Truth cost nothing but liars.

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Being truthful is cost nothing, no matter the situation, the prestige you hole in this life is the ability to tell people the truth. Tell ourselves the truth, break out from the shackle of lair and deception.

Something happened, I was called upon to take responsibility, for a business deeded, someone else was doing this job without my notice.

Then my client didn't tell me much about it, so I picked up with the business, we negated, it went to our terms. After two years of executing this contract, my client called me and handed me a key to what added to my success in life.

He gave me some money, that have good value because, all through the three years of working for him, I didn't liar, cheat or embezzle from him.

I am so afraid of the law of karma. The consequences of lying, so disastrous, and unbearable, if you agree with me. Being truthful, cost nothing, but lying is too expensive.

Nature and humanity is one ecosystem that we exist with everything, and what does differentials human is the ability to tell what is right and wrong.

People can hate you, they hated me for not lying to my clients, they attempted to destroy me. Yet, the God of truth vindicated me. None of these arrows came any close to.

Life is a base, what we base are lives on, is what controls the actions we take. It is more difficult to tell liars, if you want to succeed even in business.

Everything is not how take is, when we tend to again through liars and dubious means, our life is counting down. Lying is like a malnutrition in the souls. Health or being healthy is not just the physical, for the enteral controls the external.

Take this practical, when you tell the truth, to the people, don't care, never be bother lying is the wrongest decision. Remember, truth doesn't satisfy everyone.

Humans are just that way, care about yourself, be conscious, learn and know that the most inheritance of, we can have is making sure that our tongues, activity, and actions is totally void of lairs.

There is a satisfactory life in living a free liar life, it is the greatest fees to pay back to that part of our conscience that is telling us to. Remember, humanity is built out of the world.

And words are the most powerful weapons to build and destroy the world. Your words, can make and destroy, but being able to keep a lip this is pure of every liar makes me, who I am today.

Fearless as I am, the only thing that one would do to me is not accepting the truth. I don't say facts because fact doesn't change anything, in humanity truth is truth.

Understand it, I owe no one no explanation because if anything goes right for lying. I will stand it, and face the consequences a lone, but if it goes successfully the instigator will smile, but if it fails I live with the brunt alone.

So the only way I deem fit, to relate with human is by telling the truth. It changes nothing, if thousand of people hit too hard on you for telling the truth. It is normal.

After all, you're the only one to give account of your own yourself. Even if it takes me to be the only one that is hated so hard for telling the truth, trust me, I don't care.

It would last for the main time, so the truth would be out, however, telling the truth requires consciousness, techniques, and wisdom.

I always at every point have this at the back of my mind. I need to be alive to keep telling the truth. Therefore, I have to be meticulous, how I walk, where I declare my interest and what I shouldn't.

Humans go to any extreme to get down their fellow, humans, so do animals do. It is a nature. Don't worry, trade with consciousness and allow the atmosphere of the truth to be the bone of fire in you.

Humanity is not just a discussion about the ecosystem, nature and all of those. Humanity is truth, how and what do you stand for? People should know me for my prestigious truthful and habitual speaking of it.

Let a thousand hit me harder for being one eye camel that the wrong needle can't pass through. It satisfies me then, I feel peace. Liars are a sleeplessness night and compelling weapons. I don't have and armored to defend myself from the destruction.

So the only way to save myself from all of these issues, is abstinence from liars. Nature doesn't see lairs lesser. They kill, it mutes feature, vampires, which the blood sucker can only last for a while.

Truth is truth, liars are liars. Don't compromise it, for Truth.

15.080 STEM


Como dicen las escrituras, por la verdad murio Jesus en la Cruz, no por meterme en tema religioso, sino que decir la verdad es lo mejor porque tarde o temprano todo se sabe.

Hace dias sali de viaje con mi hijo, estando en la parada nos llego un conocido, nos pregunta si vamos donde mi mama, le dije que si...cuando se va mi hijo me encara en que porque le menti al conocido, le dije no le menti, no le conte realmente donde ibamos, porque a veces no es bueno que las personas sepan que salimos de viaje, por precaucion y cuido de nuestra casa, aunque una vecina se queda con la llave, pero nunca sabemos y cuando estoy de viaje ni publico nada en las redes porque seria tambien como avisar que estamos fuera de casa.

0.000 STEM

Thanks you for reading, it just that I don't understand this language, but thank you for reading this post.

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