The feature that would be grap with bold hands.

Images what would happen, who could have believed that.

Human generally need something that will bring peace, joy, happiness, and satisfaction without taking much time. Man is not created with patience, as such, we are also seeing things to be done in the shortcut.

Shortcuts, come with many disadvantages, its related issues, that could harm one in the feature, despite how unique we need to achieve that goal and objectives.

But, today, man including me, see it as the best way, which in no doubt, would help bring more than satisfaction in my daily life and activities.

Too many issues, horrible experiences, wrong deals and severe mistakes and all sorts of it I have made in life, including losing my loved ones and the best times.

All these memories, would have been made easy to recall and have same time opportunity, to see these things reflect repeat itself again as it were. If I could use my shortcut.

As it is today in the computer, and technological world, where the most hideous things have been made easy and the most simpless things been made difficult.

The world is even becoming easier, and telling you the truth, I would like to find myself in a situation where I could just by a click of a few buttons get my job and recall my lost fill.

Allow me to share my experience, three days a go, I was sourcing the Internet, so I storm on this app, and when I downloaded it into my phone, I was notified that my storage is full.

So, while I was about to delete something from my phone, I mistakenly deleted everything from my phone.

This made me feel bad, including my Ecency app, my WhatsApp, Facebook Instagram and my byite wallet including my Ton Keeper wallet, even my Pi wallets were lost.

One could imagine how crazy that could be, if you were to lose your close friends, siblings, and love memories. Just a click on buttons or computer CRL+Z like I did on my play store fetch me my lost apps without stress.

I think, It would have been one of the best memories or things I will ever want to experience in life, reminiscing the hands of the clocks in a real life situation.

To meet my needs, solve my difficulties, and show my pains and then, when I want them no more, I could easily wipe them off, with just a click on CRL+Z just as it is done in my computer.

Life naturally doesn't need stress, even in the things we concern easy still come forms of hard work, time-wasting and difficulties. All these depend on what you really want.

To me, I need a very made easy life, that my contribution would still be significant but consonant with the lesser stress, insofar, I am concern, this would be like saying, Internet of all things becoming a reality and a dream come through.



I also believe ctrl + z would be so great. You get to undo a lot of mistakes and then find the right approach to solve these things.


Yeah, one can just see how life would made perfectly easy without having to get over with struggle. Thanks for stopping by to read.


Human need things the be easier than the easiest way, an if these take sneering perceived influence on our daily life and activities one would be more than happy. Thank you for stepping by to read this article.
