Using self-confidence to accept the reality: A way I would react to the traumatic and my next move.

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My next moves would be to accept the reality, acceptance of the reality could be one of the ways to survive it. If there is anything to survive because I am not dead.

To me adoption is not a crime, maybe I would start feeling bad, or a result of what led to the revelation that I am not the biological child of the family.

But if these people took care of me, didn't sell me, or through me out of their home, I will stand my fate. Whether my new supposed to be parents are wealthy or poor. If it occurs that my biological parents are poor or at the current time, of happening, perhaps gave me out when things were rough that hasn't changed the fact.

And the family I have known all my life serves me with my adoption document, then the reality is that I was adopted. I am not a bastard, someone handed me over to them, but even if it appears I am, at this point I have to hurt and accept my reality.

What didn't kill me, or gave me the opportunity to live, and got grace for someone to agreed from the onset to raise me a child? That same unforeseen situation is still in the natural existence. I am tied to the fact, that I am not their biological child then trust me it is not a big deal one self-motivated in the world.

If my biological parents are no more, I will pick up the races from wherever the forsaken family has stopped. The bitterness will be in major, but this is my reality.

If there is no other options, then I am facing my world, no need to kill myself because, death would have done that from the womb, knowing what will be fall me.

Since it didn't, take my life, I won't perceive any reason to request for any inheritance claims; if they so wish, not to include me in the will if there is one.

Which I quest, this is what this is all about. That would be weakness from me to the biological family, Their parent sailed the boat to the point they have stopped. I am going to believe that where they have ended is the limit to their parental obligations.

If my parents are alive, lucky me, I will go back to them, ask few questions why they had given me out to the situations. But where they are not, age difference, but I will move on, it is the reality.

After listening, whether justifiable for such act or not, the truth hasn't changed that I am flying with another's Wings. Fact, that many were born and died.

Few got to leave, I think Self encouragement would be my key and strength. No one at this point can do it, not even my friends who may start mocking, or my parents who had also been a genuine partner to the act.

It is true, that either as a full-blown man, or a young, teenage, or even a youth to find myself in this situation, in some cases, depression would hold me for some time, no doubt, I am only human.

Why so because I built a dream according to the environment I fund myself, so it is zeros beginning, and suicide is the last if options.

Life continues, like they say, situation like to thinking and plan changing. This is how, and where I am, people would still accept me, those that will not, will not accept me.

I have lost it, not because I wished to, my biological property from my biological family as well. Which all, most have been taken by my unknown extended biological family and relatives. No doubt I have lost out all these.

But self courage will be my option, if I died, struggling to survive out of this, let it ve I did my best, moving on. If I succeed, then it is my gain and an adventure.

Believe you me, killing myself is stupidity, however, thoughts like this come into the mind when, if lived a very extra-life- style and luxurious one of course the paint is quite obvious.

If so, and the person have the courage and Self motivation, then believe me it is the only way out of this mess. Quite unexpectedly happening, but the truth is, you can't blame the family that is isolating you, why didn't my parents take the responsibility?

That's one Self question after I have absorbed the shock that comes with the news. If they are dead, why did I not die? Many orphans are out there, doing relatively well.

I won't force myself on the family, the proof to the claim is clear right in my hands and possibly genetic proofs it as well. So stupid of me to think otherwise, they have done more than enough to keep me to any extent I am before the revelation.

People with different opinions, right, this doesn't mean, I don't like a good life. It is true that I am leaving a wealthy family to either the poorest, yes it will affect me mentally for a period of time.

But still believe me, deaths, or putting myself in into a shock that would take my life and destroy the feature is the last decision. Like I said, no one is going to encourage me at this point, of course, no even the people I click with in the most expensive places the family has exposed me to.

The depression will come, so deeply and gradually leave because, I will site down to take the most difficult decision. All my self courage would be drowned from the Same happening.

Remember, no one would stand by me, like wealth friends, possible people of the same class. Depending on the age that this is happened. I will move on. It is my world, no case, because every evidence is proven beyond doubts.

But at first, the shock will be in numbers, but I will over it only by myself decision. I don't believe that there is no hope.

This would be my reaction and responses to this.

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Shock definitely. That would be overwhelming
