endeavor, careful implementation of this type of work is a must. We wouldn't want the same painful mistake to happen again to this project like some years ago, would we?
During your personal observations on the site, what do you consider the most challenging aspect of the museum's restoration works?
Hi @storiesoferne. Thank you very much, we barquisimetanos rejoice for the restoration of the museum and hope that cultural activities can be reactivated, with due care for the pandemic, of course.
Indeed, we did not want the initial mistake to be repeated and this suggestion was made by professionals specialized in the restoration of heritage buildings. Fortunately, the recommendation was followed and now we can only hope that time will prove them right.
On the other hand, in relation to what aspect I consider was the most challenging in the execution of the restoration work, I must say that it was definitely maintaining the originality of the structure and facades, since the type of architecture contained a large number of shapes, figures and arches that had to be reformed in its outermost layer, which had to maintain the harmony of the geometry.
Another challenging aspect was to remove the damaged frieze very carefully and avoid alterations that could weaken the earthen wall.
Thanks for the question, it was very interesting. Happy day to the whole ArchitectureDesign Community.
Indeed! Thanks so much, @xandra79 for your comprehensive feedback! I look forward to the full completion of your cultural museum for all Barquisimetanos to savor, cherish, and love for many generations to come. Have an awesome weekend friend! 😊
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 62/82) Liquid rewards.
Muchas gracias!
Hello @xandra79
Loved the restoration work as depicted through your pictures, the details are great showcasing the best of restoration work.
It was indeed a wonderful blog, have a great day.
Hello @sahiba-rana
Lovely your comment, it encourages me to keep writing. Best regards!
Good morning Alejandra, you don't know how happy I was to know that they are recovering the museum of, I imagine, our homeland. Thank you for sharing your interest in fighting for the conservation of our historical-cultural heritage. The photos are excellent
Buenos días Alejandra, no sabes lo contento que me puse al saber que están recuperando el museo de, imagino, nuestra tierra natal. Gracias por compartir tu interés por luchar por la conservación de nuestro patrimonio histórico-cultural. Las fotos son excelentes
Good morning Professor, how nice to share together the joy of the recovery of the Museum of Barquisimeto. An honor your presence here.
Buenos días Profesor que bueno compartir juntos la alegria de la recuperación del Museo de Barquisimeto. Un honor su presencia por acá.
Well done @xandra79! We're happy to inform you that this publication was specially curated and awarded BRONZE MARK in Architecture Brew #42. Congratulations!
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Wow Wow and Wow @aplusd, thank you very much and may the successes continue for the whole community.
Hello @xandra79, you're most welcome. Keep up the excellent publications. Stay awesome!