The Resiliency Of New Technologies


What if most new and emerging technologies become prohibited by governments?

Let's say the reason being that they fear the impact or influence of these technologies on society will be beyond their control.

Because artificial intelligence threatens human jobs or autonomy, it is outlawed in this scenario.

So also are blockchain and cryptocurrency, which defies the rules and norms of the traditional financial system. We can also add virtual reality/augmented reality on the list because they simply distort perceived reality, which makes it hard to differentiate between what's real and what isn't.

How about biotechnology? In the unfortunate event that a human gene manipulation goes wrong, the implications could be disastrous for the human species. Besides, it violates human dignity and morality, so biotech should be prohibited.

If this becomes a world we live in, a world without AI, blockchain and crypto, VR/AR and biotechnology, will it seem like a dream or a nightmare come true? How realistic is this possibility?

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Great Potential

The term emerging technologies refers to the new innovations that develop rapidly and offer new opportunities for individuals and businesses alike.

Some examples are artificial intelligence, virtual reality and biotechnology. Despite being in their early stages, some have already significantly transform the way we do things. And they hold great potential to significantly change various aspects of our lives, such as health and education for the better.

However, with significant changes comes significant challenges. These technologies can equally affect various aspects of our lives negatively and create new forms of problems that will seem impossible to solve.

To ensure that these technologies are used ethically and responsibly, many people agree that there is a need for regulation and governance of them.

But regulating and governing new technologies is far from easy. Evidently, it is often very hard or even impossible to ban or shutdown these technologies. This is in part due to their resilient nature which gives them the ability to withstand or adapt to various pressures or threats that try to limit or stop them.

Fast Changing And Decentralized

Anytime I want to upset the older generation around me that are opposed to technological changes, I'll say the world has changed drastically, everything is very different now.

Immediately they'll retort back at me drawing to my attention the fundamentals that are non changing such as the sun still rises and sets and trees continue to bear fruit like in the olden days.

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Truly, there's a disconnect in perception. The world is the same, but our realities are different. However, the tide of change caused by technology is quite noticeable due to its rapid pace.

The development and impact of new technologies are hard to follow for regulators, as they change quickly.

The man made law often lags behind the constant innovation and the social impact of new technologies, making it hard to define and enforce appropriate rules and norms.

Interestingly, a big hurdle with regulation is the resistance or opposition from the creators and users of these technologies, who may have different interests or incentives than the regulators. Perhaps, self regulation will do?

I'll argue that it is near impossible to ban or shutdown technologies that rely on networks of users, devices, or data that are not confined by borders or jurisdictions.

There's something truly magical about them in that they are beyond even the most powerful organizations known on the planet. Blockchain, crypto and to some extent, artificial intelligence fall onto this category.

An intermediary or central authority is not required for these, as they are based on peer-to-peer. If the resources permits, they could even operate beyond the planet.

According to Leoglossary, decentralization is 'the process of distributing power away from a central point. This can often create more resiliency to a system since the power is not in the hands of a few individuals or entities.'

By nature, regulation usually comprises a few individuals or a single entity. This is how most countries are, a bunch of entities that do not get along well with each other. Regulators neither have the authority nor the capacity to regulate these technologies across different countries or regions.

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In Closing

It's quite obvious that the answer to the question posed on the introduction about how realistic of a possibility in banning all those technologies is going to fall to zero. It's in the best interest of all parties to keep them operational.

The real question is about control. Although these new technologies are resilient thanks to their decentralized nature and ability for rapid progress, they do not choose their direction. That will have to be decided by us. Hopefully, the decision is made consciously and collectively.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Thank you for this beautiful post. We are often quick to put bans on innovations or things we do not understand rather than channeling our energies into understanding what they're about and how they can be used to better our lives


Exactly! It's reactional and based on the fear of losing control of already established systems. People are still saying that AI will bring about our doom and it's just a matter of time before it happens! Oftentimes, they focus on a particular angle and overlook the global view. These new technologies are here to stay and they will change our lives(for the better).
Thanks for stopping by :)


A world without the aforementioned technologies will really be something I won't love to go back into witnessing but truth be told, the government can only try as much as they can to fight these developments but then these technologies were developed having these things in mind, they were prepared for the whole fight the government will come with.

For instance, blockchain is banned in my country but here I am doing that comfortable just that this time trying to be cautious while transacting with it and nothing else.

I think all new developments should also get their minds prepared


Indeed! These technologies by nature are designed to be beyond their reach so that they could effect a positive change unimpeded. But governments will definitely try their luck, to get a large piece of the pie and continue their control on the majority.

Oh wow, the ban of blockchain is quite unnecessary as they will realise the hard way that there's little to no effect on their ban as they intend it to be. It's hard for limited minds to understand or acknowledge these key concepts about new technologies.

Many thanks for stopping by :)


I believe that the new emerging technologies will have both effect they will bring a good change in the society and they will also bring some level of destruction. But the more important is how we put it to use. If we use it responsibly then even the dangerous ones can work in good favor for us. The way technology is rapidly developing I do not think Governments will be able to control them, specially now the decentralized ones which gives more power to individuals.


Right. We can collectively put these new technologies into good use that benefit humanity at large than suffering from its negative effects.

I agree! Governments are already lagging behind with keeping up to date the progress that the world is experiencing. I feel that their systems were meant to operate in the old world. Decentralization is uncomfortable by them, which is a great thing for the prosperity of these technologies.

Thanks for stopping by :)
