RE: Imparted energy


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I personally don't know much about guns other than point, pull trigger, boom, but I do know there is a lot of craftsmanship and science that goes into them. I also know that when a person really enjoys something, it's fun to have an audience to talk with about it.

I bet it felt good to be back on the range! I had planned to be at the archery range this weekend but, ironically, I was also brought down by Covid, so that'll be next week. I know that'll feel good for me.


I like to talk about the technical nature of shooting and firearms, ballistics and so on, especially with people who don't know it as (sometimes) someone's face lights up and they crave more. It's those people with curiosity and openness that provide the best conversation in this regard as I get to represent firearms properly to someone who doesn't know about them. You know what I mean?

I enjoyed the range, as always, and I hope you get to go this weekend, and that covid-chan hasn't hit you too hard.
