Vasomuscular system, latch, muscle memory, trauma, Wilhelm Reich


This all reminds me a lot about the old, since hundred years forbidden, suppressed, verboten research into orgone, character panzer, in general the combination of psychoanalysis AND manual therapy.

Freud hated his student Reich for touching the patients and threw him out.

Reich has been hunted by communists, fascists, and Americans for his insights and research.
Finally he died in a free American military industrial prison complex.

(But that appears to be totally normal after learning what Americans did after wars. For example Rheinwiesenlager)

Take a look:





I would love to get some real help with my permanent pain and cramps.

But scientific medicine has not only failed.

It is a conspiracy built on wrong premises that officially suppressed all research that does not have the same wrong premises, they dictate, for over 100 years now.

We already were way ahead in research. A hundred years ago the aether was still an alive "thing" and not only a trashed theory.
All building had antennas to harvest aetherical energy. Passively.
(while they never proofed the aether not to exists - they only proofed that they cannot even methodology. They just built a strawman experiment that has nothing to do with what they wanted to find out - the aether. It is like me not being able to count some imagined moon wind and therefore I deny moon itself to exist allltogether.
Plasma premises will also bust the standard model -soon, you will see.)

We also already know since quite some time that the heart is no pump.
But who cares. You will all recognise soon enough, even with your cognitive biases and unwillingness to learn.
(No, confirming your school-installed learning trauma is NOT learning)


AHH and please do not forget the very systemic attack on all our bodies' exact vasomuscular system.

Ever heard of coinciditis myocarditis?

So they perfectly know. They ALWAYS use the suppressed knowledge against us.

it is only an artificial information asymmetry. But they pose as if they were evil geniuses.. (while the really good people generally are only open enough to find out)


Homeopathy. You can heal yourself, inexpensively, with it. This woman gives tons of free info on her blog. I have enrolled in her academy. Real medicine, the medicine we thought we were getting.

100 years ago, homeopathy was much used in the US. The AMA was founded in large part to thwart that truly healing method; it was cutting into the profits of the poisonous allopaths.


Wegen Schmerzen. Vor allem Schulter oder? Hattest du schon Erfahrung mit Bor/Borax?
