
My identity is my pine code, I go with it to anywhere I go, and it lives with me. My Identity is my pride, I carry it like no man's business; because it is mine. I save it, and make sure we are bound together like friends.

People don't care about anyone, they only care about, what is happening in your life so that they can mock you in the name of sympathizer. So my Identity is me.

That will not be my discuss here, but my identity is my culture, habits, and way of life. I like being identified by something. During my school days, I own a Cap, that people identify me with.

This cap turned a signature of my presence, and anytime I stood up to answer questions, I don't forget the world in my perspective. So my colleagues took clinch of that word. Each time I'm being asked a question in the lecture hall, I take a deep breath and pick up, with my identity language, in my perspective.

Another one is my papas cap, people know me for by my frequent outfits with this cap. It would be a taboo not to see me wear my cap, people think I had one if it. It is just that I needed some form of identification, in my way of dressing, so I quite a number of these cap, that suit my outfits. So people quickly identify me by that.

I am not a person who uses too many words, I use one word that embolden meaning to the Idea I want to pass on, so because of this, my colleagues call me Shakespeare. That doesn't mean I was the best, but everyone got their identity and signature.

Another of my Identity is that I don't wear something that bother me, more specially if I am not at office or at any official occasions. So my casual is mostly short, not up to my keels. I enjoyed wearing that at home and when I am not stepping out too far from my neighborhood.

So people in my neighborhood also quickly identify me with that. My height also my Identity, people quickly around my neighborhood, streets and in my place of worship quickly identify by my height.

My skin complexity is also an important means of my identification, mostly in my family, I am the only dark person, so my many people quickly different between me and my other siblings with my skin colour.

Identify is a feature in everyone, my language, speaking mostly my mother tongue, is another significant means for one to identify me. In the please where mother tongues are permitted to be used, people quickly identify me and my tribe, because of the intonation, and pronunciation.

I am from Annang tribe if Akwa Ibom State, in Nigeria, we have a unique way of speaking and pronunciation, of our native words so people from Akwa speaking language, identify me immediately I speak because it is a genius identification means of I and my people.

People asked me, how would one describe you, to another to create a quick identification of your presence in someone, who had sat with you for one hour before? And the surrounding woman answered and said the young man, whose smiles never dry of his check.

My unique way of smiling is a great means of my identification. People identify me by the way I smile, keep calm, and listen to them; when they speak. They identify as one who respond to questions and provide solutions when and where necessary.

Another means of identifying me is my dim poo, people who have stayed around me for some time, pay more attentions to my dim poo. So among my five amazing friends, I am the only lucky person to have a dim poo, if I should call that being lucky enough.

My unique Diastema between the two in front of my teeth (commonly called gap teeth by many) is also one of the beautiful means that one can identify me with.

Like I said, my identity is who I am, people can quickly identify me as a person who adverse people a lot. I hardly end a single conversation with anyone without adversing them, and adding value to their knowledge, mostly the teenagers and youths who come around.

I am hurt tempered, people also know me for that, but I have my ways of controlling it over my anger, and people also identify that abilities in me.
All these are my unique identities.

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