No language bias: Is there a developed Nation called language?

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog, my name is Valblesza
how are you doing.


Language is a common mother tongue that unites people together. It has been an integral part of human since creation.

We only understand ourselves through language, and people can only coexist when they understand what the language of their environment is and how it works for them.

Today, language is a major problem in many socials. Language barrier has been one of the biggest barriers that limits human communication and understanding of other people.

This happened in many phases, including our offices, home, in our relationship between humans and other domestic

A society like Nigeria which is made of up many ethnic groups and languages, speaking tongues is one issue that Nigeria is facing. With my experience and exposed, language; is one of the things that can unite people in many ways.

This content will exploit into how language barrier could be affect human relationships, bias in a homogenous society like Nigeria.

Nigeria is a homogenous country, with many languages, but only three are mainly recognized. Which is the Ibo, house, and Yuroba language. Meanwhile, we have so many tribes, under these three languages.

Today in Nigeria, a man from the South-South, East and North part of Nigeria are alienating to each other.

There is some sense of individuals indifference among these, three tribes, due to their language barrier, and this language barrier brings; in bias in into the way we can harmoniously work with each other.

Frankly speaking, language issues and barriers is one important issue to be addressed in our society if we most live together, work, build a nation together and bring up supportive political environment and development.

Our bias about each other and how we judge each other's value due to language barrier affects us so much, affects our Sense of belongings and beliefs about one another.

In Nigeria, a northerner is considered the greatest enemy to a person from the Eastern and an Easterner is considered as one greedy person who is too dubious in nature.

While, Southern person is considered as the ones that is selfish among the people. All these are issues of language barrier, and it is played out by the leaders in the way they Carry people along.

If any society were able to address the issue of language barrier, I believe that society like Nigeria would do better in their political affairs.

In our offices, language barrier has caused us a lot of harm than good.

Many people in their workplaces mostly used their native language to communicate with most of their colleagues, who are from the same language speaking environment. I don't see anything wrong with that.

But if not properly manage among themselves could lead to a breakdown of the system, when the other workers do not understand the meaning of the language in usage.

The context of that language, could have issues in the effective cost of their operations. Society that wants to move forward, most bear in mind language management, mother tongue should be used among those who understands it.

Language has to do with the spoken word, actions, responses; ques, symbols. I believe that everyone is entitled to their language because the speakers didn't create themselves into the mother tongue language, as it was divine, except the second language learned by residential influence.

But this content is looking at our mother tongue language, many due to how the society consider their language, creates barriers in their mother tongue usage, fearing favor or not being look down on. It is true that everyone should know the boundaries of their language usage in the society.

In other words, people should learn how to respect other's language, cherish it because without language the society is incomplete of course, the society will be incomplete place to be and the world would have been so unstructured.

How do we build a better society even in a situation of language barrier, difference of mother tongue and in a homogenous doweling like Nigeria without having issues with ourselves?

  1. Accept that language cannot build but mind builds: Today Nigeria is getting everything wrong because of our language differences.

I haven't seen any well-developed society, and they say that language developed it so. Development can only strife in a mixture of different language.

If we begin to see that the problem of the world is not language, that it is how our emotional languages, consider the next language.

This is true because what is pulling us back and if we can quickly reframe from such, individual's attitude towards each other we can make a better society.

  1. Inclusivity : Let every language have a natural flow in the society, respect others language, no language is better than others.

How many times have your language brought money into your pocket? Is your language more superior build? Is it creating jobs opportunities, charity foundations?

You see that your language doesn't matter. What makes the most common sense is love for one another, our languages should be inclusive, in anything we do.

Today many people in Nigeria don't teach their children the importance of language anymore, some ignores it.

That's the mistake a white man will never do. Have you asked yourself why is that the western word cherish their language?

Every western child born of English speaks English and allows their names reflect their language. That's Inclusivity. But in Nigeria, we don't really copy sense, in most cases we copy no in the sense.

Inclusion, let's allow our language to be our pride, but it shouldn't determine who and what our society should be.

Let's all understand that God made it so, and we are left with no options than to accept the fact and live agreeing it.

Our attitude, love, proper inclusive language management towards development rather than language barrier. Isolation among the most important things.

Remember their isn't a stree, nation, home, unity built by language or language differences but our love, cherish, of who we our and value to right thinking does that.

Be free to speak up your mother tongue it is who you are.

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