Modernizacion de equipos! [Esp-Eng]



Buenas noches a todos!. Como les va?. Espero que muy pero muy bien! 🤗
Hoy quiero contarles uno de los mayores cambios que vivi en mi trabajo. Este fue la modernizacion del sistema de control de accesos. Esta actualizacion nos permitio dar un paso agigantado a ser un area competente y efectiva. Paso a contarles.

Durante muchos años, mas de 8 para ser exactos, siempre trabaje en la coordinacion de control de accesos del Ministerio de Economia. Uno de sus edificios satelites al cual prestaba el servicio de control era Agricultura. En este lugar habia un sistema de control de accesos obsoleto. Eran carriles que solo detectaban el paso pero no ponia freno si alguien queria ingresar sin autorizacion. Los controles de bolsos se hacian de manera casera, es decir que nosotros debiamos mirar dentro de ellos. Las credenciales para marcar se estaban acabando y no habia reposicion. En si, todo el sistema estaba colapsado y estaba cayendo.

Desde que me entregaron la responsabilidad de llevar adelante el cambio de tecnologia, luchamos junto a mis compañeros dia a dia durante meses tratando de llevar un servicio eficiente hasta que se pusiera en marcha todo el nuevo sistema. Y bueno, luego de tanto esfuerzo, el dia llego!.

Teniamos un nuevo sistema de control por camaras a color con mas de 130 instaladas en todo el ministerio. Teniamos nuevos monitores y PCs para la atencion al publico. Teniamos nuevos muebles y sillas para los operadores. Teniamos detector de huevllas digitales y carriles con aspas para no permitir el paso sin permiso. Realmente llego la modernizacion a mi trabajo y siempre estuve orgulloso del trabajo que realizamos hasta llegar a el. 🥰

Good night all!. How are you doing?. I hope very, very well! 🤗
Today I want to tell you one of the biggest changes I experienced in my work. This was the modernization of the access control system. This update allowed us to take a giant step towards being a competent and effective area. I'm going to tell you.

For many years, more than 8 to be exact, I always worked in the access control coordination of the Ministry of Economy. One of its satellite buildings to which it provided control service was Agriculture. In this place there was an obsolete access control system. They were lanes that only detected passage but did not put brakes if someone wanted to enter without authorization. The bag checks were done in a homemade way, meaning that we had to look inside them. The dialing credentials were running out and there was no replacement. In itself, the entire system was collapsed and was falling.

Since I was given the responsibility of carrying out the technology change, I and my colleagues fought day by day for months trying to provide an efficient service until the entire new system was launched. And well, after so much effort, the day has arrived!

We had a new control system using color cameras with more than 130 installed throughout the ministry. We had new monitors and PCs for customer service. We had new furniture and chairs for the operators. We had a fingerprint detector and lanes with blades to prevent passage without permission. Modernization really came to my work and I was always proud of the work we did until we reached it. 🥰

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