Back to Work : Another of my side hustle Being In cooperated on Hive Block chain


Wise saying that one doesn't put two legs in one basket an also applying the principles pertaining to any work,success is sure. Frankly speaking an idle brain is an ideal hand and an idle hand is an idle pocket. Having a productive mind is one of the best thing one can do for oneself. In the absence of having it from your brain first then its not done. Exploring on the advantages given to one, which include having hands that can work,brains that can think out stuffs then all is achieved. Having been heard frequently that nothing good comes easy still on the same page,easy things are not done by doing nothing. Being incorporated into the hive system is one of the best thing happening to be right now as is one of my side hustle too.




Innovative Mindset ;
Having this as my side hustle doesn't come by being on only one state of mind, it comes by exploring the advantages I have. The first work isn't done by putting irons together but rather by having an innovative mindset. The first work is done in the brain. Having an innovative mindset involves one being more creative from the talent already given. Analysis and having the plan work done in the brain,is the first step.






Execution of ideas ;
Undoubtedly, nothing is achieved by folding arms,all parts of the body must be on desk. Now imagine having a dream to be an engineer or a medical doctor or even any other profession without doing the training suitable for that profession, then if that isn't done, its just a dream. Notwithstanding that its done first on the brain then the hands should be involved too. Quite sure that a lot of hardworking is been put,until the dream is been achieved, its just an opinion.

Still on hive block chain, making money from my side hustle and inversely putting it through on hive purchase of tokens to be used in curation or delegation, then if successfully planned this way and achieved,its already an addition.
