To Integrity and Beyond


A few days ago I got a message from a friend asking for some advice and I found myself questioning the question, the intention and their motives.

Question: do you know any forums where knowledgeable people discuss crypto projects and their merits? I'm planning on making some investments, and from what I've gathered the next couple of months would be a good time to take action. Everyone says "do your own research" before investing in any alts, and I'm trying to find places to do that. Or is it more a matter of joining the community of the crypto project itself?


Seems honest enough and it is, but what made me start questioning their motives is what I have started thinking a lot about myself over the last months, years - decades?

Why am I doing this?

No, I haven't been in crypto for decades. But, I have been questioning my life purpose for as long as I can remember, because I consider a life without purpose, meaningless. And since getting into crypto, I have realized that economic behavior is vital to our well being as a society. If someone wants to improve the world for humanity, it is going to be done through economic action.

This isn't about making more money that can be then donated to help the needy and downtrodden, because that is a losing game. That sounds terrible perhaps, but there is a reason that they are needy and downtrodden in the first place and if the cause isn't dealt with, helping will ease suffering, but it will not find a solution.

When it comes to investing, we have to consider why we are investing and then think about what we are comfortable investing into. If it is just to make money, it is purely about the return, meaning that we do not have to think about our belief system or moral profile at all. For instance, if the most money can be made by investing into child exploitation, that is where we would invest.

Is that what you are into?

I know I am not, and the more I think about my own future, the more I come back to making costly financial decisions that reduce my return, but are aligned with my belief system and moral position.

Stupid, eh?

As I have said for many years now, I believe that most people in crypto don't give a shit about crypto as a technology or a framework for a better economic system that distributes wealth. Instead, they are only in it because it offers a better chance at a ROI that they can't get elsewhere. I think that most people are greedy.

Am I too cynical?

Perhaps. However, that is my belief and it has been developed through years of observation of many people "in" crypto who at the nearest convenience, get out of crypto, either because they hit the gains they wanted or, they were scared of the losses. Think about that for a minute, where people get out of crypto because they are scared of losing money.

It is laughable, isn't it?

Yes. They will lose money, but if they believe that fiat is a broken system that needs replacing, why are they scared of losing it? If they believe that crypto is the future of the economy, why are they getting out?

I get it. No one wants to lose. No one wants to live a shittier life because they backed the wrong horse. No one wants to lose their current position in the economy and fall backward, Even though they know the economy is a fucking farce.

Part of the challenge I find myself in is that most of my economic life is in the fiat world, where I earn fiat and then spend that fiat to buy my food and pay my mortgage and bills. We are all like this, which means that even those who are actually in crypto, will have to use fiat to reference the value of it, otherwise it is hard to make sense of it.

For instance, for every cent HIVE increases on the markets, my HIVE value increases by $2500 dollars. But, from the perspective of HIVE, it doesn't increase at all. 100 HIVE is a 100 HIVE, whether it is worth 30 dollars, or 30,000 dollars.

Because of the way we have been conditioned to price everything in fiat, we are going to have to learn how to reevaluate our lives. For instance, rather than looking at crypto like fiat, we should be looking at it more like a commodity, something that is tradeable for what it is, rather than a marker of trade. Money is a concept, crypto is a thing. For instance, my account is my account and as such, has some value. As does a Splinterlands card, or a Bitcoin. These bits of information are tradeable for something else.

Is the value of my account the value of the wallet, or is the reputation I have built included? Is the value of a Splinterlands card the hash that defines it, or is it the ability to impact results when playing? Is the value of Bitcoin what it is worth on the exchange, or is it that there is a scarcity model?

We should be considering these kinds of questions, because it is part of the redefinition of value that I have been talking about for many years. In order to improve distribution, we have to relabel what value means, because how it is defined now means that the worst behaviors that cause the most harm, are the most valuable and, that value is controlled by a tony minority of people willing to do that harm.

Do you think the world should have a better distribution of wealth throughout the economy?

Think about that for a moment in connection to your desire for the highest ROI. If you want the highest ROI, you don't want better distribution, because you want as much as possible to flow to you. The only reason that you want better distribution now is likely because you are one of the majority who don't have enough. And, if you are one of the ones who does have more than enough and still want better distribution, it is likely out of some sense of guilt.

The fact is, most of us don't want better distribution, we want what is better for us.

That is okay. However, because the economy is designed as it is, the playing field is uneven and those who have been benefiting from the slope, have no intention of bulldozing everything they have to build a system where they have to compete on a level surface. They want to keep their high ground advantage and if possible, increase the height of the walls.

This is possible because of the economic mechanisms that are built in a way that only some people are allowed to have access, while the rest are punished for not having access. It is a system where the wealthiest can hide their money in offshore bank accounts, whilst the rest have to pay for the privilege of moving their money between two bank accounts that are both theirs.

Do you see what I mean?

Does the average person "in crypto" really know why they are in crypto, or are there there because they believe that it is where they will get the highest return to increase their fiat value? Are we in crypto to make the economic world better, or are we in there to make ourselves wealthier?

What is our intention and motivation?

I know mine. I have known it well before crypto was a thing at all, because it has always been the same. As idealistic as it is, I want to be part of making the world a better place, or die in the attempt. This doesn't mean that every action I make is one of charity, but it does mean that the general direction is looking to improve the systems I can control and those I can influence to head down that path. Before I knew what crypto was, I already had the mindset.

As I told my friend:

The majority of crypto communities are full of shills who barely understand what crypto is. And, it is impossible to know if they have any skin in the game even themselves. It is useless talking to people about investing who have no investments because the only advice they can give, is unbacked advice, where they have nothing to lose, except reputation. And, since the majority are faceless and nameless, they have no reputation.

Yes, DYOR but not only into a token or a community, but into yourself and discover whether you are wanting to invest into crypto because you want the highest ROI, or because you want to support the chance for a better economic outcome globally - Because, it might change which tokens you are going to buy.

I want all of those good things in my life too. I want to live debt free. I want a nice house. I want holidays when and where I choose. I want to be able to support my wife and daughter so that they can have access to opportunity. I want many things. But, I am not willing to sell my morals out to have those things.

Stupid me.

Do we have integrity?

That is what the transparent code is for.

Integrity of the rules. Integrity for ourselves.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


I agree most in crypto are thinking in monetary terms and don't care about the tech or improvements it could bring to every day life. I know why I am involved and that is to offer myself a brighter future invested into projects that have use cases. I have no interest in any project that offers no real world utility as I believe the risk is too high. There are plenty of projects out there, but which ones will still be alive in 2030? I do want to get away from money and use crypto for all the necessities, but we have to wait a little longer for that to be a reality.


There are plenty of projects out there, but which ones will still be alive in 2030?

This is the million (or ten million) dollar question, that will hopefully not require dollars at all :)

There is a little time left for sure.


I first got into crypto for the profit. I have never been shy about saying that. I've also made some good money off crypto, but these days I really do try to invest in projects I believe in and that have and actual use case. I have been saying for a while that even if crypto doesn't pan out, Blockchain is still going to be around. The tech is sound, as are the results.


I have been saying for a while that even if crypto doesn't pan out, Blockchain is still going to be around. The tech is sound, as are the results.

Yep. And as I see it, the experience with it at an economic level is going to have value also. When businesses start integrating it into their management solutions, they are going to need people who understand the implications.


Yeah, for sure! I think businesses that are focusing on it right now are going to end up in a good position in the next ten years.


This is a good summary of what happens in the crypto scene. Some are in it for the technology, some support it because of the change it can bring, while a lot are in it for the investment/ROI it offers. I don't think anything is wrong with any of them. The few might not like the attitude of the many, but at the end of the day we all want mass adoption.

I think it is similar to how crypto games started out with insane ROI, because of a lot of new players scrambling to earn a lot from playing. A few like the game, some like that they can earn while playing, while a lot wanted to get rich quick. A lot of games who lack the first two suffered under the pump and dump, and the bear market. Some like SPL continue to survive because of the few. But any long time player will tell you that it is not enough. We still need new players. We are hoping that when the bull market arrives, and the many FOMO/get rich quick players come back, we are ready and already positioned well.

What I'm trying to get at here is that, crypto is just like the real world economy. People want to make money, and a lot don't care about the technology as long as they do. I will value my integrity and principles, but I won't expect others to do the same. I've been trading stocks, and I know there are a lot of shady things going on with big corporations. How they manipulate the price, buy/sell stock before a big news, etc. I just want mass adoption, and I'll just be prepared for what comes with it.


I don't think anything is wrong with any of them. The few might not like the attitude of the many, but at the end of the day we all want mass adoption.

There is nothing wrong with it, but knowing where you sit helps you decide what is going to suit as an investment.

What I'm trying to get at here is that, crypto is just like the real world economy.

The economic rules are the same, but the way we apply them can be different. We would hopefully make healthy options return more value than unhealthy.

I've been trading stocks, and I know there are a lot of shady things going on with big corporations.

THere is a reason they can offer such high returns, and it isn't always because they have the best products.


For instance, for every cent HIVE increases on the markets, my HIVE value increases by $2500 dollars. But, from the perspective of HIVE, it doesn't increase at all. 100 HIVE is a 100 HIVE, whether it is worth 30 dollars, or 30,000 dollars.

Very interesting. And many around here do not realize this and in my opinion it is absolutely necessary that everyone know it. And therefore I'm gonna make sure that many more people are aware of this fact and reality.

Good post bro, I liked! This is the kind of well thought and well written content from you that I was really missing for a long time. And I really hope that these are repeated more often no matter if they may be the ones that generate the least monetary rewards for you.

Integrity, ethics and principles first and foremost, you know? };)


I think most people in crypto are there for money. As for me, I see Hive and many other cryptos as a good financial asset. Hive itself can be more than just a financial asset and it can be used by people for it's feeless RC structure. I think it's hard to keep people around if they can't really live off of the item because people want to be motivated. In games, it's because it's fun. Hive is more like a time investment and it needs to be worthwhile for people.


In games, it's because it's fun. Hive is more like a time investment and it needs to be worthwhile for people.

Yes. And if they are spending their time on the likes of Facebook and tiktok etc, they should spend their time on something they own instead. Something they can build into and raise the value.


I agree. They should do something to raise the value but I don't think many people are thinking that far.


Hive is a platform in the most successful industry in the world: social media. The value of social media far exceeds it's monetary grasp, and particularly as free speech is ever more suppressed IRL, places where it is promoted and rewarded become more valuable.

People effect society, and all other economies perch atop that fundamental aspect of humanity. Social media is the modern evolution of social interaction that has the potential to rapidly change the world that no other economic mechanism can.


It is and free speech is tough. It reminds me of the story behind Pirate Bay. As much as we like it, if it starts to hurt the interests of the big places, then they will start taking action.

I think social media can only go so far but I don't social media alone is enough to attract people here onto hive. I think we need plenty of applications built here on hive to build that user base then we have to also improve user retention.


Money is important but he also gave me a sense of belonging and acceptance. People here are closer to being my friends than ,,friends' in real life. Here I get more acknowledgement for my efforts. So I am here because I could never find a better place to go.


We perhaps should be working out ways to build the community we are in, by building the community around us, instead of just worrying about the value on the post for acknowledgement.


I see the point of that question guy. Anyway, a harsh truth I got into since I received hundreds of information requests throughout the years is that: "If you cannot distinguish a deserving source from a not deserving source, it's still early to invest into".


"If you cannot distinguish a deserving source from a not deserving source, it's still early to invest into".

Yes. This is why I think people looking to invest should start understanding what they are investing into as an ecosystem and industry, not as an individual project.


Does the average person "in crypto" really know why they are in crypto

Most of the people who are into crypto, MLM,direct sales, instagram, is purely to live a laptop lifestyle, dubai trips mindset. In reality that is not how it goes. People are not able to live like that. A lot of them end up losing money. Suffer on their health. Waste money on schemes. Hive kind of gives people a sort of edge on saving without much investing other than time.

Average people should think of crypto and stocks like - buy low and sell high. Don't even HODL if you re over 50. Just buy and then sell, live your life. HODL is bad strategy for anyone over 40. Like any coin can go down and you end up suffering.


Hive kind of gives people a sort of edge on saving without much investing other than time.

It is a large edge that if applied with enough force, will knock it to the boundary. :)

I disagree with you on the "over 40" thing though. I am mid-40s and have over 20 years ahead of me until retirement age. Almost twice as long as Bitcoin has been around still ahead. My job is going to change dramatically because of crypto and blockchain and if I want to be there, I have to be up with it. Treating it as a stock doesn't keep me in a job.


I agree with you. Many people invested in cryptos to make profit like a gamble to be rich in a short and quick way. However, most of them are in loss now. I would suggest your friend searching the HIVE ecosystem and HIVE coin.


I took him through Hive a few years ago, he isn't interested in spending his time. Like most, he wants more of a "set and forget" experience - not a time investment.


"We are all like this..."

I am not. I grasp that money is a service that eases commerce, but also note that it's use as a store of value has caused corrupt influences to undertake a breadth of deranging mechanisms to hopelessly deprive money of it's potential to secure stored value. Inflation, in particular, is destroying the value of money for all, including those most benefiting from it. Additionally, while inflation can be reckoned with, fraud can produce black swan events, and banks can create them with impunity. Who can wrangle with Citi in the courts with confidence that is merited? Money talks in the best courts money can buy.

Goodwill is the foundation on which economic systems of every kind rest, including the many that eschew money altogether, like the Potlatch economies of the PNW. As a result of my investigations of goodwill, I have minimized my financial entanglements and have attained no little success in eliminating my taxable income, and accessory liabilities that accompany it, while improving my enjoyment of the blessings of civilization. Discarding our indoctrinations and misinformation regarding money, that all mislead us to believe that money is essential to modern society, is not easy nor simple, but goodwill is both easy and simple to use once our misconceptions have been discarded. The best thing about it is that you need to confine transactions to folks with honor, integrity, and are therefore competent to have goodwill. I have found my social circle has been indescribably benefited by my effort to exclusively use goodwill to invest economically.

Goodwill reaches across the oceans and enables international transactions, as lending networks that depend on local goodwill reveal. Goodwill also enables local economic activity that eschew money, as my own work demonstrates. It cannot be taxed, stolen, defrauded, or inflated. I encourage ya'll to investigate how to employ it in your economic activity per your individual circumstances.



the more I think about my own future, the more I come back to making costly financial decisions that reduce my return, but are aligned with my belief system and moral position.

This is the main factor that drives my investment (and employment) ideals. When I buy a stock or fund, I want to support companies with values aligned with my own (and also make some ROI). But the ROI isn't the main goal, rather it is using my money to vote for companies or technologies poised to improve the quality of human life.

So when friends of mine ask me for crypto investment advice, I typically say that this is an opportunity to support the projects and technologies that will be beneficial to society's advancement. Of course finding the next 100x alt coin is nice, but it is even better to be able to support life-changing technology. Anyone can go sit in an alpha channel to day-trade macro and micro environments, but it is something completely different ot put your money where your morals are. Like you, I'm content to taming a smaller ROI if that means supporting initiatives that will make the world a better place for everyone, not just the shareholders.
