Understanding the power of business breiefs, before proceeding.


Hello everyone, how are you doing, it has been a while, pretty busy, but I have to be here.

[English Version] Many businesses men call it an entrepreneur, small businessmen and women, do not pay attention to some little things that matter in business.

Every businessman who intended to go into a production, and services should not ignore the importance of briefing. A briefing is a document that compromises the objective, statement of problems of a business, concepts of production process.

Allow me to share my experience, as it would help relate to the concepts I will be exploring here, I was given a without a brief to produce an Ad. And I didn't request for a brief from my clients, so when I finished the production, and the goods were to be sampled.

It turned out that what they expected from me wasn't what I produced, I had to make a refund to the company. It was a lost and would have cost me by business relationship with this firm. They also lost out because, I charged them for not giving me a brief.

But as a professional, with adequate skills, I was supposed to educate my clients on that before accepting the offer.

Too many times we take some something things for granted, which can cost you our business relationships with people, but an entrepreneur can also avoid this issue if he understands the importance of having a brief before proceeding.

Learn how to document your Ideas, objectives, goals, and concepts that you want to sell before proceeding. Many businesses entrepreneur today lacks the police of getting the fact that there are giving consequences for not giving full consideration to briefing can cost its fortune.

Briefing enables you as an entrepreneur to understand what really would like to venture into and how you would venture into these business, with the aim of getting the right customer.

All these are what briefing does to a business and the life of any brand, or company. But it is quite unfortunate today that some business still do not understand the importance, and effects a brief a can bring to their business.

As such, some entrepreneurs ignorantly don't take briefing so seriously in their business. Briefing your client, even, allows them to know the objectives and brings to light the dependency of what that business holds.

We have different types of briefs in business which outline the goals help projects business, and the products which every entrepreneur is set to for business, but today I would mention some of these briefs such as:

  1. Packaging brief: This type of brief is originated From the owner of our brand. When there are fake goods or products in the market, hence is therefore a need to change.

Many entrepreneurs, mostly small businesses men and women, come up with some fantastic ideas, which most of these beautiful ideas are being hijacked by some other smart businesses counterparts.

No matter how small your idea is, make sure you have a brief of your brand, products and ideas, it helps to maintain the constitution right if that product. Because every entrepreneur is an idea originator, but if you're not smart enough, someone else would carry on that idea from you.

Today people adulterate people's ideas, products, but brief. For instance, the Coca-Cola company, as a sole entrepreneur company, has it brief. Which says.

Produce a package that, when smashed and when whole, it can still be recognized

This means that their ideas of bottling, it shapes, and Ideas behind the qualities cannot be adopted by anyone without their notice. This is a real entrepreneur mindset. It doesn't mean your greed, but it helps to protect the life of your business.

2 Product brief: This brief state what us the nature of the product, what is the color, state the mandatories, how should the products be handled, it is liquid or solid.

When you add this type of brief, on your products allows your customers to appreciate the products, and the benefits associated to it. Every consumable products, have health benefits, let your customers see the health benefits of your products, on the brief, they would patronize that products the more.

Learn how to be creative in your business, one again visits me @valblesza, I am a financial writer, including political economics and environment economics analysis. If you love to read more of this kind of
article, visit my blog @valblesza to read more.

Spanish: Hello everyone, how are you doing, it has been a while, pretty busy, but I have to be here.

Many businesses men call it an entrepreneur, small businessmen and women, do not pay attention to some little things that matter in business.

Every businessman who intended to go into a production, and services should not ignore the importance of briefing. A briefing is a document that compromises the objective, statement of problems of a business, concepts of production process.

Allow me to share my experience, as it would help relate to the concepts I will be exploring here, I was given a without a brief to produce an Ad. And I didn't request for a brief from my clients, so when I finished the production, and the goods were to be sampled.

It turned out that what they expected from me wasn't what I produced, I had to make a refund to the company. It was a lost and would have cost me by business relationship with this firm. They also lost out because, I charged them for not giving me a brief.

But as a professional, with adequate skills, I was supposed to educate my clients on that before accepting the offer.

Too many times we take some something things for granted, which can cost you our business relationships with people, but an entrepreneur can also avoid this issue if he understands the importance of having a brief before proceeding.

Learn how to document your Ideas, objectives, goals, and concepts that you want to sell before proceeding. Many businesses entrepreneur today lacks the police of getting the fact that there are giving consequences for not giving full consideration to briefing can cost its fortune.

Briefing enables you as an entrepreneur to understand what really would like to venture into and how you would venture into these business, with the aim of getting the right customer.

All these are what briefing does to a business and the life of any brand, or company. But it is quite unfortunate today that some business still do not understand the importance, and effects a brief a can bring to their business.

As such, some entrepreneurs ignorantly don't take briefing so seriously in their business. Briefing your client, even, allows them to know the objectives and brings to light the dependency of what that business holds.

We have different types of briefs in business which outline the goals help projects business, and the products which every entrepreneur is set to for business, but today I would mention some of these briefs such as:

  1. Packaging brief: This type of brief is originated From the owner of our brand. When there are fake goods or products in the market, hence is therefore a need to change.

Many entrepreneurs, mostly small businesses men and women, come up with some fantastic ideas, which most of these beautiful ideas are being hijacked by some other smart businesses counterparts.

No matter how small your idea is, make sure you have a brief of your brand, products and ideas, it helps to maintain the constitution right if that product. Because every entrepreneur is an idea originator, but if you're not smart enough, someone else would carry on that idea from you.

Today people adulterate people's ideas, products, but brief. For instance, the Coca-Cola company, as a sole entrepreneur company, has it brief. Which says.

Produce a package that, when smashed and when whole, it can still be recognized

This means that their ideas of bottling, it shapes, and Ideas behind the qualities cannot be adopted by anyone without their notice. This is a real entrepreneur mindset. It doesn't mean your greed, but it helps to protect the life of your business.

2 Product brief: This brief state what us the nature of the product, what is the color, state the mandatories, how should the products be handled, it is liquid or solid.

When you add this type of brief, on your products allows your customers to appreciate the products, and the benefits associated to it. Every consumable products, have health benefits, let your customers see the health benefits of your products, on the brief, they would patronize that products the more.

Learn how to be creative in your business, one again visits me @valblesza, I am a financial writer, including political economics and environment economics analysis. If you love to read more of this kind of article, visit my blog @valblesza to read more.

[Spanish Version]


Hola a todos, ¿cómo están? Ha pasado un tiempo; he estado bastante ocupado, pero tengo que estar aquí.

Muchos empresarios lo llaman emprendedor, pero los pequeños empresarios y empresarias a menudo no prestan atención a algunos detalles que importan en los negocios.

Todo empresario que pretenda entrar en producción y servicios no debe ignorar la importancia de un briefing. Un briefing es un documento que incluye el objetivo, declaración de problemas del negocio y conceptos del proceso de producción.

Permítanme compartir mi experiencia, ya que ayudará a relacionarse con los conceptos que exploraré aquí. Me pidieron producir un anuncio sin un briefing, y no solicité un briefing de mis clientes. Así que, cuando terminé la producción y los productos estaban listos para ser muestreados, resultó que lo que esperaban de mí no era lo que produje. Tuve que hacer un reembolso a la empresa. Fue una pérdida y podría haberme costado la relación comercial con esta empresa. Ellos también perdieron, ya que les cobré por no darme un briefing.

Pero, como profesional con habilidades adecuadas, debí haber educado a mis clientes sobre esto antes de aceptar la oferta.

Muchas veces tomamos ciertas cosas por sentadas, lo que puede costarnos nuestras relaciones comerciales con las personas, pero un emprendedor también puede evitar este problema si comprende la importancia de tener un briefing antes de proceder.

Aprende a documentar tus ideas, objetivos, metas y conceptos que quieres vender antes de proceder. Muchos emprendedores de hoy en día no tienen la disciplina de entender que no dar plena consideración al briefing puede tener consecuencias.

El briefing permite al emprendedor entender en qué quiere aventurarse realmente y cómo lo hará, con el objetivo de atraer al cliente adecuado.

Todo esto es lo que el briefing hace por un negocio y por la vida de cualquier marca o empresa. Pero, lamentablemente, hoy en día algunos negocios aún no entienden la importancia y los efectos que un briefing puede aportar a su negocio.

Como tal, algunos emprendedores ignoran el briefing en sus negocios de forma inconsciente. Informar a tu cliente, incluso, les permite conocer los objetivos y hace evidente la importancia de lo que ese negocio representa.

Tenemos diferentes tipos de briefing en los negocios, que esbozan los objetivos y ayudan a los proyectos empresariales, y los productos que cada emprendedor está listo para ofrecer. Hoy mencionaré algunos de estos briefing, tales como:

Briefing de empaque: Este tipo de briefing se origina del dueño de la marca. Cuando hay productos falsos en el mercado, surge la necesidad de cambiar.
Muchos emprendedores, especialmente los pequeños empresarios y empresarias, tienen ideas fantásticas, pero muchas de estas ideas son apropiadas por otros empresarios más astutos.

Por pequeña que sea tu idea, asegúrate de tener un briefing de tu marca, productos e ideas; esto ayuda a mantener el derecho de constitución de ese producto. Porque cada emprendedor es un originador de ideas, pero si no eres lo suficientemente astuto, alguien más tomará esa idea de ti.

Hoy en día, la gente adultera ideas y productos de otros, pero un briefing protege esto. Por ejemplo, la empresa Coca-Cola, como una compañía emprendedora única, tiene su briefing. Que dice:

"Produzca un empaque que, ya sea aplastado o entero, aún pueda ser reconocido."

Esto significa que sus ideas de embotellado, su forma y los conceptos detrás de sus cualidades no pueden ser adoptados por nadie sin su autorización. Esta es una mentalidad emprendedora real. No significa ser avaro, sino que ayuda a proteger la vida de tu negocio.

Briefing de producto: Este tipo de briefing establece cuál es la naturaleza del producto, cuál es su color, los elementos obligatorios, cómo deben manejarse los productos, si es líquido o sólido.
Tener este tipo de briefing en tus productos permite a tus clientes apreciar el producto y los beneficios asociados a él. Todos los productos consumibles tienen beneficios para la salud; deja que tus clientes vean los beneficios para la salud de tus productos en el briefing, y así los consumirán más.

Aprende a ser creativo en tu negocio. Una vez más, visítame en @valblesza; soy escritor financiero, incluyendo análisis de economía política y ambiental. Si te gusta leer más artículos de este tipo, visita mi blog @valblesza para leer más.

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Good evening @valblesza, thank you for sharing such relevant information for the entrepreneur and that, however, is often overlooked possibly because of ignorance of its various applications, for example I have a friend who is a graphic designer and each order of its customers prepares a Briefing with luxurious details, which makes the customer sign before starting work, this in order that as you point out at the beginning, there are no disagreements at the time of delivery.

Thank you for contributing to the strengthening of the entrepreneur.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Buenas noches @valblesza, gracias por compartir una información tan relevante para el emprendedor y que, sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones se pasa por alto posiblemente por desconocer sus distintas aplicaciones, por ejemplo tengo una amiga que es diseñadora gráfica y a cada pedido de sus clientes elabora un Briefing con lujos de detalles, que hace firmar al cliente antes de comenzar a trabajar, esto con la finalidad de que como señalas al inicio, no se presenten inconformidades al momento de la entrega.

Gracias por aportar al fortalecimiento del emprendedor.

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