PlaudNote; a voice recorder with AI that includes GPT-4o and is truly efficient and portable | A device that increases productivity


Visax | Unsplash

Technological accessories take different forms over time. Many of them have their purposes of use, such as monitoring a person's health. Perhaps what we imagine at this point is a Smartwatch. A watch that adapts to our wrist and offers us relevant information about our physical condition.

Then other accessories have come out that adapt to our ears, sight, and even a ring has seen the light that summarizes all the functionalities of a smartwatch but in a reduced size, making it all much lighter and easier to carry. These accessories have in common that they can be synchronized with a smartphone and thus gather complete information.

What about transcription accessories? A pin has been seen that attaches to a wearable and allows interaction to be performed on an AI model by voice and making use of gestures on the palm of a hand. Although this has not been very successful because it was too slow in response times and the functions it could perform were better done from an application. As an idea it seemed like a brilliant idea, it just hasn't been found a way to take advantage of it. A pity.


What is clear is that generative AI is starting to make its way into technology through devices that can make things much easier for us on a day-to-day basis. One of them is the PlaudNote; an accessory that we can use alone or adapt to our smartphone in order to take notes.

The company in charge of carrying out this invention is Plaud.AI, and it seems to have a very good product. This is responsible for using artificial intelligence to take notes in different contexts, although the clearest is to synthesize what is spoken in a meeting. Possibly what you want is to keep in mind each specific point of these conversations, which are undoubtedly vital for the business environment.

With this in mind, artificial intelligence would play the role of assistant, summarizing each central point you need to worry about, only paying attention to what really matters and adds value to your position. The interesting thing is that it uses a very novel language model; the GPT-4o. This ensures a perfect and accurate understanding of what is being spoken and transforms it into points of interest relevant to the job at hand.

The device is really small and as we had said before, it can be adapted to a smartphone. In this case, the hardware has a very interesting shape, in which there are only two buttons. One that can be slid and allows you to switch from note recording mode to call recording mode. The other button is simply to turn it on. Simple, isn't it?


These functionalities and summaries can be obtained directly in the application, although there is also a web version for better readability and accessibility when working.

This device can record continuously for 30 hours, although that's crazy. Most likely you will need to record no more than 2 hours per day, and for that this accessory stores information in a 64GB memory, which is more than enough.

You might think that what you store is megabytes or gigabytes, and obviously this is the case at a computing level. However, in addition to purchasing the device, we need an account in which we will receive a certain amount of minutes per month to record.

This product is available for purchase for $159, which comes with 300 minutes per month to record conversations or calls. The other existing option is the pro version, which has an annual membership that includes 1,200 minutes per month for $238.


  • Main image edited in Canva.
  • I have consulted information in
  • Screenshots taken from Plaud.AI official site.
  • I have used DeepL to translate from Spanish to English.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


the heights that is being achieved by AI is interesting.

i never knew that such ring exists. if it makes its way to the market, it will sell alot.

on the other hand, the plaudnotes looks promising. recording 30 hours is mind blowing. the features is too good to be true. we're gradually begining to bring imaginations to life.

!luv !PIZZA


It really is a significant advance in AI as far as devices are concerned. In this case, it will improve the productivity of those who need to focus on what is important.


yes, it will.

there will be much more progress with minimal stress


Wow! Won't we just sleep a night and wakeup without tech astounding us. A wonderful one from I must say beyond being good, it's productive to the company as long as monthly sub is concern. Thanks for this wonderful update friend.
