(Short) Top 6 Blockchain-Based Media Platforms For Content Creators

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Blockchain technologies are getting more useful, especially for Content Creators, as it provides better monetization opportunities. Many media platforms have appeared in recent years that utilize blockchain technologies to provide opportunities for content creators to monetize their content. Here is a list of the top 6 media platforms for content creators:

  1. https://paragraph.xyz/
  2. https://read.cash/
  3. https://www.publish0x.com/
  4. https://d.tube/
  5. https://odysee.com/
  6. https://ecency.com/
    If you want to learn more about these platforms, you can watch the full video here:

Original script written by Tas.
Voice-Over generated by Google Cloud.
Background music from YouTube Audio Library: Dreamland by Aakash Gandhi
Images by: Freepik.com & Rawpixel.com
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