RE: 🐜🐜🐜 TIL: Termites Are Being Researched As A Renewable Energy Source 🐜🐜🐜

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Okay but, hear me out...if we eat termites, and termites have all those interesting species of microbe that make them efficient bioreactors, couldn't we, in turn, become efficient bioreactors? Granted, this would only work if we could consume the termites raw, since the heat of cooking would undoubtedly inactivate those microbes, but still. Collecting new species of gut microbes from the critters we eat is hardly a new thing for us hoomans.

It reminds me of "back in the day" when folks would take their piss pots to the tannery and sell their urine so that the tanners could use it in processing hides. Maybe someday we'll all produce the energy needed to keep our homes running by wearing a contraption to capture our own methane/hydrogen/etc. (We could, conceivably, already do this with cow farts. Surely cows wouldn't notice a little collection device that sits on their backs and collects their excreta...) πŸ€”

