AI Sexy Time
A large portion of today was spent with colleagues talking about our business model, which led to conversations about models in general. It started in the morning with a conversation about career paths and the "who you know" issues some people seem to have, and later went into artificial intelligence replacing employees.
For a sliver of background, all business models look to make employees redundant. This is because they are for profit enterprises and as such, will constantly look to create efficiencies and optimize expenses. If ten employees are required to perform a particular set of tasks, and the efficiency of those tasks can be improved by ten percent, they will make one person redundant. If a machine is able to do ten percent of the tasks, they will make one person redundant. If a machine can do 100% of the task, the human role doesn't exist.
Now currently, it is not worth automating all tasks, even if it is possible to do so. But, it is good to recognize that just about everything a human does is codifiable, which means it can be replicated through algorithms. As we know, a lot of things already are, and yet most people are still employed. This is because for a time, we are able to shift into areas that are not currently able to be codified or, aren't worth codifying yet. Eventually though, it could be that we are altogether obsolete.
However, along that path is a process of skill gaps forming, and at the moment, it can likely already be seen that mid-range skill jobs that can be codified are being so, like administration in a company. This means that people in those areas have to upskill into a job role that requires more, or downskill into a job that isn't worth codifying yet. Downskill in this sense is moving from knowledge work into physical work - like being a document controller and then becoming a plumber.
When it comes to upskilling however, how much can a person do so? Generally, people do what they can do the best they can do it in terms of getting employed, which means that a lot of people can't climb very far up the skills ladder. For instance, the estimate a few years ago was that if all transport was instantly self-driving, eight million people in the US would near instantly lose their jobs, including waitstaff in roadside diners. How many truck and taxi drivers, as well as waitstaff can upskill highly enough to be employable elsewhere?
I brought this up with a colleague today and he said that there will come a point where it would be better just to pay these kinds of people not to work. Sure, but there is a fundamental problem with that, because our economy is a profit-based economy. People who aren't contributing are a burden on profits, so it would be more like what has happened in the past with some populations, where they are essentially left to die, or kill themselves.
This is the business model we subscribe to.
Just like in a tribe, if people aren't adding value, they are going to be left behind eventually. So, this means that either we will cull people off one way or another, or realign ourselves to what constitutes as value.
Why do we have to add value?
A colleague also described a world where none of us worked, where we didn't "have to worry about contributing value" to the group, because everything was taken care of by machines.
They saw this as a utopia.
I see it as a dystopia.
My question is, if we aren't adding value, what are we doing? And while the answer was "whatever we want", I don't think people fully understand what drives humans, and what our nature demands from us. It requires sharing of ourselves to at least feel relevant to others. This is part of the reason that the current culture of people hyper-focusing on their own pleasure, is leading to a lot of depressed people. It is because what they are actually doing to themselves, is reducing their relevancy in the world of others, making their life meaningless.
As I said to my colleague. The best steak in the world is not as good if it is eaten alone. The same with the best movie. The real value of these things is the sharing of experience, but if we aren't able to add value to our world, we are also not able to differentiate ourselves and be interesting to others either. We homogenize through consumptive behaviors, and end up isolating ourselves, because we are all the same.
A lot of people seem to drive for more representation of the average person in the media, but I don't want that at all. Because, the average person is not a model of health, so we shouldn't be normalizing unhealthiness as the model to be, just so we feel better about ourselves, We should all be striving to be better in some way, and modelling people better than us is how we learn, and how we push the envelope on our skillset.
And how we add value to others.
This morning my supervisor, a colleague and myself (both women) were sitting at a table having a coffee and my supervisor had a little bottle of some drink that she was struggling to open. I asked her if she would like me to do it, and added something like "are you going to show how manly you are?"
No. I am going to help you so you can drink your juice.
Note: she was teasing.
It isn't about being manly, it is about finger strength. My supervisor can deadlift 100kg, but that doesn't mean she has the same strength in her fingers that I do. In some things, I am going to be more suited, so we can share skillsets and add value to each other's experience. She gets some juice, I can get some help with structuring learning experiences - as she is better than me at that by far.
Introduce enough tools, and we have nothing to share with each other, because we don't have skill differentiation. This doesn't just affect what we can do for each other, it affects every interaction we have with each other. Perhaps the massive decline in sex in the younger age groups, as the normalization and explosion in the sex toy industry has meant that people can literally go fuck themselves better than a real partner. A bedroom aid, has become a partner replacement.
I can buy myself flowers
Write my name in the sand
Talk to myself for hours
Say things you don't understand
I can take myself dancing
And I can hold my own hand
Yeah, I can love me better than you can
-Miley Cyrus
People who think that technological evolution into automation and artificial intelligence is just going to affect worklife, are fooling themselves. These things are going to fundamentally change the way we operate as a society, and will impact on the very fabric of what makes us human, and gives us purpose as humans. We can already see it in the behaviors and outcomes of those who spend a large amount of time behind screens and digital experiences, and this is going to rapidly snowball as our comfort and convenience is paramount, over our health as a society.
We all want to be heard. But increasingly, the people shouting have no value to add to the conversation - they just want to feel like someone gives a shit about them.
No one does.
Buy a sex toy that has an algorithm to listen to your complaints of loneliness, and responds to make you feel like you matter.
Get fucked.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Being fascinated by ai and angling at it as a digital marketer, I think about this quite often.
For now, I use the tools to do some data collection for me and assemble industry specific social media content and trends. As easy as it is to get involved and use the tools, it baffles me to think people haven’t leveraged them yet.
In a similar vein, I see certain old dog business owners allowing their businesses to become irrelevant, invisible or obsolete because they “don’t like social media”. Blame the tough market or the young people or something beside themselves. Too bad you transformed from a resourceful and adaptive entrepreneur into just a business owner.
All projections I see feel like they are missing some evolution of society and humanity in their immediate leap from wooden grammar and shitty obvious images to complete domination of all things productive. I will try and learn and keep up and harness it as it evolves better than my competition and have that be my competitive advantage til it is not.
What concerns me more than people looking for the easy way out of hard work to a purposeless and unfulfilling existence is the source of this ai. All these revolutionary anti establishment freedom signallers are diving right into bed with the corporations who are making this ai. The corporations that are bent on profit and shareholder value over everything.
It is an interesting time on so many levels and ai isn’t even close to what it will be. Just in its topical infancy. Just hoping we debate and speculate ourselves behind the 8 ball while we wait and see. So many things to consider as it evolves and bends in the road that aren’t even there yet.
We need a little decentralized ai like Singularity (or whatever it was called) exists as a decentralized way for us all to benefit.
Lots of people have, but at least for me, the people using it for creating their content in the business world stand out, because it isn't specific enough, or expert enough. It is a bad look for sales outreach for instance.
It is convenient to do so. It is far easier to get into bed, then get out of bed.
I work in an area that is automating a lot of business tasks in companies and I can see where it is headed for a lot of roles. All will be affected, but it will be those who are able to add more than generic who will be valuable.
There is a good scene in the movie The Fifth Element that addresses the one guy's belief that machines will do everything for us eventually. The bad guy almost chokes because the little robots can't save his life. It's a pretty interesting scene. I'm kind of glad I am near the end of my working days (I hope). I think it would be very hard for me to shift focus at this age. Then again, I might surprise myself!
Such a great movie!
A lot of people are choking now, just slowly. It is like suicide by cigarette.
You asshole manly man, opening bottles and shit! Ugh!
There’s so many things that people don’t realize about what the vision for these AI robots. It’s pretty brutal honestly in a lot of ways. I would love to think that we are in store for some cool robots that help us fly across the universe but I know that’s not going to happen before iRobot type shit or terminator. The powers that shouldn’t be love control too much it’s very strange.
The gall I have...
We are generally in for a rough time, because unfortunately, we are generally average. Average is increasingly replaceable with better.
Ironically, even with my slipping into isolation again, I do not feel lonely. I do have my wife and youngest son living with me. I speak to my oldest son, older brother, and a cousin regularly. However, for whatever reason I manage to wall myself off from the people for the most part other than that. I do not think it is time for a sex toy, but I would love to get fucked, it has been a bit.
Loneliness might not be about being alone, but about not having purpose, or feeling like what is done. doesn't matter. We don't need to be surrounded by a lot of people to feel useful in the world.
Should I tell you to go get fucked ? :D
Another thread for me to chase down tonight.
No need to tell me that.
As someone who's been using sex toys for years, I can confidently say that this personal experience helps me battle loneliness, as well as any worries of abandonment or anxiety. Sometimes I even prefer it to my partner becuase I don't want her to feel like I'm using her body to vent my frustrations. I got my fleshlightshere, got her some clitoral stimulation vibrators, so we are together but by ourselves. As for two people who are working on their traumas right now and use sexuality as a canvas to paint our troubles, it is sincerely a life line for us.
I think food prices will drop greatly when robots grow vegetables and fruits. Delivery will be very cheap - literally cents. And people will not have to pay a large allowance; the state will only need to rent them androids. AI of androids will find the best ways to obtain food, etc.
Dystopic. People only seem to see the upside of "decreased prices" without realizing what else gets impacted by it. Humans are very complicated, but a lot of our human needs can't be adequately met by machines. But, they also can't be met by people who have the majority of their lives serviced by machines.
Perhaps but it's likely the unhealthiest food will be the “cheapest”. There’s one thing that they want and are aiming to do: control us by controlling the food. The organic fruits and vegetables are reserved for the people with the power. The bug paste is yours or mine because we are peasants. That is going to happen if we give them the ability.
Just today I talked about this with my colleagues :) And we all thought that the next generations will have a challenging life.
Yes. Luckily, they are in touch with their emotions and can spend their time crying into their phone camera, until they starve to death because they have nothing of value to trade. Even the good-looking people selling themselves on OnlyFans, will be replaced by better looking AI who are willing and able to do more.
I suppose that is coming. I won't be surprised there would be artificial womb systems too. Dissing gender roles would become easier once AI takes over. Problem is if people get addicted to virtual world where they get toy tending to their needs and artificial womb giving them new life. What's the point of real world lol.
There was a book called Red Dwarf (series by the same name based off it) where they lived in a game called BTL, better than life. You don't know this until the end of the book though. I see it like the drug addicts on the streets - they will starve themselves in a digital paradise.
I am currently reading some obscure book called 'Small is Good' written somewhere in the 70-80s. Some intriguing ideas (the author is a macro-economist). Check that one! You may like it. AI-related before the AI was invented.
By the title, I think I might suggest it to my wife...
It is amazing how much of the conversation has been going on (in some way) for a very long time. A hundred years or more of philosophers and science fiction writers predicting where we are now.
There have been a lot of cases where senior citizens get depressed after retiring. Sure some are able to cope by doing some hobbies, but a lot are having difficulty adjusting to life of not doing anything. What might seem like a utopia while working, turns into boredom when they experience it. They realize that there is a lot of time in a day, and you can only do a hobby for so much time everyday.
I don't know what purpose people will find in a fully automated world, but I do hope we think of one soon.
After retirement, men often suicide. They lose their connections to the world - lose purpose. Years of having something to do each day, turned into having nothing to do that matters.
I've definitely thought about this before and it's both exciting and a little scary to think about how AI could change the way we live and work. I wonder how we can ensure that humans still have a sense of value and purpose in a world where technology is so advanced.
I am not sure that we can ensure that we have a sense of value, unless we lie to ourselves and set "busywork" to make it feel like we are doing something useful - even though we aren't.
I think A.I is only going to creat better opportunities for people and the same interest for profit that companies have is what’s going to make A.I adoption slow. Because they want to maximize there earning which in turn will make people fail to afford it.
I don't hope the day AI completely replaces human activities comes, because it would come with a bunch of catastrophes and that is besides the massive loss of jobs. I think the way we are mentally fashioned as humans is that we feel relevant when we contribute our quota to the growth of society. I think it would be better to, as Ai tech improves, keep things under control via government policies and other means of regulation. Otherwise total chaos is what I see coming.
Humans could never achieve this utopia en masse because there would still be a scarcity of "luxury" goods, creating tiers of society that can afford different levels of goods. Just because machines can allow same base level of minimal subsistence, there will always be competition among people for the finer things in life.
Nice Miley quote! Gen Z and their kids toys these days.
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I think technology has advanced and now machines have replaced humans involvement in work but still I must say that the way we can done our jobs, no machine, robot can do that job like us.
We all have got our parts to do by making sure that AI does not replace human existence completely
We do not have to depend on it so much
It may be bad for us
Ten- tickles
Credit: reddit
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