Non Essential Amino Acids - Tyrosine (Part 1)

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Back again with me @workaholic666 on StemSocial. In this post, I will share information about Non-Essential Amino Acids in the next few posts, first I will discuss what Non-Essential Amino Acids are, their types, benefits for the body, and side effects that can be caused by these substances.

Previously I discussed the types of Essential Amino Acids which were divided into nine sections which all of you can read in the links below:


Non-Essential Amino Acids are substances that are essential for the human body, these substances are usually known as proteins which function to assist growth and metabolism processes in the body. Non-essential Amino Acids can be produced by the human body and also from food, in contrast to essential Amino Acids which can only be obtained from food and supplements.

Protein is a vital source of nutrition for the human body, especially for those people in their infancy because protein which is broken down into amino acids, is so necessary for metabolism and aspects of one's growth and physical health. In the first post about Non-Essential Amino Acids, I will discuss the types, the first is called Tyrosine.

About Tyrosine


Tyrosine is one of the Non-Essential Amino Acids which is a fraction of Protein synthesis, this substance is needed by the human body to form neurotransmitters and is related to the formation of hormones. Although this substance is classified as non-essential, apart from being able to produce Tyrosine by the body, this substance is also found in food and medicines, which is what distinguishes Essential and non-essential Amino Acids.

The following are the benefits of Tyrosine for the body:

  • Serves as the formation of new protein molecules, tyrosine is useful for processing protein synthesis in the body which functions for the growth of new cells.
  • Tyrosine can help the process of forming substances such as Dopamine, Adrenaline, Thyroid, and Melanin.
  • Tyrosine is useful for improving cognitive function and memory and can overcome stress and anxiety.
  • Tyrosine can increase metabolism which makes the body healthier and can avoid disease.

With good benefits for the body, Tyrosine is one of the non-essential Amino Acids needed by the body, the source of which can be obtained from foods such as meat, milk, and eggs. Protein and amino acids are substances that are difficult for some people to fulfill because their sources are not found in many foods, unlike carbohydrates or fats, which are abundant, especially in instant food or processed food products.


Tyrosine is a type of Non-essential Amino Acid which has benefits for growth and synthesis in the body, but keep in mind that Tyrosine can also cause side effects if consumed in excess. Everything must be balanced, and excess is not good.



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Thank you for this info, i Wonder why it is called non-essential when it Is essential lol


It is said to be non-essential amino acids because these substances can be produced by the human body but in limited quantities, while essential sources come from food and cannot be produced by the body.
Thanks for read my post :)
