How 3D Printing is like Blockchain but for Manufacturing


For me, diving into the world of 3D printing felt a lot like discovering blockchain for the first time. Both are revolutionary technologies that democratize access, empowering anyone with the right tools to create, innovate, and disrupt traditional industries. Because hey, that's what we are all here for, right? To disrupt the system? I am at least.

For me, it all started as a hobby to make some cool things for around the homestead farm as well as to become more self-reliant. But, it quickly turned into a full-blown obsession—and eventually, a business. So, let me share with you why 3D printing is transforming manufacturing, much like blockchain has done for finance and beyond.

Open Source Magic

One of the most exciting aspects of 3D printing is its open-source nature. Just like with blockchain, where open-source protocols allow anyone to participate in the network, the 3D printing community thrives on shared knowledge and resources. There are countless repos online where you can find designs for almost anything you can imagine. Websites like Thingiverse and Printables are treasure troves of printable files. From intricate jewelry to functional household items, the possibilities are really endless. If you can think it and design it, as long as it can be made of primarily plastic that is, you can make it! There are even metal, stone, and wood composites, so really the possibilities are virtually endless.

Accessible to Everyone

So, in the same way that blockchain opened up new financial avenues for anyone with an internet connection, 3D printing does the same for manufacturing. You don't need a million-dollar factory to produce items. All you need is a relatively inexpensive 3D printer to get you started.

I began with a Creality Ender 3, which is a basic printer with an open source design that you can find parts for just about anywhere, and some plastic filament. I bought my first 2 printers from eBay for $100 each. Once I got things all set up and running, I learned how to do some basic 3D design and it wasn't long before I was making custom products. It's not hard to learn about either with all the tutorials out there, and the technology keeps getting better and easier to work with.

Community and Collaboration

The 3D printing community is very strong and they like to help each other out, much like the blockchain ecosystem used to be, can't say that so much anymore because the new crowd and maxis of all types like to attack each other, but that's a whole other subject for another post.

But back to the 3D printing community. Hobbyists and professionals are usually always willing to share their knowledge and help each other succeed. I found myself engaging in some different forums and getting to know some local creators, so I now have some friends that I can talk shop with. This sense of community is really invaluable and extremely helpful when you don't know what you are doing.

From Hobby to Business


What began as a personal interest quickly grew into a full-fledged business for me in just a few short months. I took a bit to figure out what I was wanting to really focus on as far as my printing business, but when I zeroed in on the hydroponic products that I make, I was able to turn my new passion into a future source of income. At the time of writing this, I am getting ready for my first trade show, and already have a market lined up every weekend until December! The entrepreneurial potential of 3D printing is immense, because you guys know I like to hustle, and with a bit of creativity and determination, anyone can find or carve out their niche.

The Future of Manufacturing

Just as blockchain technology continues to evolve and disrupt various sectors, 3D printing is set to revolutionize manufacturing. It offers a sustainable, efficient, and customizable approach to production that traditional methods can't match. Whether you're a hobbyist looking to explore a new interest or an entrepreneur aiming to shake up the market with some really cool products, 3D printing provides a gateway to endless possibilities. If you can dream it, design it, then print it!

Falling down the 3D printing rabbit hole has been an incredible journey. It's let me blend my creativity, love for technology, and given me a new community. So why not grab a printer, download some designs, and see where your imagination takes you? Who knows, you might just discover a new passion—or even start the next big thing in manufacturing. And you know what is even better, is when you combine your new 3D printing business with blockchain by selling your items for various cryptocurrencies... I am just saying...


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I can use the 3D printer to make plastics


You have to have the roll of plastic to create the item.

If you want to make your own plastic rolls then the machines for that is way more expensive. That is my goal one day so that I can recycle bottles and such. But yeah that like a 2k+ set up.

Rolls of filament are not that bad priced and you can get allot out of them.
