Vitamin D: Is it Essential for the Body?

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When you hear the word vitamins, what do you think of? I think of Vitamin names like the alphabet a,b,c, and so on. The vitamin that I generally consume is Vitamin C. Apart from its delicious taste, the ingredients in it are suitable for keeping my body fit every day.

In this post, I will share information about one of the vitamins that are classified as essential but are rarely considered important by most people, including me. The vitamin I mean is Vitamin D.

Busy activities and erratic weather require our bodies to work extra to fight free radicals like vehicle fumes, sweltering heat, dusty winds, and other free radicals.

About Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the essential vitamins needed by the human body, it is divided into two types, namely Vitamin D2 which comes from plants like fruit, vegetables, and mushrooms, then the second one is called Vitamin D3 which comes from foods like fish, eggs, and sunlight.

What I know is an easy source of Vitamin D to get is sunlight, especially the sun in the morning because we only need to leave the house and sunbathe for a few minutes, then vitamin D can be formed naturally when our body is exposed to sunlight.

Some of the benefits of Vitamin D are that it can maintain healthy bones and teeth, Vitamin D functions to help absorb calcium and maintain calcium levels within normal limits. So that it can strengthen bones and teeth preventing the risk of diseases like osteoporosis or other bone disorders.


Vitamin D that we get from sunlight can help maintain the immune system, this vitamin can increase antibody production and can reduce the risk of autoimmune. One of the activities that can be done while getting Vitamin D is by jogging or walking in the morning when the sun rises, besides sweating the body also by being exposed to sunlight will make the body produce vitamin D. In addition, jogging or walking in the morning can maintain heart health and cardiovascular disease, vitamin D can also help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce inflammation that is associated with cardiovascular disease.

For the record, vitamin D can indeed be formed from the body that is exposed to sunlight but it is advised not to overdo it because it will cause diseases that can endanger skin health. Before sunbathing, you can use sunscreen/sunblock to protect your skin from the dangers of UV rays.


Remember to maintain your diet by adopting a healthy diet with sufficient macro-nutrients such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Foods that come from plants or animals contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins needed by the body, so try to have a sufficient intake of healthy foods so that the body can stay healthy.

If you want to know about essential vitamins for the body, you can read my previous post, or click the link below:



Great article. There is a direct link between vitamin-D deficiency and the severity of colds, flu and (of course) COVID.

Wikipedia currently classifies Vitamin D as a "secosteroid."

They keep changing the classification.

It is essentially a hormone that seems to regulate bone creation, the immune system, and other parts of our health.

From an evolutionary perspective, vitamin D is quite important. This chemical appeared before invertebrate. All animals that have bones have vitamin D.

I wish that medical community provided better information about sunlight and vitamin D production.

Looking up different articles. It appears that our skin produces 7-dehydrocholesterol . UVB radiation turns 7-dehydrocholesterol into vitamin D3. A healthy liver turns vitamin D3 into vitamin D2.

It is the UVB radiation that transforms 7-dehydrocholesterol.

This spectrum also causes skin cancer.

The earth's atmosphere filters out UVB. Most windows filter UVB radiation.

Since the atmosphere filters UVB radition, the best time to get sunlight is at noon when the sun is directly overhead. This rule may not apply year round.

Again the controversy is that UVB causes skin cancer and produces vitamin D.

My understanding is that people in Northern climates develop vitamin D defiencies during the Winter because the UVB radiation is blocked during the winter.

Again, I wish the medical community provided better information on the best time to produce vitamin D.

Another controversy. It appears that the free fructose found in invert sugars like High Fructose Corn Syrup will destroy vitamin D in the liver. HFCS and invert sugar is found in a large number of foods these days as it makes things taste sweet.



I really appreciate it, you explain it very complex. Thank you for your explanation of my post.


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