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That's awesome! I've heard great things about Voron, particularly the speed, as you mentioned. When the bulk of orders are small items, it makes perfect sense to add a small format but speedy printer to your stable. I'm really excited to hear you guys are making a good go of things, and expanding your market reach outside Russia. I bet if you could manage the language barrier, adding China would be possible - but probably add a lot of production capacity to handle another ~1.5B potential customers! Platforms like Temu and Wechat could take you to a whole new level - whether you like it or not - so maybe that's not something you need to do when you're growing already.

Today in America is Thanksgiving Day, my favorite holiday when we feast with our loved ones and dear friends with a particular reflection on the good things we have to be grateful for, life, health, love, and peace first amongst them. I am grateful for your good fortune and merit of the good success you are having with your business, and I will add that to the many things I am grateful for today. I will hope that somehow peace will find a way to come to our good people soon, because that underlies all other good things we can have, and it's very much what there should be.



Oh, Happy Thanksgiving Day! I know this holiday, I've read about it. Is it still celebrated with a turkey?:)
Gratitude is brilliant, and it's a pity people devote so little time to it in everyday routine.

Thanks a lot for congratulations with our purchase!:) Voros are great printers, you're right! Coming outside Russia is a great idea, but I think competition there is extremely high. In my city we aren't already the only ones, in bigger cities we will be one of hundreds, and taking the whole country we'll be lost in millions of others, of locals, who will be better for local customers.
And we don't have so much production power to cover such geography:( 3 printers are too few to go too much outside. Now all 3 printers are busy 24/7 to cover orderds from the marketplace, so to be ready to produce more orders, we need to have more and more printers, a big 3d-factory;) Well, we've sucha goal, actually;))


"Is it still celebrated with a turkey?"

Yes, although any meat is happily substituted because the real point is a feast shared between loved ones, good friends, and neighbors, so any good food is appropriate.
