Ukraine Loves @risingstargame and Other Statistics from HIVE Gaming


Did you know that @risingstargame has far more website visits than @leofinance and most other front ends of HIVE? I only learned about it today while researching for this article. The devils is in the details and I like to look into the details of the projects that I want to explore. I wanted to learn more about @risingstargame as I have been playing the game for over 3 years and decided to present my discoveries as n article to make sure more people are aware of the project.

Once we dissect and know about a project more, the success can be (at least partially) replicated. HIVE needs to have more DAPPs. They do not have to be exclusive on HIVE. Even the "Communities" feature that is offering a decentralized Reddit/Discord alternative is a great way to get more projects integrated with HIVE.

A Basic Overview Based on Similarweb

Similarweb is an Israeli startup that later became a publicly traded company (NYSE: SMWB) that offer web traffic analysis. It is one of the best free tools for the job. You can use the same tools I used to keep track of any changes to the statistics offered. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the data offered by Similarweb.

As I bring in more statistics, you will see that the average visit duration is already better than some HIVE front ends. The website is categorized under "Gambling" which is wrong IMO. The big surprise was the Ukraine Statistic.

All of this is happening without any language support or any developers building a brand within the country. @risingstargame has support for Spanish. Reaching Spanish speaking countries is not surprising. Ukraine beating all of those countries does mean that there is a significant organic interest coming Ukraine that could be capitalized to grow HIVE.

Website Visits of Last 3 Months

I don't want to overwhelm the readers with too many statistics. Hence I will share what I consider to be the most important ones for the topic and it is on you to use the same tools I have utilized to learn more. There is no substitute for doing your own research. Don't trust the government, the media, the influences, companies etc. People can even end up giving you wrong information by mistake. It is best to verify even those of who you trust.

Comparison With HIVE Front Ends

These are some of my favorite front ends. These are the most feature rich front ends available. has very high traffic, but most of the experienced users don't use it. It is great to have the classic look preserved for historical purposes and those who prefer that experience. I doubt "modern audiences" would be thrilled for that look. Unlike the traditional Web 2 players, us decentralized communities can have multiple front ends serving multiple preferences.

Additional Related Websites

More Visits Than LeoFinance

@khaleelkazi has done an absolutely amazing job leading the front end to have far higher average duration and pages per visit. Today I saw a Thread reply from @anomadsoul saying that average Thread gets 3x more engagement than the average long form post. Threads are likely playing a large role in keeping the audience for a longer time with increasing pages per visit. Social media is not the only way to achieve popularity.

Compare with the above statistics and you will see a stark difference. I'm not sure why Rising Star rank at 138,584th place while LeoFinance is ranked 128,738th. I assume there are additional factors at play to determine ranking.

Games + Microblogging is The Best Gateway for New Users

Website visits are a good thing to have. But not all visits are equal and comparable with each other visit. It is best to think of each visitor as an NFT. They each bring different levels of value. A whale who would could spent six or seven figures in $HIVE and all the projects built around it will make a large difference. Thousands of minnows each contributing a little can be as valuable as an investment from a whale.

We need to onboard them before anything. There is a reason many E-commerce websites force users to create an account. Cryptocurrency is more complex than the silly centralized junk most people are used to. It is best to get them started with something small and familiar and later onboard them to more complex areas of the ecosystem.

HIVE Was Built As Social Media | But Killer DAPP Was is A Game!

I have seen some suggestions to make a game or release NFTs as part of $LEO DAPPs. @risingstargame is proof that a small team with limited budget can bring in hundreds of thousands of visitors every month. Signing up for a game and playing it regularly is not that difficult. If we were to treat a game as part of a marketing funnel, we can run the game at break even level and make the profits in other parts of the ecosystem. At the very least, there will be room for ad space which can then be used to buy and burn Tokens.

We Could Make Our Own Cookie Clicker

Even a few links and images promoting DAPPs could make a difference if the web traffic is high enough. It may even serve as platform for emerging DAPPs to advertise themselves.

There are many possibilities awaiting us. I'm not a coder myself and there is no way I'm going to be able to build a DAPP in any recent time. What I can offer is my research and ideas so that the community can build a few great things when the next bull market arrive (likely in Q1 or Q2 of 2024).

Happy Gaming! Happy BUILDing 👨‍💻 🎮

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha




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Great post! I hadn't even looked at the visits we get. As you say we are a very small team so it's not something we have every had time to look into.
