DIY Shelf Unit With Recycled Pipe and Countertops- Making Junk Useful Again!


When you have a problem, just look around for things to use to create the solution! That's what I did today when building a shelf unit to store all of my 3D printed inventory to get it out of the way of my workspace.

I used some old 3 inch PVC pipes as the corner pieces and then some old pieces of a countertop that my folks somehow ended up with and was sitting under our pole barn just getting weathered and covered with cobb webs. I didn't get any pics of the process because honestly I had my phone plugged up in my bedroom all day, lol. But what I did was measure the countertop pieces and cut the appropriate sized slits in the pipe where it I could fit the corners of the tops in the pipe. Made it for a 5 shelf unit. To put it together I used eyelet screws in the middle of the pipes and cross tied some old straps to keep things stablized between the pipes after getting the shelves in place.

See what you can do with a little determination and a whole bunch of crap laying around the house that needs to find a usecase? So not only did I get some old junk cleaned up, I actually built something I needed out of the junk!

What have you built today? If you haven't done anything, then get off the screen and go find a project and make something useful!

Until next time...

Be cool, be real, and always abide!

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