RE: Exponential Tech Progress Will Accelerate

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Tech will continue too boom because there's so much money in it. Things today are radically different that in the 90's, it a whole different world. My grandmother as a young girl grew up with a horse and cart for transportation and then watched men walk on the moon. Our progress today is so much faster that we can't see the future in even five years from now. It's an interesting time to be alive for sure.

Electrodes in the brain will remain a risky business. What if there is a 5% complication rate and a 1% chance of death from developing a serious brain infection. That will be hard sell even in your twenties!


My grandmother as a young girl grew up with a horse and cart for transportation and then watched men walk on the moon.

How things have changed even then! But space was mostly a race between superpowers without any focus on profitability. It needed the private sector to enter this race to make it a sustainable business.

Electrodes in the brain will remain a risky business. What if there is a 5% complication rate and a 1% chance of death from developing a serious brain infection. That will be hard sell even in your twenties!

That's what I was thinking too... Maybe after a track record of successful surgeries, plus a marketing push comparing the before and after, enough would be convinced. After all, it's a matter of risk and reward. I assume the first human test subjects that aren't in need of such implants to be able to communicate would need some convincing or are high risk-takers.
