Musings, On A Tuesday


Love is such a grand word. Such an infinite word. Indeed it is something one could write about forever. This quest to be loved, oh how we want to be loved. How it feels to look into someone's eyes and see their love reflected back at you.
To feel love overflowing, to be love. To be in love.
Love I have learnt is not something we can hold onto, when you do, it becomes something else entirely. Yet we worry that it will slip away from us, so we hold onto it, too tightly sometimes. So many of us, starved of love, because we refuse to let love be.
To allow it to flow, to be free.
To welcome it, to embrace it, to feel it, in every part of our being and then to let our love join forces and send it back out into the world.
Everything we feel, is intensified because of our love or lack of it.
Everything comes back to love. To loving ourselves, loving those around us.
Releasing our love out into the world.

A friend of mine, shared a text that he had written, about love and relationships. Another friend replied and then I did, with what you just read up above. How can we even attempt to explain love, in doing so, if feels like we are trying to contain it and that is where we go wrong. The fear and the possessiveness. It's hard not to, especially when it is so lacking in your life. We want to grab it with both hands and then hold it close. Then how could you possibly think it was a good idea to let it go.To just let it go.

( I took the photo this morning, just as the sun rose over the mountains, shining like fire on our outdoor shower.I love it, it filled me with a lot of joy, to see it.)


Behind closed doors.
I pass this door, on my way to the river. Every time I pass it with my youngest daughter, she always says " I just want to see what's behind it".
Of course she does, I want to as well. Because it could lead us to a secret garden or a magical kingdom. Maybe, it even leads you underground. Wherever our minds take us really. One day we might get to go beyond that door.
Yet I don't really want to see. The fun is in imagining what could be. The endless possibilities.
I fear that children today, are going through too many doors. Doors that are unsupervised, that should not be open to them.
Things are getting too easy for a lot of the kids today, especially in western society, where so many kids have access to screen.
Screens, the door that is always open. Just leave you brain at the door and step through.

(The photos I have used, are mine. I took them today.)


I also prefer the mystery of the unopened door and using our imagination over the ease with which any door is opened these days.✨♥️
