Promotional and initiative ideas to bring the best of our hive blockchain: A main streaming and analog ideas to site hive in the society and on the space.


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Hive is a blockchain that accommodates beneficiary to me and thousands of people on the blockchain.
Hive needs publicity to help grow and develop the well-being of the communities, through campaigns that Shi bring positive results and resources into the system.

I hive been thinking since the day I saw this theme, what would be my suggestion and the kind of ideas I can bring to the book that we help this community.

First, I am bringing to the table a public campaign. Now, many people around us do not know that a place like hive is existing. Sometimes, for instance, I live close to a neighbor who can sing gorgeously, the other is good at coding and graphics, while most of them are good photographers.

But all these years, they either go for shot events, or do some other kind. These kinds of people need to be on-board into hive. But one thing is how to convince people into doing something, and another is guiding them to do the right thing.

I have been looking forwards from next year to establishing a physical training center for people like this, where I would build a hive hub. Where everyone I hive brought and the ones I am going to on-board into the system would come together to, own a physical place where we all can stay and attract other newbies.

This complex would bring to many interests, know it is just like saying I want to have a place where I can share with many newbies the importance of Web3 Decentralized Apps. This campaign will be achieved by next year.

Secondly, I am suggesting that everyone in the hive should share the knowledge of the hive, its benefits, attributes, and achievements. In the organization where they belong. This includes taking the hive community to our places of worship, onboarding newbies from those places.

By February, I have made every necessary plan to bring to board at least two hundred newbies, with special skills in writing, graphics design, photography and cryptocurrency special writers to the Leo finance community.

In my working place, I have about two hundred students, with different potentials. Most of them I have been reading and following their works, such people would function well in the inkwell community.

One thing is to campaign for hive, another is to know the potentials of these people you are on -boarding. No, what each of these individuals can function and orient them into a community where their strengths are fitted.

Because most of the people that come to hive, they don't hive a community, any community they are committed to. It is a problem when people are not committed to a particular community to help develop that community, it does not mean that others are not relevant. I am really committed to all the communities in hive but more of the Leo finance.

Thirdly, if everyone members should come up with the idea of a hive campaign, print some stickers that carry the hive logo, in the form of neckless, wristwatches. Give it out to people. That is one of the ways and Ideas to promote hive. That could take hive a long way in raising hive awareness in our society.

To me, hive is where I intend to build, hive have come to stay, if we should hive a block community sponsored publicity, about hive on most of our local radio and television stations.

I have also done these few months ago, that was in the school. I am intending to rebrand the idea, write to most of the Media houses within my reach a column and editorial papers.

Though I have been doing this, but cryptocurrency topics are not part of it. But now I am going to start up with this too. I need to take hive to its place in the social and physical space.

Hive need that bigger publicity in Nigeria. Like every other of my business do, so I am going to exclusively bring this campaign and promotional ideas into based. Putting these ideas together will go a very long way in promoting hive generally.

So it would be nice if we all take this direction, I know it is quite difficult, but one thing is moving the community, and trying to build a based.

Like the recent time, hive in really showing interest in podcast collaboration, and this is one of the biggest hubs in the Media space today. If everyone should build a mini studio in their homes, pushing it from their to other Media space, like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

I know that hive has its officially YouTube handles, if we can actively engage in the activities on these channels. Bring in the logo and shot video clips made from podcast shows, about hive, on our WhatsApp status, and many others of our social media blogs. We are promoting the hive we want beyond the imagination of our strength, which I am doing.

Currently, this one has been one of the ways I get my newbies, most of these newbies call me and say, the platform's in your status how it is? How does it work?

Then I look at the person's potential and commit them to a particular community. If many newbies being on-, boarded on hive are being oriented in this manner, then we are promoting. Not just that community but hive generally with this idea.

They all are thankful today. So if we really believe that hive can move forward because I believe it is moving, every day I post some shot clips on my WhatsApp status. Campaigning for a thing could be very difficult sporadically.

Fourtly, many people are totally in the community are not giving hope to the community, I know my net worth in hive is not up to something mindful. I never hive powered own before. And I don't intend to do so even in the next two years from now.

Those who have values in their hive back dollar and the hive liquid should understand that the strength of the community depends on this collective sponsorship. Understand when to power down and when not to. If this is put into consideration, I believe everything will be fine in hive as we grow together.
