coin convictions: eth, October 9th

What would our father think of what we've become, brother?

It's hard to say who he'd be more disappointed by.


Am I disappointed $500 lies stuck in limbo? At the time of writing, I sit more displeased teammates refuse to adapt or heed my pleas for help. One truth remains. You want a job done right? I remember some of my first forays into digital assets involved plenty field research. Some of my gravest mistakes also involved little prudence and light work. I guess the games offer a space to throw caution to the wind, though I wonder what else we might discard.

To take my mind off the imprisoned stake, I scanned for some info on Ethereum. Maybe I could release her sooner? Ethereum’s goal though, involves the creation of a global platform for decentralized applications. It aims to allow users to run software resistant to censorship, fraud, and downtime. Big hopes for the downtime. A blockchain smart contract platform, Ethereum also touts the ability to host other tokens, known as ERC-20’s. I, for one, am familiar with USDC and NEXO. A smart contract, according to my economic acumen, represents a huge opportunity by removing the middleman. They are digital contracts that require both parties to fulfill their end of the bargain. Thus, the blockchain manages them without a need for an intermediary, greatly reducing the cost of transactions. Unless of course, you spam the chain, backlogging your transactions for days. I say blockchain at least ten times a day, so for those unfamiliar, a blockchain feels like the Internet. The Internet allows us to share information while blockchain lets us share value. You can build assets on the blockchain, the same way websites go up on the Internet.


I often recommend HIVE to my friends since I have no filter and insist with no regard, but only because anyone can invest. This is not financial advice, a cliché I tire of hearing. I recommend one invest their time into research rather, to enable one to make informed decisions. To those unsure how HIVE helps, remember that blockchain assets have value. Due to the agreement and trust, this whole financial frontier began when 10,000 BTC paid for 2 pizzas way back when.


I begin to understand that I may intimidate folks what with my fervor and dashing good looks. I read, write, and make great efforts to share with the chain, but only because that sounds like my kind of fun. Now if I can help someone see something differently, I am game. I didn’t get this far knowing any sort of code, though I picked up some HTML tips along the way. I just learned a lot.


hey man, it was really cool to see you as you worked. props to the final product
