A different cup of coffee

A necessary introduction

At the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, which is also the Geological Service of Cuba, we develop numerous scientific activities, because, as a scientific entity, this is one of our fundamental activities.

One of these scientific conferences is held every November, with four of the most important national workshops that take place in our institution, although this year one of these workshops will be held in January 2024 because international specialists in this subject are coming and we will take advantage of their presence in Cuba to hold the event.

A different cup of coffee to start each day

It is incredible the complicity among the participants when asked what they wanted to start the day. Beyond a snack or other refreshment, most of the participants decided that each scientific day would start with a cup of coffee, something that I was infinitely grateful for.

But, unlike the coffee we have been offered in other facilities, in this one the coffee was sweetened with honey, something that is much better and more nutritious than sugar.

The venue for the workshops

These activities were held at the Petroleum Convention Center of the Republic of Cuba, a place that has very comfortable facilities for this type of events. In addition, we were able to carry out the entire program in its rooms without having to leave, since it has a cafeteria, a restaurant for lunch and dinner and rooms for the scientific day.

The workshops, their importance

The workshops are of great importance for the socioeconomic development of the country, since they address elements contemplated in the country's development strategy.

All the workshops were led by the General Director of the center and the Director of Research. As Director of Knowledge Management, I was in charge of organizing and conducting these events.

The workshops developed were:

National Workshop on Geological Cartography of Cuba.
The Stratigraphic Lexicon of Cuba.
Quaternary Monograph

Fraternization in the workshops

In each of the workshops, scientific discussion prevailed among our researchers and agreements were reached to fulfill the objectives of the workshops, which are framed in the Program of Characterization of the Geology of Cuba. Likewise, these events served for the fraternization of colleagues and to strengthen the bonds of friendship and work among each of the participants.

In each of the workshops we had a coffee to start the work sessions, a snack, a buffet and lunch.
But, it was frequent that after lunch and/or snack many of the researchers sought solace and pleasure in another cup of coffee.

A final comment

The workshops were a total success and met their objectives, but, the most popular element of these days of work and science was the coffee sweetened with honey and we are already planning to incorporate this recipe in my address.

Note: The photos used are my own taken with my Samsung J2.
The translator used was DeepL Translate.


It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

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All images belong to millycf1976


Thank you for your generosity and kindness. I wish you an excellent day accompanied by a delicious cup of coffee. Cheers and best regards.


Estos eventos son muy importantes y necesarios para compartir entre los colegas los resultados cientificos obtenidos en el año como para confraternizar en un ambiente agradable. Es muy saludable endulzar el café con miel, le da un valor agregado al café. Me alegro que lo hayas disfrutado. Un abrazo🤗


Muchas gracias por leer y comentar querida amiga. En realidad en este tipo de eventos me siento muy bien porque aprendo y me divierto. Además, sirve para ver cómo vamos cumpliendo nuestros objetivos. Feliz jornada. Salud y saludos.


Greetings friend, what a joy that you do these types of activities and in that way we can unite all those scientists and be able to share, talk and enjoy good times. Furthermore, coffee in these types of events where many hours are estimated will always be of great importance and it is clear that they had a wonderful time. Good luck and enjoy.


Thank you very much for reading and for commenting dear amido.
It is true what you say. In fact, in these events I don't even feel like I'm working because I learn and have so much fun that I leave as if I were new. If we add to that a cup of coffee and a dinner, everything is wonderful. Cheers and best regards.
