Good evening and good luck to all of you, so tonight I want to share an explanation about dragonflies.

For all of you, you are familiar with these two types of insects and you definitely know them, of course because these two types of insects live in an environment that is very close to humans, especially if you have lots of flowering plants, they will always be there and even on the leaves. or twigs from that plant. Basically, these two types of insects do not become pests for plants or do not harm humans if they are present, even with their presence the plants become beautiful due to the balance of the ecosystem.

Both types of insects come from the family Libellulidae and belong to the class Insecta. The only difference between the two types is their color and location. OK, friends, here is an explanation about these insects.

1. Brachydiplax chalybea


In my area the common name for this insect is the swamp dragonfly, the name comes from where it comes from because basically this dragonfly often appears near swamps where there is water. The length of the insect, from the tip of the eye to the tail, reaches around 2 to 2.5 inches for adult size.


The difference between males and females is also in the color, for males the upper side of the body and the front of the eyes are blue, while in females the entire body is yellow or yellowish, including the eyes are brownish.


However, in my picture I only found one male. In the wings of this insect, there is a significant similarity between males and females, namely that they are transparent in color, but as they get older the color of their wings will fade, for males their wings will become black, while for females their wings will become yellowish and this slowly until they die.

2. Orthetrum sabina


This is different from the dragonfly in my first picture, this dragonfly has a very large body size compared to the swamp dragonfly, which can even be twice as large as the swamp dragonfly. In my area, the dragonfly is called the rhinoceros dragonfly, named because its size is larger than other dragonflies. These rhinoceros dragonflies live in bushes or in forests, most of these dragonflies often land on leaves or tree twigs and flowers.


This dragonfly is green and black, the only difference between the male and female is in the tail, in the male the tail is too pointy while in the female the tail is not sharp, more precisely at the tip of the female's tail it forms like the letter W when seen from the corner of her eye. There can also be other differences. Look at the beginning of the wings, namely for males the beginning of the wings are black, while for females they are brownish. In terms of size, the female is larger than the male.


This dragonfly has an aggressive nature or is very greedy towards small dragonflies because this dragonfly preys on members of its kind, only the size of the prey must be smaller than it.

OK, friends, this is all I can share this evening, hopefully it's useful, thank you and see you.


Hahaha, hana kukaloen-kaloen, kaleuh meupsot baru deuh ata droe keuh 🤣
