Is It Truly "Pure Water"?

Is It Truly "Pure Water"?

This is a question I have been asking myself since I saw some counterfeit drink operation in my country. It has always lingered in my head if these guys are making the so-called pure water in the most hygienic way and environment.

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Water as you know is important and needed for everyone. It is popularly said that you can go days without eating food but not without water. But that also depends on the type of water you are drinking. Before we talk about how I ensure I am drinking a pure water, let's go back into the benefits of drinking water.

Yes we need to remind ourselves of why we need to drink enough water. A popular content creator in my country has taken it upon himself to continuously make contents reminding people to drink water because they seem to have exchanged water for soft drinks whenever they are thirsty. I can remember during an interview with Ronaldo, how he swapped cocacola for bottle water. It was said after which there was mass decline in its sale. Also, we will be talking about some effects of drinking bad water. So let's dive in.


Benefits of Drinking Water.

Below are some of the health benefits of drinking water:

  • Boosts Physical Performance
    Dehydration can lead to low turn out in physical performance. If you lose as little as 2% of your body’s water content, dehydration can cause a observable effect.

  • Aids Healthy Digestion:
    Drinking water can help prevent or avoid constipation. It can likewise help relieve it. Consuming low water is the cause of constipation in both younger and older individuals.

  • Promotes Healthy Skin:
    Just like when a plant is very watered it leafs are more greener and looks fresh, the same is applicable to we humans. When we drink enough water, it norishes our skin and reduces wrinkles.

  • Maintains Healthy Kidneys: Drinking water can help prevent kidney stones by diluting the concentration of minerals in the kidneys.

  • Natural Weight Loss:
    When we drink enough water, it helps with weight loss, as it can increase satiety (a state where you are full) and boost your metabolic rate.

  • Maintains Healthy Muscles:
    Cells that don't maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes wrinkle and contract, which can result in muscle fatigue. This is why body builders take enough water.

  • Sustains Healthy Brain Function: Dehydration can damage mood, memory, and brain performance.

  • Maintains Healthy Immune System:
    Drinking water can help boost the immune system, as it assists in flushing away toxins and waste products.

  • Helps in Waste Removal:
    Just as it helps in flushing away toxins, drinking water can help remove waste products from the body easily.


Effects of Drinking Bad Contaminated Water

Just as drinking water equates to life so is drinking contaminated water equates ro death or severe illness as it can cause death (in some cases), diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea, waterborne diseases (cholera and typhoid) and liver and kidney diseases.

All these are what you are exposed to if you consistently take in contaminated water. According to WHO, 7 out of 100 people in intensive care are victims of this bad water diseases.


So how can we be safe with what we drink.

The first step I took was

  • Know the source:-

Knowing the source of the water you drink helps put you in a safe place. When I first got to the town, I was drinking tap water but my system started reacting then I switched to pure water but I had to go to the factory to see the environment. Although I would have loved to see the inside but I don't think they'd let me. But I was cool with what I saw so I stuck with them. Always know the source of your water. It is very important some bottled water are not clean at all.

You can also check for the NAFDAC number. This is a number given to every manufacturer that authenticates they are making the product in a standardized way.

  • Boil your water:-

Boiling the water was for when the tap water wasn't available and I needed to cook. I was make sure I boiled the water if I was using water from the well.

Other options are using filters. I haven't tried this but it seems to also be a safe way.
You can also use water ionzer or water guard. I haven't tried them also but I heard they work very fine.

Water, the essence of life, is a fundamental necessity for human survival so please let us be intentional with what we take into our body.



Water is everything, our everyday life revolves around water, and our cells need water to survive, you've listed cool benefits of water, I know that content creator who reminds people to drink with his contents, it might look funny but then it's always a necessity to stay hydrated.


Yeah it's funny especially when he drags Nkechi and Emeka. But he is spitting the facts. It was thanks to him that I reduced the way I take soft drinks.

Thanks for the contribution


I have visited a pure water factory before, and its such a shame that the pure water we expect to be pure isn't pure at all because it wasn't produced in a clean environment. I don't know about other factories, sha.


That alone is enough to scare me from taking pure water


Drinking Quality water will be our priority. Bad and contaminated water causes many water born diseases, we should avoid unhealthy water consumption. Water can't be replaced with cold drinks. I appreciate Ronaldo who definitely has left a strong message for everyone.


Water is life, our life revolves around water. And you've listed the amazing benefits of water.


Yes it is life but nowadays pollution and others is making water come after our lives 😂😂😂

Thanks for stopping by
