The Great Burning Rewards + My Thoughts on SPS Staking Requirements - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 26 Report Card


SPS staking was promised a long ago as a utility for SPS and a replacement to Collection Power. When I look it purely from he point of view of an SPS investor, the new update is a very positive addition that can bring more demand and reduced sell pressure. As a player who has been earning and HODLing Cards, the conditions are more mixed. I can even see how some of the players would throw in the towel and stop playing @splinterlands

sps_multiplier = Max((staked_sps / (staked_sps + rating_constant)) * 13.3, 1)
rating_constant = ((rating - 100) * 0.007) ^ 3.5

Under the above algorithm, it is impossible to get a 13.3X multiplier. staked_sps will always be slightly less than staked_sps + rating_constant. 13X multiplier in Diamond and Champion Leagues will require millions of SPS (with maximum supply set at 3 billion). In the case that the player does not own sufficient SPS, they will be reaping less rewards from the game. This may help to an extent with the inflation of Cards.

As per the table, I should be making slightly better rewards spending most of the time in Gold League with occasional entry into Diamond III. Not all players have been stacking SPS since launch. The old players at least had a chance to invest in the game and HODL or purchase SPS. It is the new players I'm worried about. A better new player experience and education should help to keep @splinterlands alive

Match Report


Gold Rank180
Rating2695 - Gold I
Rating High2753
Ratio (Win/Loss)0.95 (168/177)
Longest Streak8

There has been some time since I was proud of my performance. I seem to encounter the same bottleneck at the end of Gold I. I have a history of almost making it to Diamond III and this Season was one such moment.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard204
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold7

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲Token
Legendary Potions4998147🟡 5880
Alchemy Potions9746143🟡 7150
DEC00-🟣 0
SPS27.91513.388-⭐ 41.303
Merits10871688-🎀 2775
CHAOS Packs213🟡 12000
Cards (Total)11299211-

Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
168🟣 0 + ⭐183.389

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 25030 CREDITS
⭐ 224.692 SPS

If the current Rewards kept up till the end of the year, I should be able to get few Cards to Max Level or at least somewhere close. In addition to the regular Rewards, there was "The Great Burning" that burned 380,759,257.877 DEC and 161,573,729.434 DEC-B which is a significant portion of the DEC supply.

17 Winning Chances and Only 1 Win

These are good results considering the amount of DEC I burned. Now I have acquired Guild Power + a Nightmare Pack to use whenever the game become playable.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards583.417
Ranked Rewards as above224.692
Brawl Rewards245.248
Tower Defense137.135
License Stake Rewards304.561
NET SPS1495.053
+ Voucher Drops107.412 🎟️

The VOUCHERs will see more utility in the future with the ability to use Soulbound Cards in Land. The new use cases for SPS should help with its price despite the negativity related to Binance at the moment. I'm cautiously optimistic for the future.

The new changes with SPS staking will go to effect in the middle of the Season. It is a disruption to what some players were expecting for the Season. It would be better if @splinterlands become more predictable in the future. I was not affected by these changes negatively. I have gains; not losses. The reason I speak of these things is because a game is more than myself. @splinterlands is not a single player game.

When I think about it, a single player game like a Visual Novel should not be that far beyond the capabilities of @splinterlands team. I would like to see some single player content for the next cryptocurrency bull market.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.
