Unlocking Life's Potential Via Virtues

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I was inspired to take this survey off a mention in this one book I acquired in an interesting way. The tone sounds familiar to one other assessment I enjoyed that also helps one bring out their best qualities.

“Bring your strengths to life and live more fully,” reads the heading on the website. Eleven days into the new year, there still lie in wait countless new beginnings. This time last year, a writer found great pleasure in learning the information within Atomic Habits.

On the quest, records of Benjamin Franklin’s experiments at self improvement explained how Franklin decided upon governing values for himself and elected to live by twelve virtues. Writers and readers alike would raise an eyebrow to one key detail, the mystery of intrigue pulling with more gravity.

One of Benjamin’s friends, when asked, pointed out that Franklin omitted humility. Character strengths matter then to everyone, for the following reasons, apparently. The site goes on…

Research shows that understanding and applying your strengths can help:

  • boost confidence
  • increase happiness
  • strengthen relationships
  • manage problems

Imagine this writer’s surprise to see a survey might lead to information that could do all this and more for absolutely no cost… until you want the full-version. The freemium model doesn’t detract from the value of this information.

For example, this writer’s top strengths are:

  • Love
  • Creativity
  • Love of Learning
  • Hope
  • Curiosity

The Institute’s opportunity to offer more detailed, actionable information at a premium presents a door to open when the time feels right. Topics with strength-based advice to help one’s growth are available for free, too.


I learned today that I might touch nerves when I speak my truths to others, as it might force them to confront themselves. I wanted to reflect upon learning my virtues, that my love of learning lines right up with sharing blog posts regularly and even writing a book. Only curiosity compels me to gamble away my time learning about cryptocurrency, that and hope. Creativity suggests I take notes on Notion, overlaying text in Canva, taking pictures to edit in Lightroom and clipping adult cartoons with OBS. I share out of love. I love the process. I love the new insight. I love the growth. I love the experimentation and irrefutable empiricism of results. I love the risk of failure. I love the risk of success, too.

Watch me take another risk.

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It's not 2016 anymore, but I still don't Photoshop. Should fix that.

Your Life: 21 Days to Awesome

While clipped from a men's magazine, could these 21 tasks improve you or how you feel in 21 days? I'm willing to find out. With an honest disclaimer, item 13 requires funds I don't have at the moment, but must take care of for a friend's wedding this year.

I challenge my readers to take a risk and experiment with me. Might any of these items change your life? I would love to find out.


Perfectly true. I sincerely believe in character strength because it goes a long way in what one will achieve


You make a good point. I also believe that the strength of one's character relates directly to their convictions, which are formed off the things which they take action towards. How many people do you know who say things like, "Once I have time, I'll get started." The truth is, we won't ever have time, we must make it. We already have all the time we can make use of, 24 hours per day.


I’m really working on building good relationships and strengthening them this year
I need to go out to meet people with positive influence
That’s one of my goals
I’ve got to be connected


I believe that your use of platforms like this one add to that goal: building good relationships and strengthening them. I encourage you to keep it up- don't forget to make things interesting for yourself as well, that's the only way to stick with your goals and plans, right?


One of the things I actually want to work upon this year is to work upon my first impressions when I met people
