JunkThink: The Slippery Slope of Reliance on Artificial Intelligence


Artificial intelligence continues to gain relevance in many areas of life - with increasing numbers of people not just using it to optimise their lives, but actually relying on it to provide essential 'mindspace' services. My aim here is to show in a simple way, why this is a slippery slope to disaster for those involved.

Short termism - the tendency to make decisions based only on short term gains - is a huge problem on Earth. It is abundantly clear that the term based structure of governments has meant that 'world leaders' often try to cram in as much as possible into their few years 'at the top' (of the imaginary power pyramids we call 'government') that will come to fruition in a short space of time. One of the main reasons for this is that they want to be voted back in to their lucrative position and a 20 year plan just isn't going to allow them to impress in most cases.

Couple all this with the fear, held by many, that they will not live long anyway (so we might as well have fun and pull off short term excitement/gains) and the net result is that the thinking of many people has been habitually cut off from far reaching visionary perspective.

We can, with only limited use of imagination, see how this has led to numerous of the problems we now face globally - from oceans full of microplastics to an ever increasing human population that does not live in harmony with the Earth sufficiently for wellbeing to be the norm for the majority of species who call Earth their home.

Outsourcing Cognition Means Giving Up

While there are many problems on Earth, none is so dangerous than that posed by the outsourcing of cognition to machines (otherwise known as 'AI'). Every seeker of short term gains will enthusiastically point to the benefits of their plan, without highlighting the long term risks and problems. While it is clearly useful to have Chat GPT create the contracts necessary to run your business, generate a marketing strategy and even come up with pick up lines for your next night out - the reality is that something huge is being lost in this process... Your own soul.

ura-ai - not so much fun at cocktail parties

In order to fully know what I am saying here, you need to feel it. You can also understand me by thinking to some extent, but it is in your own feelings that you will truly know what I am saying and why I am saying it. Those who are not able or ready to experience life from their own heart will simply reject what I am saying and carry on regardless (they have probably already stopped reading this post by now).

We are not on this planet to generate the most 'money' in the shortest space of time - Earth is not a games arena for number crunching.. despite what the powermongers of the world would have you believe and despite how hard it can seem to even survive in the face of huge corporations that are buying up everything in sight. We are souls who feel, learn and need to grow - but we need to do it in balance such that we maintain our own forms of power and do not destroy the Earth herself.

If we outsource our own internal capacities to machines much more than we already have done, we will lose them and not be able to recover. The fact that we even have gyms at all is a red flag that shows us who much we have imbalanced life towards the mind and away from body. We have inherited ways of viewing life that have been primarily shaped by the belief that mind is all powerful and so mind has not found a problem with denying the power of the body and emotional systems, while creating robotics and machines that can replace them.

"Who needs feelings and a body anyway? They are just messy, liquid filled meat machines that are inefficient and whose emotions are too resistant to mind's ideas"

Well.. There's a reason why emotions have resistance to some ideas - it's that the feelings are connected to the deeper parts of us that actually know the outcomes of the ideas in a way that the mind has not yet consciously realised. Our sub conscious and unconscious selves are extremely wise parts of us that need to be brought into the light of consciousness now - not rejected and repeatedly denied as if they have no value.

If you think that the number of obese people today is disturbing, just imagine where we will be at in the near future when entire generations have grown up outsourcing their own internal faculties to AI! You can expect people's sense of self and individual will to die off rapidly and with it, so too will large numbers of the bodies (people) - in other words, AI will bring what we have previously called 'catastrophe'. Of course, by that time the AI proponents and corporations may well have rebranded this as something positive like 'the great rebirth' or something similar.

I recently observed a way to demonstrate this which I will share here.

Junk Intelligence

We are generally somewhat all aware that the low level of health and fitness among large numbers of the human population has it's roots in the emergence of 'food science' in the last century. Before people started tampering with natural food sources, inserting new chemistry and industrial processes into the food that we consume, obesity and many of our modern plagues (including cancer) were quite rare.

Today, thanks to the 'constant improvement' of food production processes, many 'foods' are not foods at all, but are chemically engineered synthetic compounds that are dressed up to look like a real food. They bring with them all kinds of problems for health, yet generate greater profits for the companies involved.

Every single human health problem that 'food science' has brought us, that has killed millions of people already - began with a SINGLE change. There was a moment in the past where the first ever optimisation of food chemistry was performed and those people present realised that they had 'saved some money' that would lead to greater 'profits' for themselves or their employers/shareholders. At that time, their work perhaps seemed benign - it was a truly great achievement - in the short term.

However, fast forwards 80 years and we can now see that we are living the cumulative results of countless such 'optimisations' and we are almost at the point where the original templates for life that have stood the test of hundreds of thousands of years at the very least - are almost non existent - with the evidence suggesting that overall, great harm has been done in the name of short term gains (all obscured by heavy PR talk that promotes the 'greatness' of the 'science', while seeking to deny the real truth of the harm being done to health and the environment).

If you can appreciate how the 'optimisation' of food spiralled into a nightmare that threatens the future of all humanity, imagine the potential harm that can be caused by a similar cumulative increase in the use of and reliance on AI!

Mo Gawdat - Scary Smart

I was recently sent this interview with Mo Gawdat, ex chief business officer at Google X (Google R & D), who is one of the only such people I have heard speak publicly who sees somewhat the same vision that I see here. However, he has sadly joined the same group as Elon Musk - convinced that there is no alternative but to continue developing AI because 'someone will do it anyway'. None the less, I recommend listening to him highlight the need for feminine consciousness if people are to survive AI, plus just how terrifying some of the basic realities surrounding AI are.

Pay particular attention to his comments about feminine consciousness and how valuable empathy and feelings are. He is not wrong.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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adults: slippery slopes do not exist.


Are you suggesting that concerns that obvious patterns are likely to repeat are childishly naive?


I suggest that 'adults' are just big children playing a role

If one looks closely, one can see that 'adults' deny every characteristic that actually defines an adult..

It is a Big children culture with daddy state and Kindergarten fights in the TV


I see, ok - well there's a reason why 'adult' is also 'a dolt'. lol


I'm not a fan of fence-sititng, but I do take issue with both the "AI is our savior" and "AI will doom us" camps. It's a computer algorithm. It can't think. It still suffers from GIGO. People who outsource their thinking to computers are as stupid as people who outsource their thinking to politicians and media personalities. That said, it is possible AI can be a useful tool if people choose to use it wisely. The mainstream crowd has already dismissed NFTs because of all the hype over pictures without considering how it can completely upend plagiarism by creating a record of authorship, or create a decentralized property ownership registry outside government control and beyond their power to overrule. All these new tech tools have potential, and the more people tell me to be afraid, the more I wonder what opportunities they want me to miss. But if people can't be bothered to spend human creativity on a project, odds are there is no real human interest in supporting it. I doubt AI alone can build anything sustainable. It can't reason, and its "learning" is too narrow for experience of real-world variables. [/ramblerant]


We are only at the very beginning of the development of AI. A key point here is that a large percentage of humanity has an IQ lower than even the AI we have today and the 'arms race' of competition in commerce is a huge lever putting pressure on people to use whatever tools are available to appear more competitive. As I said in the article here, the devolution of the health giving properties of food products has been driven by greed and imbalance within people. These same forces area already working with AI.


The rise of skynet absolutely can be a massive threat to humanity. Especially when artificial intelligence learns how screwed up backwards and violent we are.

I would have to say that the butlerian jihad and the machine crusade might be more realistic than anyone could have ever thought.

It's a good thing that dune part 2 is coming out. However the origins of that science fiction? Need further study.

Absolutely human beings will end up having to fight artificial intelligence.
