Cryptocurrency And AI Assistants


A lot is being discussed about the agentic Internet. AI agents are starting to become the focus.

What does this mean exactly? While some might be able to surmise what things look like in the anstract, what does it imply for the average person?

Here is where we will dig into this.

Being able to envision where we are going is paramount. This potential should affect our actions today. We are the ones who design the future, especially in the digital age.

For those who are cryptocurrency advocates, this is going to play a major role in the next generation Internet. Web 3.0 will have crypto woven throughout.

Image generated by Grok

Cryptocurrency And AI Assistants

How would you like a personal assistant? Actually, what does this mean exactly?

When I was a kid, there was a television show called Silver Spoons. It started Ricky Schroeder as a child who moves in with his wealthy father. The dad had a personal assistant, who he happened to be dating.

Personal relationships aside, her role was to handle all the business affairs that he had. Meetings, correspondence, and activities relating to his day where handled by her.

I provide this as a mental framework to describe what is coming.

AI agents will evolve to the point where each of is will have our own personal AI assistant. This agent will be trained on all our personal data, being able to operate based upon the patterns it learns. Basically, we are the ones who are training it.

This assistant will be similar to a human one. The differences are available, since all will have one, and capability. humans are flawed, apt to forget things or get sick. AI does not have this issue.

Over time, the assistant knowledgable about everything. The limitations of this agent do not exist. It is simply a matter of adding in more data to expand the capabilities.

Here is where interaction with other agents enters.

Consider the idea of retirement planning. Let's say you want your AI assistant to develop and implement a retirement strategy to ensure your portfolio reaches a certain threshold in the future.

While your assistant mignt not be trained on all aspects of markets and finance, there are agents out there which are. Thus, your assistant can interact with them, get the information requires, present a plan and implement it once you approve.

This is in addition to getting your vehicle services, ordering the groceries, and managing your at home robot(s).

Cryptocurrency: The Monetary Medium

Services are not going to be free. We will see prices for many collapse as AI agents take over.

In the above example, it is likely the financial AI agent charges a minimal fee for the information. How does your personal assistant pay for this?

The answer is naturally cryptocurrency. Visa or a bank are nowhere in the picture.

Our AI assistant will have access to a crypto wallet. Here is another clue about the future. Most digital wallets will be associated with AI agents. For this reason, we can expect tens of billions of wallets at some point.

Financial transactions, i.e. payments, will take place in cryptocurrency. This is a baseline we can state with a high degree of probability. Coinbase already conducted the first agent-to-agent transaction.

They understand where things are heading.

Many people lean dystopian when thinking about the future. An agentic Internet is something that turns many off. I stated that the overwhelming percentage of online traffic (95% or more) will be generated by computers. Today, that number is over 50%.

The logical conclusion is the bots took over. That is the case. However, it is not necessary spam or the circulation of advertisements. Those are computer generated activites meant for human consumption.

In an agentic age, they are not required.

Instead, if we view this from the perspective of personal assistants, we can see how human activity is being handled on our behalf.

For example, ordering groceries is something that is done online in some areas. It is a human activity since people operate the applications. However, what if that traffic orginated via your personal assistant? Going larger, what if all grocery orders were placed by "bots"?

It would likely be a step ahead for humanity.

Digital Assistants and Robotics

If we want to move one step further, we can see the possibility of the digital assisant being tied to robotics.

A lot of impact is coming from the advancement of sensors. This is where a great deal of change is emerging. All of our devices will have sensors in them.

These are going to be data accumulation machines. Of course, that means gathering, structuring, and utilizing it.

All this will be done and fed to our personal assistant. It is likely it will have real time updates regarding all aspects of our "household". The same will be true of businesses.

At some point, people will have robots in their home. They will conduct domestic operations, similar to Rosie the maid from the Jetsons. What is going to control these?

To me, the answer resides in the AI assistant. It will oversee all activites that are conducted on our behalf.

Understanding this is potentially where things are heading allows us to determine what actions we take today to influence the outcomes we receive in the future.

This is how we create the future as we want it.

What Is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


How do you envision the balance between privacy and personalization being maintained in an agentic internet where AI acts as an all-knowing personal assistant?


What privacy? Do people think they still have privacy?

That race ended years ago. Of course, people add to this by placing pics of them doing everything in their life on instagram.


Hehe thought you was gonna say that. I can understand that privacy doesnt exist when we willingly use platforms like instagram etc. Its harder when it comes to phone company selling your data or like a refrigarator also selling data.


Brave New World VS Fools Rush In.
Guardrails are the key now.


The idea of AI managing our daily activities could revolutionize how we live and work. It raises important questions about our reliance on technology and the balance between convenience and control. Exciting times ahead!


Coti is in the process of launching Coti Agents for trading purposes and now it makes more sense.


Finance is an area where things roll out first due to the fact that it is ideal for is all numbers.


I like the idea of a personalized AI assistant, so long as the data remains under our control. This could be done with a seed phrase that encrypts your data before uploading it to a decentralized storage network.

The problem is, how do we train the AI model while preventing others from accessing the data? A project called Verida (and others too, I'm sure) is working on a solution. They use a decentralized network of GPUs (fitted with TEE chips for privacy) to train the AI model on your data, and build you a personalized AI assistant.

Time will tell if their solution works, and is reliable.


Privacy is a layer that still requires work although a shift in viewpoint is also necessary. People are hung up on "my data" which is absurd since people are using other people's platforms to operate.


humans are flawed, apt to forget things or get sick. AI does not have these issues

I sometimes have the feeling that the AI generation which we are approaching might render human services redundant. Won't that reduce life expectancy as we know that working helps in enhancing good health?


How many elevators in the world are still run by humans? How many phone calls have humans manually routing the calls?

This is what technology does. The difference is we are seeing it accelerated.


Was just talking with a friend from Argentina about Bitcoin education and while he is doing manual stuff like giving classes to a few people in the community with a lot of effort.

I instead suggested to put that effort in having AI Agents into teaching Bitcoin. I showed them a couple of videos about AI Agents and found AI Agent pre-set for education.

While some people feel they are doing stuff by teaching a handful, I think an automated education can teach thousands.



AI is a force multiplier The speed and reach is unrivaled by humans. You offer up a prime example of how reach and information spreading could be accelerated.
