RE: Robotics, Economics and Ethics


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since the daily focus is not really that relevant anymore.

And it doesn't matter what it is, does it? Seems to credit regardless.

In fact, I think if I did the math, I would probably still earn more by renting my cards than having them botted each season.

I think so. And if it continues as it is, I will rent my cards out, wait til a pump and sell them - because I am not enjoying playing that much at the moment.

When I am manually playing and I battle someone I'm familiar with, I will try to shoot them a message to see if it was really them playing live. Sadly, more often than not, you are right and it is a bot playing.

This is what kills the community aspect of it. It annoyed me in the discord in the bragging channel, when it was just bots. Can't send a message and get a response - they aren't even there. I stopped trying.

There is just so much to do within the ecosystem, that I feel the ranked play bots allow me to keep up with the competition so I'm not missing any value.

I think this is where Azir would say - get a jockey/pilot or whatever he calls them! :D


Azir calls them scholars, but there are only so many good players to go around. NFTy arcade serves as a middle man to find scholars for your collection, but I have not tried that yet.

I do really miss all the trash talking, that was fun. But the rivalries I have now in brawl I think are even more enjoyable.

As for the ranked battle focuses, it allows you to earn larger rShares for your chest when you meet the conditions, but the bots are so finely tuned, that you really can't even afford to try to play to your focus anymore, because any suboptimal lineup will be punished.
