Navigating Expectations: My journey Through unmet Goals and Personal Growth.


Hello everyone,
Welcome to my blog, my name is Valblesza
how are you doing.

"Navigating Expectations: My Journey Through Unmet Goals and Personal Growth"


My life is a mystery, story from one story, expectations upon expectations, but I have to know that no matter how life runs down or turns to be, everyone is entitled to their opinions about me.

I have been in the world, and around amidst people who place some levels of expectation on my daily lives, work, relationships, and other parts of my life as well.

But I know, all things work for good, no matter whether I am to achieve it how it has been aspects of me or not.

For those of us who read my post, I had earlier mentioned something about my Doctoral Degree. Every so often, we just do everything within us to achieve goals, but unforeseen standards come into play and trim down the entire thing.

I was supposed to have gotten a job by now, in one of the Federal Government or a State-owned university by now, but, no because I am currently a Dr. But it is what is should. My family holds me many expectations, my friends, sister, and community members.

A few weeks go, my mum called me, she sounded more, rhetorical about my career, she's not wrong at all, of course thud is my fifth year at one of the private polytechnic in my country.

She knows I'm way beyond this job, she called and asked if I still have any plans, or looking forward to any of the State-owned or Federal government Universities.

Of course, this was my goal, and has always been my drama until now, yet my expectations are like cutting shot. I haven't achieved my goal on that career service, this is not really about people around me, I know I'm not satisfied with the limitations.

So if anyone is asking expectations questions or should ask me, I don't think they are mistaken.
Because, it is only their expectations of me.

To me, I think at this point, all I should be concerned about now should be, working harder. This expectation is totally unrealistic to me, given the fact that my attention is focused on two ways, the now and the expectation.


I haven't achieved it, but I have achieved something similar to it. Right now all I'm focusing is to build on what I have at hand, develop my teaching skills, create more knowledge gab between me and my colleagues with my reach work and craft a niche for myself.

Because if I keep up expecting it the other way, I might not really get it right. So such decisions and expectations, are Self contradictory.

I know that everyone is looking forth to see me become a lecturer at the State University or Federal University, which to me, they're not expecting too much.

But then it is a goal, that we all, the expenses; would wait and see because one which considerable right now is the bird at hand. Looking at how everything is working in my country. Though, my county's predicament can't determine what God holds for me.


But what would be more unrealistic, if I don't pay attention, and focus on the realistic position. I believe, even if I didn't get it from that angle, that my expectations won't be cut short.

I know that it can't be denied because I have put so much time, energy, and effort, into what I do. Maybe that is why people around me, including my friends we all graduated, are trooping in their calls, to know the state of my career.

Though many calls only because, I did better than ever, so if I'm not there yet, it is still like a wonderful drama myth to them. I deceived being there. But all these are what people are seeing, they are never wrong.

It is not my fault, that I am where I am. Should I take myself there, not like they are pushing, or I'm on any pressure. I really can't change the hand of the clock. As the clock is ticking, so I'm working harder.


One thing is that, I can't change people's expectations because they are right to feet so, is even a privilege, but I'm only human. I can only do my best, even though they see my best to be a lesser to me.

Few of my colleagues I graduated with are there already, they too our believing with many expectations and also creating doing their best to create chances for me.

One thing I know is that people most expect you to do the things they feel or see to be either your qualifications or something you are not qualified for.

At this point, I think since I've not been granted an interview in these institutions, I would consider myself not yet qualify. Yes, not qualify because if I get to that table any day, then I would be qualified to, and I know I would get there.

All, I just need is to be focus, get myself ready, as the day goes bye believing that I would bring to that expectation, she's heartbroken, polytechnic, my don't pay as it should.

I'm working more than my pay, but expectations, is not yet reach out to. So life is to me, is just going to be, how it has decided to be, as humans, we can't control are emotions towards some certain issues.


I understand how it feels, It hurt my mum more it then the way it hurt me. You see, selling what you have to make your child's feature, with a high expectation from the high level of effort, could be quite frustrating, if these expectations are taking long to be accomplished.


So I'm also expectant that my goals would all come to play out, in the right places where it ought to some day while she's still on earth.

Thanks for reading to the end, please rel bog, comment and vote.

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Well I think it's a good decision to focus on the things we have at hand and work on them rather than have high hopes about unforseen expecting, hoping that they magically come to reality.


That is how I have been able to sustain my expectations dear.


I like the idea of focusing on the things at hand. Everyone has an expectation from you, even from people you least think of. It is better to focus more on yourself and grow yourself in whatever part you need to.

I believe that focusing on yourself will shape you into a person that's will attain your expectations more easily.


That's what it should be and how I have been. Even me myself I'm also expecting but I can't wait behind, I should see the now and accept the realistic things before me.


Yeah. Instead of holding on to the dream and letting all else go, I say hold on to the dream while doing other things.


Thanks, people misunderstand this part of it. I will do my better.
