Accidental Alignment


A pleasant surprise today, as I had a review and it looks like I scraped through for my quarterly bonus levels, which should arrive in November, so that is nice. I worked hard for this one, and I think that what I was working on is valuable for the company, as well as the people I am enabling. Working with Sales people means that when what I do helps, they make more money and I am able to make an impact on the organization.

There have been some positive signs.


I like being able to make an impact.

Some people find this sad, like "working for the man" is a terrible existence. It isn't, though it might depend on what job one does, the company worked for and perhaps the overall direction and purpose. For me, one of the two main reasons I started working for this company was because of the technology they develop, as I see the potential for it to meld into the blockchain world in the near future, even if they don't realize this yet.

The other reason was income security.

Income security is important to me these days, though it is hard to really be "secure" in this world, as it is becoming increasingly volatile. However, there are better and worse actions and I am trying to keep myself on the track of improvement.

This afternoon we had a team meeting and when we have some extra time, we take it in turns to deliver some kind of quick "best practice" for others to learn from. This is useful and a couple weeks ago, one of my colleagues used his round to open up a question as to how to improve his discomfort with learning new things. Where, he feels himself resistant. So today for my turn, I converted one of my old language training vocabulary exercises into a reflection exercise instead, because as we talked it through, the biggest hurdle to personal growth, is ourselves. Reflecting on the topic, how we feel about it and how we associate around it, allows us to uncover opportunities. I might give the template for the reflection session in another article some time.

However, what the small group quickly realized was not only are they more resistant to some things than they expected themselves to be, they also didn't have a good understanding between where they are and where they want to be. Using the exercise helped them build a type of task list of actions, which put together would help them reach their goal, but even independently would at least move the needle toward it and give benefits, even if they didn't make it all the way.

Life is very much like doing a jigsaw puzzle, except the pieces are from multiple sets and all jumbled together. To begin with, it is going to be very difficult but, once there is a clear picture of what the end goal is going to be like on the cover of the box, it is a matter of sorting through the pieces by color, shape and likelihood, whilst excluding the ones that are obviously not part of the final image. Frustrating to begin with, but as pieces start coming together and experience of what fits where becomes habitual, the process speeds up. However, if we don't have an idea of the end goal, we are just taking random pieces and likely getting nowhere fast.

Each of us have a spectrum of options in our life at all times and each decision will lead to an action that will move us in one particular direction over another. If our decisions are random, we are going to move in random directions, but we rarely do this. Instead, we tend to make decisions based on rules, such as which is the cheapest, the most convenient, the least painful, the best looking etc. This means that we are choosing a path, but not necessarily tempered by the guidelines of where we want to be. And, even if we know where we want to be, if we aren't performing the right actions that will get us there, we aren't going to get there, because the direction is opposed to the outcome.

This is why I like what I do for work, because it gives me a chance to see the future position and then investigate, build programs and enable processes to change behaviors that will help move toward that goal. It isn't a clean or fast process most of the time, and there is a lot of trial and error, but there is a way forward and I get to lay some of the pavers - put together some of the puzzle pieces.

And, going back to why I chose to work for this company, I see that the technology they are building is coming to a point where it is going to fit into the blockchain industry and might be a key piece for some companies in their model for their web 3 interactions. There is a convergence of other technologies that are vastly different, but are coming together to build the new digital economy and I think that many of them are still too narrow to see the bigger picture and where they sit within that framework.

I predict that in the next decade, a lot of companies are going to pivot their products a they realize that there is an opportunity to build in ways that they hadn't recognized earlier, because no one was looking. There are far fewer visionaries in companies than there might seem, and most of those who do have the vision, tend to be narrow in their focus because that is what pays their bills, that is their business. And when you are making good money doing your current business, it is hard to see how that might not be valuable in the future and it might be something completely different.

However, it is like sorting through that puzzle and getting halfway through the picture, and then realizing that the picture you want to build is actually made from the pieces you excluded as not the image earlier. However, there they are, neatly piled up, grouped together and waiting, so half the challenge of building the puzzle is already solved, it just needs intentional work performed to complete it. And, this is how I see a lot of the crypto and blockchain industry now, where we have a lot of puzzle pieces, but we haven't yet arranged them in a way that most people can look at them and say,

Hey, I know where that is headed!

For now, we don't have to be at the completed picture, we are still sorting through the pieces and seeing what we have and what is missing. There are a lot of gaps, but bit by bit, we are assembling components that resemble something, even though it is unclear exactly how it fits into the overall picture.

While a lot of people have a romantic view that the blockchain industry is going to be built buy fringe people doing what they love, mainstreaming is going to take development by businesses with dedicated teams looking to generate their revenue from blockchained business models. It is going to be more than gaming, more than content and entertainment, it is going to include business to business models that most people will never have any contact with at all, because they aren't aimed at the consumer.

For now, it is risky to make a full move into blockchain development, but there are companies out there that are making first moves toward it, even if they don't realize where they are actually headed. This is the same with governments, who are making their decisions seemingly on an end picture that all the puzzle pieces in the world, aren't going to be able to build. They think it is one thing, but it is a different animal completely.

By the time they recognize what has happened, it will be too late.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


Working for the man is sad. We're at that stage of productivity where all of our needs could be met with minimal effort but unfortunately the vast majority of the value is being unfairly siphoned to a small amount of people.

That aside though, working for the man provides a lot of opportunities that small businesses just can't offer. Small business is incredibly tough and usually all encompassing. For some people it will be more satisfying, and for others it requires too much. I definitely would never be able to do what I do and learn what I learn if I was just operating my own small business.

I'm glad your company is working with some interesting technologies. I'm personally glad I'm able to work with newer technologies... I have had jobs in the past working with outdated technologies, and it can be demoralizing.


Yes, it is sad in that sense. However, not working is a sadder existence! :D

Still operating my small buiness (just me) is good, but I find myself having less time to build it. However, there is more opportunity for me at the moment to spend the majority of my time working for a larger company, though the one I work for is not large really, but it is a decent company in many respects and global. It gives opportunities I wouldn't have if I was working only like I was prior.

I have had jobs in the past working with outdated technologies, and it can be demoralizing.

Yes. It is a growing issue and is cited as one of the reason good people leave.


Oh, I didn't realise you also had a small business. That's awesome! You are full of surprises.

My partner is actually looking to finish up working for big corporate and start her own small business and I'm really excited for her... it's definitely risky, but it's also well worth the try... especially if I can provide some income stability.


Oh, I didn't realise you also had a small business. That's awesome! You are full of surprises.

Yeah, I started it almost ten years ago as I wasn't able to do what I really wanted to do working for the company I was. I tried to get them to support me, but they said no. So I left and did it myself. It took time, but I was doing okay at it.

it's definitely risky, but it's also well worth the try... especially if I can provide some income stability.

It is risky but I also am trying to take the approach that it is better to try and fail, than play it safe and just survive at life. At the end of the day, no matter who we are or what we have done, no one will care to remember us, so we may as well try and do something we want to succeed at, than grind at something for someone else.

It isn't always successful, but it can still be satisfying.

Edit: Good luck to her!!

The support is a huge plus.


Sales is an important part of every organization. They are vital and the moving force of every institution


Congratulations on scraping by to get the bonus. It’s always amazing to read about one setting targets and putting in the work and then reading a follow up whose response is positive. Congratulations! once again.


I really do feel like Blockchain is where things are heading in the future. In many cases, people say Blockchain is similar to the Internet and how that developed over the years. I also wonder sometimes though, what if Blockchain is just a fad and if that is the case, what previous thing would we compare it to.


blockchain as we know it might be a fad, but I feel like the logic is sound, especially in terms of the need for building trust and AI services. The internet was called a fad by many too.


For sure, I'm just looking for other comparisons. If it isn't like the Internet, then what else might it be like.


Good job on getting the requirements for that bonus. I am wondering because work is considered an income source to make sure that my life is stable. I have enough to cover my costs and I still have some on the side to invest. Things are changing so fast and I am wondering if we will start living in the virtual reality world in the future like what I see in anime/manga. I think it's rapidly developing and I don't know if AI will make that different either.


We are definitely heading toward an anime dystopia of some kind. AI is going to be a facilitator for the process to develop quickly, because people love convenience and companies love to provide it for a fee.


This is why I like what I do for work,

You are certainly well-suited for it. Congrats on the good review and the bonus!


I wonder how many people dislike work, because they have chosen something for the money, rather than what is suitble?


Congrats on the bonus. It is nice that your hard work got rewarded. The topic, and the mention of puzzles pieces helped me realize that life isn't supposed to be a perfect, symmetrical, realistic painting. It can be an abstract with bits and pieces of your experience filling the canvas. As long as you're happy with the result, then it is best one there is.


I don't think it is possible to come close to finishing the puzzle in a lifetime, so we just build little bits of it that we focus on, hoping that it is enough to say, I had a good life.


I started my career in sales and it is there were some of my best work memories were made. My only problem with working corporate is that it requires a lot of time to be traded. I would have not left if they were say open to less working hours in a day. Like only 4 or 5. But to commit to 9 which is almost 40% of my day is really unappealing at least right now.


Would you have worked that many hours for half as much money?


Very good point. At the time no, but if know back then what i know now. I might have.


Congratulations to you on your bonus
Have a good day!


Huge congrats for the BONUS. Well deserved!

About working/jobs/tasks evolution, I see what you say. I would like to say that "less is more" BUT evolution cannot be stopped. It can be kept sustainable also according to human values and dimension


There are some natural laws on how much a human can work, which is why we aren't able to compete with AI in most regards and have to find new ways to define value, otherwise we become useless. I think web # is part of the redefinition process.


I feel that the move of decentralization would be long gone by the time we reach 2025. Like the classic socialist aspect would be replaced by centralized business and govt. And now that means we have to be extra careful on what to do on blockchain as everything would get indexed and open for the upper layer of people to view and manipulate.

On the context of job security, It has made me choose some of the odd jobs and also the odd services in order to pay my bill. And that has made me move city to city and also in the process it has it's benefits and the loss. But job security does matter because I don't have business and so relying on blockchain on the side is the only way.


I feel that the move of decentralization would be long gone by the time we reach 2025.

I see that it would have barely started by this point. Everything is already indexed - that is the internet. You are tracked whether on blockchain or not. Every page, every keystroke, every pause. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Job security for longer periods generally comes through developing a career that has value to an organization. It is an investment with risk.


If one is not doing their own business, they shouldn't say "working for the boss/man" as there is no other choice except being a civil servant.


And being a civil servant is the definition of the man! :D


I really like that jigsaw puzzle analogy. The only way to fail is to stop trying. Everything else is practice, learning and therefore progress.


I don't know what it is like there, but I feel that an increasing number are throwing their hands up and no longer trying. It isn't the majority, but it is a movement.
