RE: 900 Mhz Frequency Used in Industrial ISM & GSM Cell Phones Linked to Significant Decrease of Neurons in the Mammalian Brain

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That is a horrific result. I read more than a decade ago that we are being bathed in >200Mx the natural background level of EMF radiation. It is telling that current safety testing only uses heating of tissue as a metric of potential damage from ionizing radiation. It's also quite silly to expect that radiation that has so many useful effects to only have one potential effect on such vastly more complex things as life forms than our crude technological gizmos. I appreciate very much you bringing this to my attention.



The entire testing / safety benchmarks of the stuff is completely incomplete / utter display of incompetency.

Given the results of these tests, lord only knows what the stuff is actually doing to us. Kind of terrifying. :/


I long ago became aware of patents by Hendricus G. Loos regarding modulation of frequencies of display devices, the refresh rates of monitors, that enabled deranging people exposed to those radiative devices. Varying the flickering of the screens we use to access the internet, we can be sickened until we vomit, jacked into states of insatiable lust, or saddened, rendered utterly happy, or enraged.

Folks that refrain from descent into the various madnesses so inflicted have capacities outside the normal range to control their emotional state, and folks that yet remain competent socially, refraining from sociopathy and not afflicted with psychopathy, are more rare yet. I suspect this is the reason why there is a meme regarding programmers being basement dwellers in programmers' socks. It's probably based on observations as so many cliches are.

Nonetheless, that makes folks like yourself exceedingly valuable, and well explains the deficit in social competence many social media and programming based institutions reveal.


I'd read about that technique as well!

Pretty crazy how much shit we have that emits frequency that can effect us in a plethora of ways. The guy you mention might have been the founder of the technique that I had read about, I remember for sure it had something to do with refresh rates and emotion manipulation.

It's not super rare to find engineer types, but engineer types that understand enough about the different disciplines are quite rare. Personally try and stay well rounded, studying whatever interests me or whatever I'm exposed to.

The slide into psychopathy or becoming a sociopath seems to be a thing too. Seems that those who become wealthy beyond their means tend to view everyone else as sub-human. Not sure why wealth turns people into self absorbed ubermensch types but it seems to be a pattern.

Thanks for the reply. Cheers captain!
