Power of psychology helps us to understand many things better, including ourselves and behaviour of other people.

I started my psychology investigation some years ago when I felt I had many questions without answers, and I didn't get why I felt this or that way, and why I couldn't control it.
From that time I've made many interesting discoverings about human psyche and its work. Now I can understand myself better. Now I need to find ways of control over emotions and ways to create strong connection between Brain and Soul.

I'd like to share with you some interesting discoverings about our psychology.

For example - witness effect.

Have you ever noticed that when something bad occurs, and many people are involved into it, im most cases they are waiting when the problem will be solved without their direct participation. They are waiting that somebody else will solve it. There are many of people who see the problem, but why do exactly I have to do something? Somebody else will do it for sure and much better than me.
And the problem is that ALL of them think so, and as a result, noone do anything! The problem is never solved, or it will remain for a long time.

The starting date when attention was paid to this phenomenon is considered to be 1964. Then a young woman named Kitty Genovese was beaten to death in the streets of New York. At least 38 neighbors of the victim, awakened at three o’clock in the morning by her terrible screams, were watching in fascination from their windows for half an hour while the attacker was finishing his job. No spectators came forward to help the victim of the attack. Moreover, no one even bothered to pick up the phone and call the police until it was too late. During this time, the criminal managed to return to his victim three times in order to finally finish her off.

Where does this indifference come from?

The fact is that in a crowd, our personal responsibility for what is happening is blurred, because each of the eyewitnesses believes that it is not him, but someone else who should help the victims, and, perhaps, is already doing so.

At the same time, when there is only 1 witness, there are much more chances, that the problem will be saved, and this person will act fast and right.

Moreover, the same effect can be observed in team job. When a person works alone, his results are much better.
If it touches a team, the results will be slower and worsr, because the responsibility is divided into all participants of the group.
And the more people there are in the group, the worse results will be.

That's why work in small groups are always more effective.

It's so interesting, yeah?
Did you notice it?


11.604 STEM

Certainly an interesting post, that focuses on things related to Psychology. But I would ask if you have read the Guidelines of our community. You can find them in the "About" here: Conversely... you can see our "Posting Guide" here: Take a look, have a read, and once you have done so. Apply what you have learned, please.


0.000 STEM

thanks a lot
I've read your link, and I think that my post is exactly what is described there >Your commentary on a book, movie, or television show that changed the way you look at the world. What lessons did it impart? It was in books I've read and I've shared new info and impressions here.
If my post has broken the rules, I'm so sorry.

0.000 STEM
Thank you, for getting back to me. Again... this was a well-written post about Psychology... Yes, you read a book and shared what you learned from it. But... the mindset of our community, is what did the information you read, mean to You? The main mindset of our community is the ending result that was taken, on whatever the content being shared was... Rather than writing about the "idea" of Psychology. Tell your readers how the content in your post made "you" feel... can you see the difference?

Also... we require everyone to share the sources of any content being shared; images, graphics, content. The main purpose of our blockchain, after all, is Original Content. If the graphics are yours? Tell your readers what device you used to take the photographs! If the graphics are not yours? You must provide a link that takes your readers directly to the source... I hope this helps to answer any questions you might have...

©Thoughtful Daily Post

0.000 STEM

thank you for this detailed explanation!
Have a good day!

0.000 STEM